Zverina feat. Separ - Dílerská - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Zverina feat. Separ - Dílerská

Dealer's Life
Z tejto planéty sa stal jeden obrovský Big Brother,
This planet has become one giant Big Brother,
Všade kam ideš ťa sleduje tisíc kamier.
A thousand cameras are watching you everywhere you go.
Vždy keď ideš do ulíc predávať pytle,
Whenever you go out on the streets to sell bags,
Vyberie sa baterka, mobil sa vypne.
The battery runs out, the mobile phone turns off.
Vymysli si prezývku, nikomu nepovedz kde bývaš,
Come up with a nickname, don't tell anyone where you live,
Keď ťa budú hľadať, zíde sa tajná skrýša.
When they come looking for you, a secret hiding place will appear.
Nikomu never, lebo každý vie byť krysa,
Don't trust anyone, because everyone can be a rat,
Vo vyšetrovačke kde dostáva návrhy od fízla.
At the police station where they get tips from the snitch.
Buď neviditeľný - ako duch Patrick Swayze,
Be invisible - like Patrick Swayze's ghost,
Nie jak neopatrné dílerské sezónne hviezdy.
Not like careless dealers, seasonal stars.
Kúpia si drahé auto jazdia šmykom do zákruty,
They buy an expensive car, they drift into corners,
zastavení za rýchlosť keď majú kilo v kufri.
They are stopped for speeding when they have a kilo in the trunk.
Poznal som chlapca ktorý chcel byť ako Scarface,
I knew a guy who wanted to be like Scarface,
Díloval piko - mu nestačil grass.
He was dealing coke - grass wasn't enough for him anymore.
Nedával si pozor - chytilo ho a dnes,
He wasn't careful - he got caught and today,
Keď mu v sprche padne mydlo na zem - stres.
When he drops the soap on the floor in the shower - he gets stressed.
Áno viem, každý chce byť Gangster,
Yes, I know, everyone wants to be a Gangster,
No ide za mreže keď to nerobí dobre.
But he goes to jail when he doesn't do it right.
Tam ho do riti šukáva nejaký monster
There he gets fucked in the ass by some monster
A sníva o úteku jak z väznice Shawshank.
And dreams of escaping like from Shawshank Prison.
Áno viem, každý chce byť Gangster,
Yes, I know, everyone wants to be a Gangster,
No ide za mreže keď to nerobí dobre.
But he goes to jail when he doesn't do it right.
Tam ho do riti šukáva nejaký monster
There he gets fucked in the ass by some monster
A sníva o úteku jak z väznice Shawshank.
And dreams of escaping like from Shawshank Prison.
Kde bolo tam bolo - stred sídliska,
Where it was, there it was - the middle of the housing estate,
Panelové domy a životná úroveň nízka.
Panel houses and a low standard of living.
Chlapci nemajú bohatých tatov jak ty,
Guys don't have rich dads like you,
Zato nemajú problém ťa vypnúť pätou na ksicht.
So they have no problem knocking you out with a kick in the face.
Treba robiť love, no nikto nechce chodiť do roboty,
You have to make money, but nobody wants to go to work,
Robia big dres za pándle fajčia kokoty.
They are making a big dress for pandles, they smoke cocks.
Na týchto chlapcov krátky,
They're too short for these guys,
Lebo majú svoje chodníčky, majú svoje skratky.
Because they have their own paths, they have their own shortcuts.
No aj dilinovci čo to robia okato,
But there are also morons who do it openly,
Z bicygla čierne bávo a na krk zlato.
From the bicycle black cotton and gold on the neck.
More predvádzať sa je jak udať seba sám,
Come on, showing off is like giving yourself up,
Jak fanfára - pampára - rampára-rá.
Like a fanfare - pampara - rampara-ra.
Upozorňuješ na seba,
You're drawing attention to yourself,
Jak keď najebaný v strede mesta šlapeš na pedál.
Like when you're fucking drunk in the middle of the city and stepping on the pedal.
Kamery a napichnuté telefóny - nič nové,
Cameras and tapped phones - nothing new,
Sledujú ti auto - vedia v ktorom bývaš dome!
They're watching your car - they know what house you live in!
Lebo robiť pičoviny veští koniec,
Because doing stupid things foreshadows the end,
Jedna cesta je basa, druhá utekať jak bezdomovec.
One way is jail, the other is to run away like a homeless person.
Zdravím všetkých - či tam alebo tam
Greetings to all - whether they are there or there
A vyjebaným konfidentom papulu zamykám!
And I shut the mouth of the fucking snitches!
Áno viem, každý chce byť Gangster,
Yes, I know, everyone wants to be a Gangster,
No ide za mreže keď to nerobí dobre.
But he goes to jail when he doesn't do it right.
Tam ho do riti šukáva nejaký monster
There he gets fucked in the ass by some monster
A sníva o úteku jak z väznice Shawshank.
And dreams of escaping like from Shawshank Prison.
Áno viem, každý chce byť Gangster,
Yes, I know, everyone wants to be a Gangster,
No ide za mreže keď to nerobí dobre.
But he goes to jail when he doesn't do it right.
Tam ho do riti šukáva nejaký monster
There he gets fucked in the ass by some monster
A sníva o úteku jak z väznice Shawshank.
And dreams of escaping like from Shawshank Prison.

Авторы: Daniel Pitonak

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