何韻詩 - 愛死你 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 何韻詩 - 愛死你

Love You To Death
编:英师傅 for double c music group
Composition: Ying师傅 for double c music group
Maybe I'm not smart enough
可是我注定 没有爱情生活就会生病
But it's my destiny, without love life I'll get sick
你就是咖啡因 你是我的风景 也是我的姓名
You're the caffeine, my landscape, my name
我只要安定 不要公平
I just want stability, not fairness
你需要甚么 不用你说明我都会答应
I'll agree to anything you need, no need to explain
你是我的明星 你是我的电影 也是我保暖瓶
You're my star, my movie, my thermos
我看着你 忘记呼吸
Watching you makes me forget to breathe
记得呼吸 没有氧气 有氧气想要分给你
Remembering to breathe, there's no oxygen, but I want to share my oxygen with you
〔有呼吸 我却没有力气 有力气 也不跟你斗气〕
〔With breathing, I have no strength, with strength, I won't argue with you〕
歇斯底里 百分之百因为你
Hysterical, 100% because of you
爱死你 爱死你 也要你 想我爱死你
Love you to death, love you to death, also desire you to love me to death
你说我白痴 我都爱你
You say I'm an idiot, I love you
你没有瑕疵 更加爱死你
You have no flaws, which makes me love you even more
爱死你 爱死你 我也要你 想我爱死你
Love you to death, love you to death, I also desire you to love me to death
爱爱爱 我要锁定你 怎样爱死你 我有武林秘籍
Love, I need to lock you down, how to love you to death, I have martial arts secrets
Love your smile so much I develop a fever
我只要得到你的拥抱 就是最好的药
I only need your embrace to be the best medicine
鞋子我都甩掉 为你心血来潮 整日跑跑跳跳
I even threw away my shoes, running and skipping around all day because of your whims

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