茅原実里 - TREASURE WORLD - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 茅原実里 - TREASURE WORLD

世界中が唄う 愛の歌は
The world sings a song of love
めくるめくLove Peace
A dazzling Love Peace
降り注ぎそうなStar Light☆
As if bathed in Star Light☆
Today, I've finally made up my mind (finally)
可能性に賭けてみたい(Wow!! ポジティブ)
I'm going to bet on my potential (Wow!! How positive)
I'm clutching the tickets tightly (two of them)
憧れ夢のGate くぐり抜けて 腕を組んで笑おう
Let's go through the gate of my dream and hold hands and laugh
仮面被り 戯けたClown
A clown in a mask, acting the fool
本当はドキドキが 溢れてしまいそうだよ
I'm really so nervous I could burst
震えている 硝子のMy heart
My glass heart is trembling
だけどほら 隣には 麗しい君が
But hey, look, next to me is you
You're looking at me
世界中に響く 愛の歌は
The song of love that echoes throughout the world
ひとりにひとつの 幸せなMusic
Music that brings happiness to each and every one of us
Contactしよう Special Guestに
I'll contact the Special Guest
運命の未来は 自分で掴むStar Light☆
The future of destiny is in my hands, Star Light☆
勇気を出して 希望を抱いて
With courage and hope
誰の人生? 紛れもなく
Whose life is it? It's mine, without a doubt
たったひとつのTreasure World
The one and only Treasure World
恥じらい捨てて 深呼吸したらLet′s Go!!
Let's throw away our shyness, take a deep breath, and go!!
不器用なエスコートも(No Problem)
My clumsy escorting (No Problem)
胸をはって歩いてみよう(Oh! Yeah! 素敵だね!!)
Let's walk with our heads held high (Oh! Yeah! We look great!!)
We can't blink (Challenge)
螺旋の長いRail 走り抜けて 光るShowerでFinish
We race through the long, spiraling Rail and finish with a sparkling Shower
はしゃぎ疲れ 眠る少女
Tired from all the excitement, the girl sleeps
遠い日のぬくもりを 不思議と思い出したよ
I wonder if she'll remember this distant day with fondness
もしも君が 喜ぶなら
If it would make you happy
いつの日か もう一度 約束したい
I want to make a promise again someday
On this stage...
春夏秋冬踊ろう 君とともに
Let's dance through spring, summer, fall, and winter together
愛を散りばめた PreciousなEveryday
Every day is a precious gift
Paradeは続く どこまでも行こう
The parade continues, let's go anywhere
真面目な大人も 子供に戻るStar Light☆
Even serious adults become children again, Star Light☆
夢を信じて 愛を誓って
Believing in dreams, swearing our love
Any reality is possible
かけがえのないTreasure World
The irreplaceable Treasure World
予告もなしに ドラマチックな展開!!
A dramatic turn of events without warning!!
突然吹き荒れる風 ドレスがひらり舞う蝶
Suddenly, the wind blows, and your dress flutters like a butterfly
カラフルな風船が 悲しく笑む
Colorful balloons laugh sadly
響いた夜空の鐘に ハラハラ散る花火見て
As I watch the fireworks scattered across the night sky, I say "It's beautiful..."
「綺麗だね...」って微笑む 美しい君に"LOVE"
To you, my love, who smiles so beautifully
世界中に広がれ Sing All Love
Spread the word, Sing All Love
めくるめく歴史 幾千のDrama
A dazzling history, thousands of Dramas
Paradeは続く どこまでも行こう
The parade continues, let's go anywhere
紙吹雪踊る みんな一緒に さあ☆
Confetti dances, let's all join hands and go☆
勇気を出して 希望を抱いて
With courage and hope
誰の人生? 紛れもなく
Whose life is it? It's mine, without a doubt
たったひとつのTreasure World
The one and only Treasure World
恥じらい捨てて これから始まるShow Time!!
Throw away your shyness, the Show Time is just beginning!!
いつでもどうぞ 夢の国へとご招待
You're welcome to the dreamland anytime

Авторы: 俊龍, 茅原 実里, 茅原 実里

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