周杰倫 - 以父之名 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 周杰倫 - 以父之名

In the Name of the Father
微涼的晨露 沾濕黑禮服
Slightly cool morning dew wets the black suit
石板路有霧 父在低訴
There's fog on the stone path, Father whispers softly
無奈的覺悟 只能更殘酷
Helpless realization can only be more cruel
Everything is for the path leading to the sanctuary
吹不散的霧 隱沒了意圖
The fog that can't be dispersed conceals the intention
誰輕柔踱步 停住
Who tiptoes softly and then stops
還來不及哭 穿過的子彈 就帶走 溫度
Before there's time to cry, the bullet that passes through takes away the warmth
我們每個人都有罪 犯著不同的罪
Each of us is guilty, committing different sins
我能決定誰對 誰又該要沈睡
I can decide who's right, who should fall asleep
爭論不能解決 在永無止境的夜
Arguments can't solve the endless night
關掉你的嘴 唯一的恩惠
Shut your mouth, the only grace
擋在前面的人都有罪 後悔也無路可退
Those who stand in front are guilty, there's no turning back from regret
以父之名判決 那感覺沒有適合字彙
To judge in the name of the Father, the feeling has no suitable words
就像邊笑邊掉淚 凝視著完全的黑
Like laughing and crying at the same time, staring into complete darkness
The tragedy that prevents the spread of tragedy will intoxicate me
低頭親吻我的左手 換取被寬恕的承諾
Lowering my head, I kiss my left hand, in exchange for the promise of forgiveness
老舊管風琴在角落 一直一直一直伴奏
An old pipe organ in the corner, accompanying all the time
黑色簾幕被風吹動 陽光無言的穿透
Black curtains billowing in the wind, sunlight silently penetrating
Sprinkling down on the beasts I have tamed
沈默的喊叫 沈默的喊叫 孤單開始發酵
Silent cry, silent cry, loneliness starts to ferment
不停對著我嘲笑 回憶逐漸延燒
Keeps mocking me, memories gradually burning
曾經純真的畫面 殘忍的溫柔出現
Once innocent scenes, the cruel tenderness appears
脆弱時間到 我們一起來禱告
Time for vulnerability, let's pray together
仁慈的父我已墜入 看不見罪的國度
Merciful Father, I have fallen into the invisible kingdom of sin
請原諒我的自負 沒人能說沒人可說
Please forgive my pride, no one can say, no one can say
好難承受 榮耀的背後刻著一道孤獨
So hard to bear, a loneliness etched behind the glory
閉上雙眼我又看見 當年那夢的畫面
Closing my eyes, I see it again, the dream scene from that year
天空是濛濛的霧 父親牽著我的雙手
The sky is a hazy fog, my father holding my hands
輕輕走過 清晨那安安靜靜的石板路
Gently walking through the quiet cobblestone path in the early morning
低頭親吻我的左手 換取被寬恕的承諾
Lowering my head, I kiss my left hand, in exchange for the promise of forgiveness
老舊管風琴在角落 一直一直一直伴奏
An old pipe organ in the corner, accompanying all the time
黑色簾幕被風吹動 陽光無言的穿透
Black curtains billowing in the wind, sunlight silently penetrating
Sprinkling down on the beasts I have tamed
沈默的喊叫 沈默的喊叫 孤單開始發酵
Silent cry, silent cry, loneliness starts to ferment
不停對著我嘲笑 回憶逐漸延燒
Keeps mocking me, memories gradually burning
曾經純真的畫面 殘忍的溫柔出現
Once innocent scenes, the cruel tenderness appears
脆弱時間到 我們一起來禱告
Time for vulnerability, let's pray together
仁慈的父我已墜入 看不見罪的國度
Merciful Father, I have fallen into the invisible kingdom of sin
請原諒我的自負 沒人能說沒人可說
Please forgive my pride, no one can say, no one can say
好難承受 榮耀的背後刻著一道孤獨
So hard to bear, a loneliness etched behind the glory
仁慈的父我已墜入 看不見罪的國度
Merciful Father, I have fallen into the invisible kingdom of sin
請原諒我我的自負 刻著一道孤獨
Please forgive my pride, a loneliness etched
仁慈的父我已墜入 看不見罪的國度
Merciful Father, I have fallen into the invisible kingdom of sin
請原諒我的自負 沒人能說沒人可說
Please forgive my pride, no one can say, no one can say
好難承受 榮耀的背後刻著一道孤獨
So hard to bear, a loneliness etched behind the glory
閉上雙眼我又看見 (那斑駁的家徽 我擦拭了一夜)
Closing my eyes, I see it again (the mottled family crest I polished all night)
當年那夢的畫面 (孤獨的光輝 我才懂的感覺)
The dream scene from that year (the radiant light I understood)
天空是濛濛的霧 (燭光 不停的 搖晃)
The sky is a hazy fog (candlelight doesn't stop flickering)
(貓頭鷹在窗櫺上 對著遠方眺望)
(An owl on the windowsill gazes into the distance)
父親牽著我的雙手 (通向大廳的長廊)
My father holding my hands (leading to the corridor of the hall)
輕輕走過 清晨那安安靜靜的石板路 (一樣說不出的滄桑 沒有喧囂 只有寧靜圍繞)
Gently walking through the quiet cobblestone path in the early morning (still unspeakable滄桑, no hustle and bustle, only silence surrounds)
我慢慢睡著 天剛剛破曉
I slowly fall asleep, the sky is just breaking dawn

Авторы: Chou Chieh Lun, Huang Jun Lang

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