周杰倫 - 天涯過客 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 周杰倫 - 天涯過客

Fleeting Traveler
風起雁南下 景蕭蕭 落黃沙
Down fly geese in flocks, in windy season. Desolate scene, as yellow sands settle in.
獨坐沏壺茶 沏成一夜 燈下
I sit alone, brewing a pot of tea, Through the night, by the light of a lamp.
你在 幾里外 的人家 想著他
You are miles away, in another house. Thinking of him.
一針一線 綉著花
With needle and thread, you embroider flowers.
晨霜攀黛瓦 抖落霜 冷了茶
Morning frost clings to blue tiles. The chill descends, and the tea grows cold.
撫琴欲對話 欲問琴聲 初落下
Fingers on the zither, to start a conversation. A question, as the first notes fall.
弦外 思念透窗花 而你卻什麼也不回答
Beyond the strings, my yearning flows through the window. But you don't answer.
琴弦斷了 緣盡了 你也走了
The strings snap. The connection breaks. You have left.
愛恨起落 故事經過 只留下我
Love and hate ebb and flow. The story unfolds, leaving only me behind.
幾番離愁 世事參透 都入酒
Many partings, life's mysteries, all poured into wine.
問你是否 心不在這 少了什麼
Do you feel it, my love? A part of you is missing.
琴弦斷了 緣已盡了 你也走了
The strings snap. The connection is gone. You have left.
你是過客 溫柔到這 沉默了
You were just passing through, your kindness reaching me, now replaced with silence.
拱橋斜坡 水岸碼頭 誰記得
Stone arch and sloping path, by the river's edge. Who remembers?
渡江扁舟 我傷依舊 臨行回頭
I sail away, my sorrow still lingering. As I turn back for a final glance,
Someone waves in the distance.
古剎山嵐繞 霧散後 北風高
In ancient temples, amidst swirling mists, the wind howls from the north.
禪定我寂寥 我身後風 呼嘯
Meditation brings only solitude. A gale blows around me.
笛聲 半山腰 而你在 哪座橋
A flute plays on a hillside. But where are you, on which bridge?
遠遠對他 在微笑
Far away, you smile at him.
亭外蘆葦花 白茫茫 細雨輕輕打 秋風颳
Outside my pavilion, reeds sway and whisper. Gentle rain falls, as autumn winds blow.
將筆擱下 畫不出 誰在瀟灑
My brush falls, unable to capture who lives so freely.
情愫 竟短暫猶如 騷人墨客筆下的煙花
Our emotions, like fleeting fireworks, bright but momentary.
琴弦斷了 緣已盡了 你也走了
The strings snap. The connection is gone. You have left.
愛恨起落 故事經過 只留下我
Love and hate ebb and flow. The story unfolds, leaving only me behind.
門前竹瘦 清風折柳 你要走
Outside my door, bamboo sways in the breeze. The wind bends the willow, as you depart.
風不停留 何苦繞來 搖晃燈火
But why linger and torment me, if you can't stay?
琴弦斷了 緣已盡了 你也走了
The strings snap. The connection is gone. You have left.
你是過客 溫柔到這 沉默了
You were just passing through, your kindness reaching me, now replaced with silence.
輕解繩索 紅塵放手 面對著
Loose the ropes, let go of the world. Before me,
隨我擺渡 離岸東流 驀然迴首
As I row away, towards the east. With a sudden turn,
You stand at the riverbank.
琴弦斷了 緣盡了 你也走了
The strings snap. The connection is gone. You have left.
你是過客 溫柔到這 沉默了
You were just passing through, your kindness reaching me, now replaced with silence.
拱橋斜坡 水岸碼頭 誰記得
Stone arch and sloping path, by the river's edge. Who remembers?
隨我擺渡 離岸東流 驀然迴首
As I row away, towards the east. With a sudden turn,
You stand at the riverbank.

Авторы: Chieh-lun Chou, Wen-shan Fang

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