陳昇 - 心情好的每一天 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 陳昇 - 心情好的每一天

Every Day in a Good Mood
Every Day in a Good Mood
草原上已經沒有了紫羅蘭 她化成了片羽飛散在斜陽的風中
There are no more violets on the prairie; they have transformed into feathers scattered in the wind of the setting sun.
那個你惦記的航班116 飛越了冰冷的冰洋 睡在異鄉人的懷中
The flight you were waiting for, 116, flew over the icy ocean, sleeping in the arms of a stranger.
值得你那樣等待嗎 是你曾經許下的承諾嗎
Was it worth waiting for? Were those the promises you once made?
你忘了歸去的路嗎 真愛只有一次嗎
Have you forgotten the way back? Is there only one true love?
很難嘲笑你自己嗎 偶爾你也會想起嗎
Is it hard to laugh at yourself? Do you ever remember me?
不再有眼淚 心情好的每一天
There are no more tears; every day is a good day.
Don't bring me flowers, bring me some alcohol
Don't bring me flowers; bring me some alcohol.
心情好的每一天 不會想到你
Every day is a good day; I won't think of you.
不要再為我戴花兒 也不需要為我哭
Don't wear flowers or cry for me.
斜陽下的華人公墓 我寧願在狂戀中獨舞
In the Chinese cemetery under the setting sun, I'd rather dance alone in my passion.
我要讓自己好起來Viola 拾起有妳的回憶 好將妳帶去我夢中
I want to make myself okay, Viola; pick up the memories of you so I can take you with me into my dreams.
那個難忘記零下的散步 微柔的熱吻 終於埋葬在我堅定的心中
That unforgettable walk below freezing, our soft kisses, finally buried within my determined heart.
值得你那樣等待嗎 是你曾經許下的承諾嗎
Was it worth waiting for? Were those the promises you once made?
你忘了歸去的路嗎 是你在問我嗎
Have you forgotten the way back? Are you asking me?
真愛只能有一次嗎 偶爾你也會想起嗎
Is there only one true love? Do you ever remember me?
不再有眼淚 心情好的每一天
There are no more tears; every day is a good day.
Don't bring me flowers, bring me some alcohol
Don't bring me flowers; bring me some alcohol.
心情好的每一天 不會想到你
Every day is a good day; I won't think of you.
不要再為我戴花兒 也不需要祝福
No more flowers; I don't need your blessings, either.
睡在斜陽下的華人公墓 我習慣了在狂戀中獨舞
Sleeping in the Chinese cemetery under the setting sun, I've grown used to dancing alone in my passion.
凡人都不情願孤獨 自私為分別而哭
No one willingly embraces loneliness; they selfishly cry at the thought of separation.
然而我願意為你獨舞 你會知道嗎
Yet I am willing to dance alone for you; will you ever know?
Don't bring me flowers, bring me some alcohol
Don't bring me flowers; bring me some alcohol.
心情好的每一天 我不會想到你
Every day is a good day; I won't think of you.
不要再為我戴花兒 也不要為我哭
Don't wear flowers or cry for me.
睡在斜陽下的華人公墓 我習慣了獨舞
Sleeping in the Chinese cemetery under the setting sun, I'm used to dancing alone.

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