周杰倫 - 前世情人 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 周杰倫 - 前世情人

Lover from a Previous Life
松鼠陪著核桃 在庭院捉迷藏
Squirrels hide with walnuts, playing hide-and-seek in the courtyard
葡萄躲進橡木桶 釀出時光
Grapes hide in oak barrels, fermenting into time
Summer wanders between the teeth of corn
我爲妳準備的四季 正在生長
The four seasons I've prepared for you are growing
Alchemists refine soil from stories
I close the book and smell the flowers
You on the grass are more fragrant than fruit
You're like sugar in the hand of an angel
小男孩害羞沒想起 自己是個雕像
The little boy is shy and doesn't remember he's a statue
Immersed in the reeds and the wind, he sings a beautiful song of praise
The world is revealed because of you,
陽光燦爛的 形狀
In the shape of brilliant sunshine.
Thank you. Otherwise, I would have forgotten what innocence is.
什麼愛 不說 就已經存在
What is love? It exists even unspoken
什麼愛 望著 就全都明白
What is love? It's all clear when I look at you
妳笑 一點一點一滴漾開
Your smile, spreading drop by drop
一字一句 形容不來
Can't be described in words
It's a silver sea in the starry sky,
月暈下 的雙手
Hands held under the halo of the moon.
越來越來越來 越依靠
I gradually become more and more dependent on you.
從來從來從來 不知道
I never knew,
原來原來原來 有妳很驕傲
That I would be so proud to have you.
Little princess,
過來過來過來 約定好
Come, come, let's make a promise.
未來未來未來 的城堡
In the future, we'll build a castle.
將來將來將來 我們一起造
We'll build it together.
我會 當妳晝夜騎士 烈陽的樹蔭
I'll be your day and night knight, your shady tree in the sun.
I'll be the magician who makes flowers sing for you.
Every scene with you in it,
I'll be your secret lover who captures it.
什麼愛 不說 就已經存在
What is love? It exists even unspoken
什麼愛 望著 就全都明白
What is love? It's all clear when I look at you
妳笑 一點一點一滴漾開
Your smile, spreading drop by drop
一字一句 形容不來
Can't be described in words
It's a silver sea in the starry sky.
我後來 會在 純白的禮堂
Later in the pure white hall,
牽好久 的手 交給另個他
I will take your hand for a long time and hand it over to someone else.
眼淚 一點一點一滴流下
Tears will fall drop by drop
感動 也會跟著留下
Touching the moment that will remain
Watching you two from afar, happy
Just like the mold we had in a previous life.

Авторы: Hathaway, Jay Chou

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