何韻詩 - 鋼鐵是怎樣煉成的 (Live) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 何韻詩 - 鋼鐵是怎樣煉成的 (Live)

鋼鐵是怎樣煉成的 (Live)
How Steel Was Tempered (Live)
重頭溶解我疲憊的心腸 百般試煉的傷
Dissolve away my exhausted heart, the wounds of a hundred trials
浸過冷水 輕得像土壤
Soaked in cold water, as light as soil
每個打擊火光 給我力量
Every strike of fire gives me strength
忍耐背後隱藏 愈來愈厚 武裝的盔甲
Behind endurance is hidden, growing thicker, armor of weaponry
身上的盔甲 愈來愈重 讓我站著 驕傲卻逞強
The armor on my body, growing heavier, lets me stand proud but also overbearing
還帶著內傷 打了仗 痛不能喊
Still carrying internal wounds, fought battles, pain I cannot cry out
變成鋼鐵的我 抵擋無數的箭
I have become steel, withstanding countless arrows
What good is victory
我多想可以脆弱到 失去膽量
I long to be vulnerable enough to lose my courage
易碎的那顆心 玻璃一樣
That fragile heart, like glass
變成鋼鐵的我 佇立茫茫戰場
I have become steel, standing on the vast battlefield
Healing my wounds alone in secret
若我得到依賴 無比的愛
If I could find dependence, an immeasurable love
誰希罕鐵金鋼 有多勇敢
Who would covet iron and steel, how brave they may be
How strong to not fear solitude
要流過多少淚 才能建造 不歇的心臟
How many tears must I shed to build an unyielding heart
然後我能穿越 大風大浪
Then I could traverse great storms and waves
打倒敵人軍隊 全力以赴 連頭也不回
Defeating enemy armies, with all my might, never looking back
無奈這距離 愈來愈遠
Helplessly, this distance grows farther
我拼了命 尋找真實感
I desperately search for a sense of reality
卻困在存在 不存在 無法醒來
But I am trapped in existence, nonexistence, unable to awaken
變成鋼鐵的我 抵擋無數的箭
I have become steel, withstanding countless arrows
What good is victory
我多想可以脆弱到 失去膽量
I long to be vulnerable enough to lose my courage
易碎的那顆心 玻璃一樣
That fragile heart, like glass
變成鋼鐵的我 佇立茫茫戰場
I have become steel, standing on the vast battlefield
Healing my wounds alone in secret
若我得到熱烈 激昂的愛
If I could find zealous, ardent love
任何武器都只 是空白
Any weapon would be but a blank
變成鋼鐵的我 為誰奮鬥堅強
I have become steel, for whom do I fight and stay strong
What good is eternal life
我多想可以脆弱到 就像石灰
I long to be vulnerable enough to be like lime
風輕輕一吹 彷彿大雪紛飛
A gentle breeze, like snowflakes swirling
變成鋼鐵的我 天天重回戰場
I have become steel, returning to the battlefield day after day
My brow no longer shows joy or sorrow
若我卸下裝備 放下所謂
If I could卸下裝備卸下所謂卸下所謂卸下卸下裝備卸下所謂 disarm and let go of so-called
不再在乎 不再徘徊
No longer care, no longer hesitate
This is how steel is tempered

Авторы: Vincent Chow

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