王菀之 - 迷湖 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 王菀之 - 迷湖

Lost in the Lake
人群在浪中漂浮 浪潮在黑色中漂浮
People are floating in the waves, the waves are floating in the darkness
心臟淹了水 無法畫出 滂沱大橋草圖
My heart is flooded, I can't draw, the blueprint of a pouring bridge
慢慢的我走過湖 像走過跨海的公路
I slowly walk across the lake, like walking across a cross-sea highway
日記打了結 偷偷繫住痛楚 原來我在囚禁自己的心迷了路
The diary is tied up, secretly tying up the pain. It turns out I imprisoned my own heart and lost my way.
就從這裡開始選擇退出 往湖心的中點選擇了墜入
Starting from here, I choose to quit, and towards the center of the lake, I choose to fall in.
冰冷的溫度 四周充滿安靜但情節一幕幕
The icy temperature, the place is filled with silence, but the scenes play one by one.
驚覺孤獨根深蒂固 愛像熄火的蠟燭 再也點燃不起那一點安撫
Realizing that loneliness is deeply rooted, love is like an extinguished candle, unable to light the little bit of comfort anymore.
眼前的風景 開始沉溺模糊
The scenery before my eyes begins to sink into blur.
慢慢的我走過湖 像走過跨海的公路
I slowly walk across the lake, like walking across a cross-sea highway
日記打了結 偷偷繫住痛楚 原來我在囚禁自己的心迷了路
The diary is tied up, secretly tying up the pain. It turns out I imprisoned my own heart and lost my way.
就從這裡開始選擇退出 往湖心的中點選擇了墜入
Starting from here, I choose to quit, and towards the center of the lake, I choose to fall in.
冰冷的溫度 四周充滿安靜但情節一幕幕
The icy temperature, the place is filled with silence, but the scenes play one by one.
驚覺孤獨根深蒂固 愛像熄火的蠟燭 再也點燃不起那一點安撫
Realizing that loneliness is deeply rooted, love is like an extinguished candle, unable to light the little bit of comfort anymore.
在眼框的周圍 湖水霸道進軍停駐
Around my eye sockets, lake water invades and stays.
從在這裡開始選擇放逐 在湖底的深處丟下了包袱
Starting from here, I choose to banish, and in the depths of the lake, I drop my burdens.
掌心的刻度 生命充滿斑駁而對白卻醒目
The scale of my palm, life is full of mottled colors, but the white is eye-catching.
原來一切同歸殊途 愛像騙人的魔術 再也承受不起那一點錯誤
It turns out that everything eventually comes to the same end, love is like a deceiving magic trick, unable to bear the little bit of mistake anymore.
原來包圍我的 是眼淚不是湖
It turns out that what surrounds me are tears, not the lake.

Авторы: Wan Zhi Wang

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