Zoo - Ventiladors - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Zoo - Ventiladors

Volen lligar-te a un discurs, a una bandera
They want to tie you to a discourse, to a flag
Tot el que eres seràs
All that you are you will be
Volen nugar-te a una marca, a una idea
They want to bind you to a brand, to an idea
Volen que digues si és negre o si és blanc
They want you to say if it's black or if it's white
Volen la nit de la vida
They want the night of life
La volen buida, no volen vore't dubtar
They want it empty, they don't want to see you doubt
Volen quietut i la volen indefinida
They want peace and quiet and they want it indefinite
Volen la seguretat
They want security
Ser d'este món és un poc complicat
Being from this world is a bit complicated
Ser i no ser-ho de forma normal
To be and not to be in a normal way
Baix del meu llit tonelades de tristesa
Under my bed, tons of sadness
Em queda la disfressa de sant?
Does the saint's disguise suit me?
De què estàs fugint quan acuses?
What are you running from when you accuse?
Les teues paraules on van?
Where do your words go?
Quan no quede res, tampoc hi haurà excuses
When there is nothing left, there will be no excuses either
Tornen les hòsties com un boomerang
The blows come back like a boomerang
Ara és blaneta la pedra
Now the stone is white
Ara fa un fred tropical
Now it's tropical cold
S'han fet de pau i de guerra
They have become peace and war
Totes les contradiccions
All the contradictions
I les cançons, ventiladors
And the songs, fans
Que esguiten merda, merda pa' tots
That sprinkle shit, shit for everyone
Deixa que et cante la carta, tenim de tot
Let me sing you the letter, we have everything
De qualitat normaleta
Of normal quality
Li pose tot el carinyo, baixa eixe foc
I put all my love into it, turn down that fire
Volen la base ben feta
They want the base well done
Si a mi se'm talla la salsa, un nou bufó
If my sauce is cut off, a new jester
Mai menjaré de calent
I will never eat hot food
He de mantindre esta farsa, qui paga mana
I have to keep up this farce, whoever pays the piper calls the tune
Sóc jo o son ells els clients?
Is it me or are they the clients?
Volen paraules com armes, dignes i plenes
They want words like weapons, dignified and full
Que òbrigues cor i cartera
That open hearts and wallets
Volen metàfores i actes, drama i teatre
They want metaphors and acts, drama and theater
Volen titella i trinxera
They want puppets and trenches
Volen que passes l'examen que ells posen
They want you to pass the exam they set
Volen ser jutges i autoritat
They want to be judges and authority
Volen que dones la pasta que guanyes
They want you to give the money you earn
Diguem-ho clar: volen manar
Let's be clear: they want to rule
Deixa que traga l'ego a subasta
Let the ego swallow up the auction
Ja prou d'escriure i pensar a la carta
Enough of writing and thinking à la carte
Deixa que diga el que pensa el dimoni dormit
Let the sleeping devil say what he thinks
Deixa que em lleve el vestit
Let me take off my suit
Somiaven feres dormides, frases domades
They dreamed of sleeping beasts, tamed phrases
Líriques subordinades
Subordinated lyrics
Plats ben calents, postres gelats
Hot dishes, frozen desserts
Volien merda i tenen Raval
They wanted shit and they have Raval
Ara és blaneta la pedra
Now the stone is white
Ara fa un fred tropical
Now it's tropical cold
S'han fet de pau i de guerra
They have become peace and war
Totes les contradiccions
All the contradictions
I les cançons, ventiladors
And the songs, fans
Que esguiten merda, merda pa' tots
That sprinkle shit, shit for everyone
Volen i volen, no solen buidar
They want and want, they don't usually empty
Tot ho controlen, el i el mal
They control everything, good and evil
Eixa és la fórmula, este és un fals
That's the formula, this is a fake
Eixes no molen, no em fan volar
Those don't grind, they don't make me fly
Eixa has fallat la teoria i la canviaria
That one has failed the theory and I would change it
Esta és un poc regular
This one is a bit so-so
Esta està bé, però es nota l'hipocresia
This one is fine, but you can tell the hypocrisy
I a esta li falla el final
And this one has a flawed ending
Critica i ataca
Criticize and attack
Mira la butxaca
Look at the pocket
Heroi sense capa
Hero without a cape
Lo que diga el negrata
Whatever the black guy says
Ara és blaneta la pedra
Now the stone is white
Ara fa un fred tropical
Now it's tropical cold
S'han fet de pau i de guerra
They have become peace and war
Totes les contradiccions
All the contradictions
I les cançons, ventiladors
And the songs, fans
Que esguiten merda, merda pa' tots
That sprinkle shit, shit for everyone
Ara és blaneta la pedra
Now the stone is white
Ara fa un fred tropical
Now it's tropical cold
S'han fet de pau i de guerra
They have become peace and war
Totes les contradiccions
All the contradictions
I les cançons, ventiladors
And the songs, fans
Que esguiten merda, merda pa' tots
That sprinkle shit, shit for everyone

Авторы: Antonio Sánchez

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