ZWEI - WANNA - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни ZWEI - WANNA

白か黒か問われたら 白ですと答える黒さ
Were I asked if white or black, I would answer black despite appearing white
純潔は標準装備じゃない 後付だってば
Purity is not installed as standard, it is added later
TL上でつるんで 愉しげにタグ付けされて
Hanging out on the timeline, tagged happily
充実とか ちょっとどうよ
Fulfillment? Come on, really?
ああ 少しずつ感じる違和感 そう したいことしてない退屈
Ah, little by little I sense the strangeness, the boredom of not doing what you want to do
ディスられ嫌い 空気読むうち殺した夢
Hated for being different, the dreams killed off by trying to please everyone
WANNA WANNA 堕ちてもいい 本能に従ってゆけ
WANNA WANNA, a trap, it's okay to fall, follow your instincts
Let's loosen those gaudy bonds
"WANNA"を封じ込む 思考停止の群れになじむ方が
A trap, a trap, to suppress "WANNA," it's easier to fit in with the unthinking herd
日々は楽勝なこと 知ってるけど... Break it!
Day-to-day life is a breeze, I know, but... Break it!
説得っぽくてもそれモラハラだし 反論したらモンスター扱い?
Even if it's persuasive, that's just bullying, and if you object, you're treated like a monster?
制御不能 てかそんな聞きたいかな I am not yours... Get it?
Uncontrollable, or is that what you want to hear? I am not yours... Get it?
何系とか何派だとか とりあえず分類して
What kind of person or what kind of group? Just categorize me
To say you understand is just a joke
ああ 気づけば築かれたイメージ もう違う、だいぶ違う、窮屈
Ah, before I knew it, I had built up this image, but it's not me anymore, it's very different, it's stifling
ねえ このままならあたしは誰を生きてるの
Hey, if I go on like this, who will I be living for?
WANNA WANNA 堕ちてもいい 獰猛に闘ってゆけ
WANNA WANNA, a trap, it's okay to fall, fight fiercely
Throw away the smiles you've pasted on
A trap, a trap, "WANNA" is useless hype
Something that others promote as a must-buy
飾れるほど安くない 生きるってそうでしょ... Uh-huh?
Life's not that cheap, can you be decorated? Uh-huh?
I Do Go Precious My Own Way I Do Love Precious My Own Life
I do go precious my own way, I do love precious my own life
I Do Go Precious My Own Way
I do go precious my own way
WANNA WANNA 堕ちてもいい 本能に従ってゆけ
WANNA WANNA, a trap, it's okay to fall, follow your instincts
Let's loosen those gaudy bonds
WANNA WANNA WANNA を解き放ち 自分の機嫌は自分で取る
WANNA WANNA WANNA, let it go, take control of your own happiness
もっと高いstage目指し 凍てたハートを... Burn up!
Aim for a higher stage, burn up that frozen heart!

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