Zverina feat. Danosť - Pochádzam Z Čias - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Zverina feat. Danosť - Pochádzam Z Čias

Pochádzam Z Čias
I Come from the Times
Pochádzam z čias - keď nebolo piko a žral sa durman,
I come from the times - when there was no peak and there was a bully,
VHS kazety, na ktorých bol Jean-Claude van Damme.
VHS tapes, on which was Jean-Claude van Damme.
Každý chlapec ešte nechcel byť raper
Every boy didn't want to be a rapper yet
A všetci chceli mať telo ako Arnold Schwarzenegger.
And everyone wanted to have a body like Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Prišiel zo školy a hodil tašku do rohu,
I came from school and threw my bag into the corner,
Zobral som bike a vybehol na ulicu.
I took my bike and ran out into the street.
Hrali sme futbal do noci jak Maradona,
We played football into the night like Maradona,
Kto to nehral bol baba alebo primadona.
He who didn't play it was a woman or a primadonna.
Behali sme po lese a každý chcel byť Vinnetou,
We ran through the forest and everyone wanted to be Winnetou,
šiškou do hlavy som ťa trafil z kilometru.
I hit you in the head with a pine cone from a kilometer away.
Hádzali sme shurikeny, točili sme nunchaky,
We threw shurikens, turned nunchakus,
Trikrát denne som si s tým drbol do hlavy.
Three times a day, I smashed my head with it.
Nebolo KFC, McDonald's ani sushi
There was no KFC, McDonald's or sushi
A Mike Tyson vtedy jedol uši.
And Mike Tyson ate ears at the time.
A kúpili sme motorku, ktorá nemala motor,
And we bought a motorcycle that didn't have an engine,
Chvalabohu, že som v detstve nechcel mať traktor.
Thank God I didn't want to have a tractor as a child.
Sentiment tu zapláva,
Sentimentality floods here,
Atmosféru nasáva.
Soaks up the atmosphere.
Žitie, žiadna námaha
Life, no effort
A nekončiaca sa zábava.
And endless fun.
Niečo vidím živo jak včera,
I see something as clearly as yesterday,
čo je dnes prekrúca mi črevá.
what turns my guts today.
Pravdaže vrátiť sa to nedá,
Of course, it's not possible to go back,
šťastní spomíname na seba.
we remember ourselves happily.
Pochádzam z čias, keď telka mala desať kanálov
I come from the times when TV had ten channels
A rodina sa tešila aj z kila banánov.
And the family was also happy with a kilo of bananas.
Jedla nebol prebytok, za to jedlo sa zdravšie,
There was no surplus of food, but the food was healthier,
Nebol konzum, nechceli sme všetko novšie, krajšie.
There was no consumerism, we didn't want everything newer, more beautiful.
Nemali sme virtuálny svet,
We didn't have a virtual world,
Ale bunkre v kríkoch alá kartónová spleť.
But bunkers in the bushes á la cardboard mesh.
A telefón bol vonku iba v búdkach, i keď,
And the telephone was outside only in booths, even though,
Jak to vravím by som to ihneď vrátil späť.
As I say it, I would return it immediately.
Netunovali sme compy, ale biky,
We didn't tune in comps, but bikes,
BMX 20 VRC, úprava starký.
BMX 20 VRC, adjustment guys.
Záťahy na každý strom čo mal niečo jedlé,
Raids on every tree that had something edible,
Ani byť jak stádo opíc, nám neprišlo jeblé.
Even to be like a herd of monkeys, it didn't seem fucked up to us.
Netrápili nás palivá fosilné
Fossil fuels didn't bother us
A niečo jak SkyNet hrozilo iba vo filme.
And something like SkyNet was threatened only in the film.
Svet tu u nás nebol z naprogramovaných más,
The world here with us was not of programmed masses,
Využívali sme čas, nevyužíval on nás.
We used time, it didn't use us.
Sentiment tu zapláva,
Sentimentality floods here,
Atmosféru nasáva.
Soaks up the atmosphere.
Žitie, žiadna námaha
Life, no effort
A nekončiaca sa zábava.
And endless fun.
Niečo vidím živo jak včera,
I see something as clearly as yesterday,
čo je dnes prekrúca mi črevá.
what turns my guts today.
Pravdaže vrátiť sa to nedá,
Of course, it's not possible to go back,
šťastní spomíname na seba.
we remember ourselves happily.

Авторы: Daniel Pitonak

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