王菲 - 清風徐來 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 王菲 - 清風徐來

Gentle Breeze Blowing
只要熱烈 都好過溫存
All I want is passion, it's better than lukewarm
幾經冷漠 也不屑容忍
After feeling so unloved, I refuse to endure
銘心刻骨 就要一意孤行
Carving it deep into my heart, I'll be headstrong
越是憧憬 越要風雨兼程
The more I dream, the more I face storms and hardships
要走多遠 才算走進森林
How far must I walk to find my way into the forest
曾幾何時 開始細數生辰
When did I begin to count the years of my life
誓言久藏 怎麼滋生殘忍
My vows, hidden away for so long, how could they become cruel
青澀難免 要被遺憾瓜分
I was so inexperienced, and now I'm losing to regret
清風徐來 水波不興
As the breeze blows gently, the water's surface remains undisturbed
哪個劇本 沒有分生
Which play doesn't end in death
愈想證明 就愈不肯定
The more I try to prove myself, the less sure I become
可能完美和完整 不是一回事情
Perhaps perfection and wholeness are two different things
清風徐來 水波不興
As the breeze blows gently, the water's surface remains undisturbed
順流而上 海闊天空
Going with the flow, where the ocean meets the sky
人面桃花 傾國傾城
Peach blossoms paint her face, her beauty is captivating
She talks and laughs with me
All those once-in-a-lifetime things
要走多遠 才算走進森林
How far must I walk to find my way into the forest
曾幾何時 開始細數生辰
When did I begin to count the years of my life
誓言久藏 怎麼滋生殘忍
My vows, hidden away for so long, how could they become cruel
青澀難免 要被遺憾瓜分
I was so inexperienced, and now I'm losing to regret
清風徐來 水波不興
As the breeze blows gently, the water's surface remains undisturbed
哪個劇本 沒有分生
Which play doesn't end in death
愈想證明 就愈不肯定
The more I try to prove myself, the less sure I become
可能完美和完整 不是一回事情
Perhaps perfection and wholeness are two different things
清風徐來 水波不興
As the breeze blows gently, the water's surface remains undisturbed
順流而上 海闊天空
Going with the flow, where the ocean meets the sky
人面桃花 傾國傾城
Peach blossoms paint her face, her beauty is captivating
She talks and laughs with me
All those once-in-a-lifetime things
清風徐來 水波不興
As the breeze blows gently, the water's surface remains undisturbed
順流而上 海闊天空
Going with the flow, where the ocean meets the sky
人面桃花 傾國傾城
Peach blossoms paint her face, her beauty is captivating
She talks and laughs with me
All those once-in-a-lifetime things

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