陳昇 - 愚人之詩 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 陳昇 - 愚人之詩

The Fool's Poem
The Fool's Poem
應該說我們都一樣 厚著臉皮在生活
I should say we're all the same, living with audacity
What's true and false before our eyes is uncertain
In comparison, the stray dogs on the street are freer
At least they can choose what they love to do
Just yesterday, a few friends came back to see me from the mainland
I couldn't really tell if their lives were good or not
Who still clings to ideals that won't make money?
I open my eyes and see boundless geniuses
寫歌的人 你不就饒了我吧 激情的歌難免會走音
Songwriter, won't you spare me? Passionate songs are bound to be off-key
請問你這個世界是怎麼了 誰說努力就會海闊天空
May I ask, what's happened to this world? Who says hard work leads to a bright future?
愛情像是一把生了鏽的鎖 早就已經像蚯蚓一樣過著無性的生活
Love is like a lock covered in rust, living a sexless existence like an earthworm
也許我該少喝一點多存一些錢 問她去巴黎生個小孩
Perhaps I should drink less and save up some money, and ask her to give birth to a child in Paris
那聰明的人 你不就饒了我 你教我的那些常會走心
Clever one, won't you spare me? Your teachings always touch my heart
從來也不問我是怎麼了 就不相信明天會更好
You never ask how I am, or believe that tomorrow will be better
健康應該是沒有問題 但經常會閃到腰
My health should be okay, but I often get back pain
房子貸款還可以 但是最好分八百期
The mortgage is manageable, but it's best to split it over eight hundred installments
最怕沒有出息 在路邊跟別人搶位子
My greatest fear is being useless, fighting with others for a space on the roadside
別的沒有 還能幽默自己
Nothing else, but I can still find humor in my own life
寫歌的人 你不就饒了我吧 激情的歌聲難免會走音
Songwriter, won't you spare me? Passionate songs are bound to be off-key
我請問你這個世界是怎麼了 不相信明天海闊天空
May I ask, what's happened to this world? I don't believe tomorrow will be a bright future
如果世界只有一個人 那就可以與世無爭
If there were only one person in the world, then the world would be peaceful
生命不等待休止 深呼吸我再挑戰一次
Life waits for no one. I'll take a deep breath and challenge it again. Oh
也許是我最該饒了我自己 勵志的歌唱了都走音
Perhaps I should spare myself, as my uplifting songs have all turned out off-key
我只是一隻想要展翅高飛的小鳥 沒有理由不快樂又慢慢變老
I'm just a bird longing to spread its wings, with no reason to be unhappy or age so slowly

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