Zoo - La del Futbol - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Zoo - La del Futbol

La del Futbol
Soccer Ball
Corre per la banda una banda armada,
There's a band running by the sideline, a militant band,
Armada per màfies, ambient distés.
Armed by the mafia, but the atmosphere is relaxed.
22 cabrons encenent la grada, la penya malhumorada
22 jerks light up the grandstand, you're killing the vibe,
Perquè no entra el balonet.
Because the ball won't go in.
La multitud anava al circ romà,
The crowds used to go to the Roman circus,
Passió real, fidelitat devota.
True passion, devotional loyalty.
La soledat no és plat de gust, germà,
Loneliness is not on the menu, my friend,
Soc gilipollas però no masoca.
I'm an idiot, but I'm not masochistic.
La multitud vol gol, i gol tindrà,
The crowds want goals, and they will get goals,
Domini clar del joc i la pilota,
Clear control of the game and the ball,
I tu has triat l′equip equivocat,
And you've picked the wrong team,
Sempre perdent, dia de la marmota.
Always losing, Groundhog Day.
Corre per la banda una banda armada,
There's a band running by the sideline, a militant band,
Armada per màfies, ambient distés.
Armed by the mafia, but the atmosphere is relaxed.
22 cabrons encenent la grada, la penya malhumorada
22 jerks light up the grandstand, you're killing the vibe,
Perquè no entra el balonet.
Because the ball won't go in.
Jo, que em somiava seleccionat,
Me, I dreamed I'd be in the national team,
"Per entrar ací no cal nota",
"No need for grades to get in here",
Que fàcil pinten les coses quan tens uns cognoms tan llargs.
How easy they make it sound when you have such a long last name.
Tu, que et van dir "vas a ser un crack!",
You, they told you "you're going to be a superstar!",
T'has quedat amb cara d′idiota,
You're just standing there looking like an idiot,
Una partida amanyada i un gol cantat.
A rigged game and a sure-fire goal.
Són dosis d'opi letal,
They are lethal doses of opium,
Puntades del capital...
Kicks from the wealthy...
I t'han fregit la neurona,
And they've fried your brain,
I mai acaba el partit:
And the game never ends:
Trinca Juan Carlos; trinca Felip.
Juan Carlos makes a killing, so does Felipe.
I algú assenyala la lluna,
And someone points at the moon,
Però mirem tots al dit.
But we all look at the finger.
No se sent a gust, no viu tranquil,
He doesn't feel comfortable, he doesn't live at ease,
Su majestad està trist!
Your majesty is sad!
I t′han fregit la neurona,
And they've fried your brain,
I mai acaba el partit:
And the game never ends:
Trinca Juan Carlos; trinca Felip.
Juan Carlos makes a killing, so does Felipe.
I algú assenyala la lluna,
And someone points at the moon,
Però mirem tots al dit.
But we all look at the finger.
No se sent a gust, no viu tranquil,
He doesn't feel comfortable, he doesn't live at ease,
Su majestad està trist!
Your majesty is sad!
Su majestad està trist!
Your majesty is sad!
Su majestad està trist!
Your majesty is sad!
Su majestad està trist!
Your majesty is sad!
Su majestad...
Your majesty...
Corre per la banda una banda armada.
There's a band running by the sideline, a militant band.

Авторы: Antonio Fort Fayos, Antonio Sánchez Pardines, Arnau Jimenez Sánchez, Héctor Galán I Benito, Ignacio Ciscar Piles, Marcos úbeda I Faus

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