a flood of circle - 俺はお前の噛ませ犬じゃない - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни a flood of circle - 俺はお前の噛ませ犬じゃない

I'm Not Your Chew Toy
あー負けた負けた今日も負けた クダ巻いて飲まれて 蘇る負け試合
Ah, defeated, defeated again. Blaming and getting drunk, another losing battle.
ヤケ酒潰れかけアンダードッグ 遠吠え出来るうちにスクリーム
A drunk and broken underdog, howling while I still can.
Bowwowbowwow 月を探している 夜空は真っ暗なまま
Bowwowbowwow, searching for the moon, but the night sky remains pitch black.
Bowwowbowwow ぶちまけそうになってる 吐くな 弱音なら吐くな
Bowwowbowwow, about to burst, but don't throw up, don't let your weakness show.
もー理性もサジも投げ出した 尻尾巻いて逃げてないで 覚悟する泥仕合
My reason and my judgment have given up. Stop running away with your tail between your legs, and face the dirty fight.
飲み屋も追い出されアンダードッグ ゴミ溜めに身を投げてスリープ
Kicked out of the bar, an underdog, thrown into the gutter to sleep.
Bowwowbowwow ツキを探している お先も真っ暗なまま
Bowwowbowwow, searching for luck, but the future remains bleak.
Bowwowbowwow しょぼい牙が折れるほどに噛みついていけ
Bowwowbowwow, my pathetic fangs will snap, so keep on biting.
俺はお前の噛ませ犬じゃない 見えもしないのに 月に手を伸ばす
I'm not your chew toy, reaching for the moon even though I can't see it.
拳突き上げる 負けの味を知るロッキー・バルボアのように
I raise my fist, knowing defeat, just like Rocky Balboa.
さー打てよ俺は出る杭だ 明日こそはって遠吠えかき消すくらい
Come on, hit me, I'm a stubborn nail, howling so loud I'll drown out the noise.
The cawing crows and the cops telling me to get out of here, waking me from my dream.
Bowwowbowwow マテは聞かなくなる オテもスワレも聞かない
Bowwowbowwow, I won't listen to "stay" or "down" anymore.
Bowwowbowwow しょぼい牙が折れるほどに噛みついていけ
Bowwowbowwow, my pathetic fangs will snap, so keep on biting.
Bowwowbowwow 最低だぜって吠える 最高の夜が来るまで
Bowwowbowwow, the worst is yet to come, until the best night arrives.
Bowwowbowwow 明日に果てはなくなる 吐くぜ 思いの丈を吐くぜ
Bowwowbowwow, tomorrow will never end. I'll spew it all out, everything I'm thinking.
俺はお前の噛ませ犬じゃない 届かないからこそ 月に手を伸ばす
I'm not your chew toy, reaching for the moon because it's out of reach.
いつかあなたが見ていて 勝ちの意味を知るエイドリアンのように
One day, you'll be watching me, understanding the meaning of victory, like Adrian.

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