Zoo - La dels Beatles - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Zoo - La dels Beatles

La dels Beatles
The Beatles' One
Trau la botella de vi, para taula i mantell
Bring out the bottle of wine, put out a table and tablecloth
Com per a una boda, com per al rei
Like for a wedding, like for a king
Tria un vestit que no estiga de moda
Choose a dress that's not in fashion
Sense vergonya, sense remei
Without shame, without remedy
Ret-li homenatge a la mort del teu odi
Pay tribute to the death of your hatred
Crida, salvatge, la fe del convers Uff
Shout wild, faith of the new convert
Cauen com a mosques a la mel, "pleitesia"
They fall like flies into the honey, "homage"
Tant no volaven, no eren ocells, no
They didn't fly so much, they weren't birds
Posaven trampes, posaven frens, contaven coses
They set traps, they put on the brakes, they told stories
Pensen que saben, saben que tens
They think they know, they know what you have
I no fluixen ni en ràpid ni en lent
And they don't flow in fast or slow
Toni, sap per dimoni, i sap més per vell
Tony knows by the devil, and knows more by age
Sent les pulletes per aire, per mar
He hears the jokes by air, by sea
Posen de luxe, rapegen tan mal
They look so glamorous, they rap so bad
I diuen boles, van a les modes, malgasten bolis
And they tell lies, they follow trends, they waste pens
No calen pedres, cauen a soles
No need for stones, they fall on their own
És la clau i no el martell
It's the key and not the hammer
No és la ploma, és el pinzell
It's not the feather, it's the brush
Tots guardem un secret
We all keep a secret
Una fe: jura, promet
A faith: swear, promise
Ni retrets, ni flors, ni lleis
No reproaches, no flowers, no laws
No és el cor, són els budells
It's not the heart, it's the guts
Eixe pis està net?
Is that apartment clean?
Besaran per on xafe el monet
They will kiss where the money is
Tan tard, sempre tan tard
So late, always so late
No canvia mai la persona
The person never changes
Canvia el grau de soledat
The degree of loneliness changes
I el mal, pesa a les mans
And evil weighs on the hands
Perquè els marrons es fan bola
Because the chestnuts gather into balls
I el talent que s′ha amagat
And the talent that has hidden itself
I els remou més el passat
And the past stirs them up more
Records que no alimenten, records que donen fam
Memories that do not feed, memories that give hunger
Llestos però abandonats, eixos van ser llestos sempre
Smart but abandoned, they were always smart
És la clau i no el martell
It's the key and not the hammer
No és la ploma, és el pinzell
It's not the feather, it's the brush
Tots guardem un secret
We all keep a secret
Una fe: jura, promet
A faith: swear, promise
Ni retrets, ni flors, ni lleis
No reproaches, no flowers, no laws
No és el cor, són els budells
It's not the heart, it's the guts
Eixe pis està net?
Is that apartment clean?
Besaran per on xafe el monet
They will kiss where the money is
Jo ja que t'agraden més Els Beatles
I know you like the Beatles better
Que li falta força al vers
That the verse lacks strength
Però amic, no em crucifiques
But my friend, don't crucify me
Que el que fa tot el que pot, mai està obligat a més
For he who does his best is never obliged to do more
Jo ja que t′agraden més Els Beatles
I know you like the Beatles better
Que li falta força al vers
That the verse lacks strength
Però amic, no em crucifiques
But my friend, don't crucify me
Que el que fa tot el que pot, mai està obligat a més
For he who does his best is never obliged to do more
És la clau i no el martell
It's the key and not the hammer
No és la ploma, és el pinzell
It's not the feather, it's the brush
Tots guardem un secret
We all keep a secret
Una fe: jura, promet
A faith: swear, promise
Ni retrets, ni flors, ni lleis
No reproaches, no flowers, no laws
No és el cor, són els budells
It's not the heart, it's the guts
Eixe pis està net?
Is that apartment clean?
Besaran per on xafe el monet
They will kiss where the money is

Авторы: Antonio Fort Fayos, Antonio Sánchez Pardines, Arnau Jimenez Sánchez, Héctor Galán I Benito, Ignacio Ciscar Piles, Marcos úbeda I Faus

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