Zkramble - Raw - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Zkramble - Raw

It's a sunny day, pero se me nubla el pensamiento
It's a sunny day, but my thoughts are clouded over.
Me cuestiono cuando será mi próximo escarmiento
I wonder when my next lesson will be.
De más que pronto, verán del otro lado
Sooner rather than later, you'll see the other side.
En grandes combos, será descontrolado
In big combos, it will be uncontrolled.
Adjetivos, sustantivos, verbos modales
Adjectives, nouns, modal verbs.
Son materia moviendo la boca y accionando cuerdas vocales
They are matter moving my mouth and activating vocal cords.
Así sale, y es lo que me mantiene fuerte
That's how it comes out, and it's what keeps me strong.
Prefiero esto yo que mariposas en el vientre
I prefer this over butterflies in my stomach, girl.
Vivo soñando con correr o ser perseguido
I live dreaming of running or being chased.
Algún mal me vendrá a ver y yo desprevenido
Some evil will come to see me, and I'll be unprepared.
Los libros juntan polvo en la repisa de mi estante
Books gather dust on my shelf.
Pago con tiempo cada cosa que tengo delante
I pay with time for everything in front of me.
Presiono audífonos pa' escuchar mejor el drum
I press headphones to hear the drum better.
You fucking dumb, I like shaking the head strong with a song
You fucking dumb, I like shaking my head strong with a song.
Buscar coincidir con alguien en un tarareo
Trying to coincide with someone humming a tune.
Es como pensar que el Papa Francisco se vuelve ateo
It's like thinking Pope Francis will become an atheist.
Quien reparte cizañas y artimañas en beats va a llorar
Whoever spreads discord and tricks in beats will cry.
Será un hooligan y yo Eric Cantona
He'll be a hooligan and I'll be Eric Cantona.
Si razonas un poco sabrás que la vida cambia
If you think a little, you'll know that life changes.
Un día eres un pichón y al otro día águila calva
One day you're a pigeon, and the next day a bald eagle.
Si mi obra entre tus pensamientos se traslapa
If my work overlaps your thoughts, darling,
Baja por pasaje Olga, te acordai' al toque de mi chapa
Come down Olga passage, you'll remember my tag right away.
Y no está hecha pa' esconderse como rata
And it's not made to hide like a rat.
This lacra lanza parrafadas hasta calmar almas
This scoundrel throws out paragraphs until he calms souls.
Go away.
Malgasté horas por gente que se cree estandarte
I wasted hours on people who think they're a standard-bearer.
Fuck that shit, magnates
Fuck that shit, tycoons.
Quieren verte en el piso hasta tragarte
They want to see you on the ground until they swallow you whole.
La tierra, si erras sinceramente te caerán regaños
The earth, if you err sincerely, you will be scolded.
De todo aquel se sienta con el derecho
By everyone who feels entitled.
Flip the bird, homie
Flip the bird, homie.
Aguantas tanta shit por el mínimo en pesos
You put up with so much shit for the minimum wage.
Y no es porque hagas un mínimo esfuerzo
And it's not because you make a minimal effort.
Su oferta laboral indigna
Their job offer is insulting.
No te van a valorar sin firma
They won't value you without a signature.
Se van a forrar en guita
They're going to line their pockets.
Los fellaz a ahorrar te invitan
The fellas invite you to save.
Pa' no gastar a destajo, ves vasos medios llenos
So you don't spend lavishly, you see half-full glasses.
Es parte del proceso, less than half es algo bueno
It's part of the process, less than half is a good thing.
Este bote está flotando por incertidumbre
This boat is floating through uncertainty.
No hay opciones o yo yazco sin ver mi cumbre
There are no options or I lie without seeing my summit.
La muerte viene y nadie me va a avisar
Death comes and no one will warn me.
Santiago Nasar, vi pasar gente con cara criminal
Santiago Nasar, I saw people with criminal faces pass by.
Acción de gravedad, paraje de cada persona
Gravity's action, the setting of each person.
Te levantas, te caes, determinas, cuestionas
You get up, you fall, you determine, you question.
Pero este mundo anda a 100 kilómetros por hora
But this world goes 100 kilometers per hour.
Decisiones precipitadas la psique te devoran
Hasty decisions devour your psyche.
El Samson que tengo al frente
The Samson I have in front of me.
Tragando lo que uno siente
Swallowing what one feels.
Tomando color ardiente
Taking on a fiery color.
Contrabando del sol naciente
Smuggling from the rising sun.
Yakuza, ya tu sabes los ingredientes
Yakuza, you know the ingredients.
No me enfrentí' o me obligai a mostrarte todos los dientes
Don't confront me or force me to show you all my teeth.
Injerto de grafeno pal' invento de rapero
Grafting graphene onto the rapper's invention.
Estoy inserto en el terreno de miradores en menos
I'm inserted in the land of lookouts in less.
Predicador de lo ajeno, erí' el carbón para el fuego
Preacher of what's foreign, you're the coal for the fire.
Y yo estoy cremando cruelmente tu ego
And I'm cruelly burning your ego.

Авторы: Jean Plaza

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