Zoči Voči - Deti Stratenej Generacie - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Zoči Voči - Deti Stratenej Generacie

Deti Stratenej Generacie
Children of a Lost Generation
Všetko je to stav, ktorý si videl vo filme,
It's all a state you saw in the movie,
Ilúzia, naprogramované chovanie,
An illusion, programmed behavior,
Je to energia, ktorú nemusíš prijať,
It's an energy you don't have to accept,
Je to iba pocit v hlave, falošná emócia.
It's just a feeling in your head, a false emotion.
Ľudia ťa chcú vidieť dole, silný človek ide hore,
People want to see you down, a strong person goes up,
Slabý človek závidí, tým kto si všetko kompenzuje.
A weak person envies those who compensate for everything.
Moje merítko neni škola ani žiadne love,
My scale isn't school or any love,
Svoje uspokojenie a šťastie každý iné,
Everyone has their own satisfaction and happiness,
Ja sa ťa pýtam, definuj mi čo je šťastie,
I ask you, define for me what happiness is,
Je to túžba, je to stav, je to eufória, ktorá rastie?
Is it desire, is it a state, is it euphoria that grows?
Ty si ten tvorca svojich vlastných snov,
You are the creator of your own dreams,
Nenechaj si zobrať ilúzie, poď so mnou!
Don't let them take your illusions, come with me!
Každá búrka sa raz skončí a na konci vyjde slnko,
Every storm will end someday and the sun will come out at the end,
život je rovnováha, on ťa skúša, či vydržíš toľko,
Life is a balance, it tests you, whether you can withstand so much,
Bojovný, pokorný, slobodný a pri tom pozorný,
Fighting, humble, free and at the same time attentive,
Neoblomný a tvrdý, hrdý, poď so mnou, budeš prvý!
Unwavering and tough, proud, come with me, you'll be the first!
Aj keď máš nad sebou mraky a si vyrovnaný so sebou, ou, ou, ou,
Even if you have clouds above you and you are at peace with yourself, ou, ou, ou,
Vtedy ťa nikto nezlomí a slnko ide za tebou, (ou, ou, ou,)
Then no one will break you anymore and the sun goes after you, (ou, ou, ou,)
Aj keď sme deti stratenej generácie,
Even if we are children of a lost generation,
Všetko silné, čo sme zažili, nás nezabije,
Everything strong that we have experienced will not kill us,
Kto je narodený víťazit', nech ruky hore so mnou, (ou, ou, ou
Who is born to win, let them raise their hands with me, (ou, ou, ou
Každý deň, keď si ráno umývam môj ksicht,
Every day, when I wash my face in the morning,
Nemyslím na to pred tým, ale na to, čo prísť.
I don't think about what was before, but about what's to come.
Dobre vim čo zmeniť vtedy, keď chcem lepšie žiť,
I know what to change when I want to live better,
Tak berem telefón, čisté tendy, vetrám byt.
So I take the phone, clean tenders, air out the apartment.
Hlavu hore, vždy mám komu veriť, si to minimálne ty,
Head up, I always have someone to believe in, you're at least that,
Dovtedy, dokedy je to náš svet a ich.
Until it's our world and not theirs.
Život je kruh, nemá cit, zabíja sny, zobrať dych,
Life is a circle, it has no feelings, it kills dreams, it takes your breath away,
Bije dobrých, len zlých, je to tak, jebe na všetkých.
It beats the good, not just the bad, it's like that, it doesn't care about anyone.
Ja vim, že sa musím naučiť na svojich ramenách,
I know I have to learn on my shoulders,
Nosiť bremená (Čo?!) pri tom sa udržať na kolenách.
Carry burdens (What?!) while staying on my knees.
Pamätaj, že každá sekunda voľačo znamená,
Remember that every second means something,
Jak po červenej zelená a po búrke príde premena.
Like green after red and after the storm comes transformation.
Na každú jednu slzu je tu dvakrát toľko smiechu,
For every tear, there is twice as much laughter,
A dvakrát toľko dobrých činov od každého hriechu.
And twice as many good deeds for every sin.
Preto nestrácam čas na myšlienky negatívne,
Therefore, I don't waste time on negative thoughts,
Nechcem nič riešiť, chcem myslieť pozitívne.
I don't want to solve anything, I want to think positively.
Aj keď máš nad sebou mraky a si vyrovnaný so sebou, ou, ou, ou,
Even if you have clouds above you and you are at peace with yourself, ou, ou, ou,
Vtedy ťa nikto nezlomí a slnko ide za tebou (ou, ou, ou).
Then no one will break you anymore and the sun goes after you (ou, ou, ou).
Aj keď sme deti stratenej generácie,
Even if we are children of a lost generation,
Všetko silné, čo sme zažili, nás nezabije,
Everything strong that we have experienced will not kill us,
Kto je narodený víťaziť, nech ruky hore so mnou, (ou, ou, ou).
Who is born to win, let them raise their hands with me, (ou, ou, ou).

Авторы: Marek Surin, Michal Straka, Patrick Vrbovsky, Dominik Husak, Miloslav Suchomel

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