Zverina feat. Elpe - Aj Tak Ma Stále Láka - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Zverina feat. Elpe - Aj Tak Ma Stále Láka

Aj Tak Ma Stále Láka
She Still Tempts Me
Po koncerte na party som nemohol uveriť,
I couldn't believe it at the after-party,
Došla jedna nádherná a začala ma baliť.
A gorgeous girl came up and started to flirt with me.
Povedala, že vraj vyzerám, jak Brad Pitt,
She said I looked like Brad Pitt,
Ja jej na to dievča, ty musíš prestať hneď piť.
I replied, "You've had a bit too much to drink, miss."
Ďalšia ma na ulici chytila za ruku,
Another girl grabbed my hand in the street,
Vraj krásne voniam, nech idem ku nej na vodku.
Saying I smelled lovely and invited me for a vodka.
Nevedela otvoriť dvere, dostať sa do bytu,
She couldn't open her door or get into her flat,
vtedy som uvidel slepeckú palicu.
That's when I saw the white walking stick.
Iná mi zas v Thajsku vyznávala lásku,
Another one declared her love for me in Thailand,
Ležali sme na pláži, mala postavu krásnu.
We were lying on the beach, she had a stunning figure.
A keď som chcel rozbaliť všetku krásu,
And when I wanted to unwrap all that beauty,
Poslala ma do bankomatu, použiť kartu.
She sent me to the cashpoint to use my card.
V klube na bare som videl riadnu šupu,
I saw a right state of affairs at the bar in the club,
Mala umelé kozy a aj umelú hubu.
She had fake boobs and a fake mouth too.
Umelé obočie a riť odsatú od tuku,
Fake eyebrows and a butt that had been liposuctioned,
No keď otvorila ústa chcel som do hlavy guľku.
But when she opened her mouth, I wanted to shoot myself in the head.
Aj tak ma stále láka, aj tak jej neodolám,
She still tempts me, I can't resist her,
Aj keď som sa spálil toľký krát.
Even though I've been burned so many times.
Aj tak ma stále láka, aj tak jej neodolám,
She still tempts me, I can't resist her,
Nemôžem si pomôcť, mám ich rád.
I can't help myself, I love them.
Videl som v krčme babu čo to riadne roztáčala,
I saw a woman in a pub really letting her hair down,
Panáky všetkým chlapom naokolo kupovala.
She was buying all the guys around her shots.
Zobrala fľašu rumu, mne ju do seba liala,
She took a bottle of rum and poured it down me,
Skôr než došlo na sex, tak sa dogrcala.
Before we got to the sex, she threw up.
Jednou zbalila holka v Praze na baru,
I got chatted up by a girl in a bar in Prague,
Bylo to v Roxy, pak sme jeli k domů.
It was in Roxy, then we went back to her place.
Ráno přijeli rodiče, měla z toho pohromu,
In the morning, her parents arrived, she was in a panic,
žádala mě, abych vyskočil z balkonu.
She asked me to jump from the balcony.
A pri mori na dovolenke v Chorvátsku,
And on holiday by the sea in Croatia,
Sme traja skočili na jednu peknú Chorvátku.
The three of us jumped on a beautiful Croatian girl.
Boli sme v presile, no nechali sme ju vyhrať,
We had the advantage of numbers, but we let her win,
Robili meno krajine, dali si záležať.
They did their country proud, they really put in the effort.
Poznám dievča z východu, nemá zábrany,
I know a girl from the east who has no inhibitions,
Na návštevu ku mne si nosí Bacardi.
She brings Bacardi with her when she visits me.
Tri fľaše vína a liter Havany
Three bottles of wine and a liter of Havana
A aj preto som do nej zamilovaný.
And that's why I'm in love with her.
Aj tak ma stále láka, aj tak jej neodolám,
She still tempts me, I can't resist her,
Aj keď som sa spálil toľký krát.
Even though I've been burned so many times.
Aj tak ma stále láka, aj tak jej neodolám,
She still tempts me, I can't resist her,
Nemôžem si pomôcť, mám ich rád.
I can't help myself, I love them.

Авторы: Daniel Pitonak

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