斉藤由貴 - 追い風のポニー・テール - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 斉藤由貴 - 追い風のポニー・テール

Ponytail on the Tailwind
振り向いた瞬間に キスをした
I kissed you the moment you turned around,
Just to test the waters.
でも心は とっくに恋
But my heart had fallen for you long ago,
At an unstoppable speed.
次の朝 もう荷物まとめてた
The next morning, you had already packed your bags.
I wanted to be close to you right away.
I rushed to find a room near the same station
Where we could meet.
恋がどうなるか 何も判らない
I don't know what will become of our love,
でも走りたい あなたへとまっすぐに
But I want to run straight to you,
いつも逢いたくて すぐに逢いたくて
Always yearning to meet you, to hold you close.
Driven by the tailwind,
駆け出した ポニーテール
I set off running, my ponytail streaming behind me.
I burst into tears when you said goodbye so suddenly,
Like the cicadas' chorus of the year before last.
なんて近い 帰り道なの
Our paths were so close,
はじめて くやんだ
For the first time, I regretted letting you go.
髪を切って ひとりの夜
I cut my hair and spent lonely nights,
泣いたわ 思いきり
Crying my heart out.
恋がどうなるか 何も考えず
I didn't think about the future of our love,
ただ走ってた あの頃が切ないね
I just ran towards it. Now, I feel a pang of sadness.
もしも逢えたなら いつか逢えたなら
If we ever meet again, someday in the future,
I'll tell you about my new happiness,
And give you my new address.

Авторы: 佐藤純子, 来生たかお

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