陳昇 - 浮雲車站 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 陳昇 - 浮雲車站

Misty Train
浮雲車站 最後離開的人要關燈
Misty train The last person to leave must turn off the lights
Thoughts are an unmailed long letter
Stay lay lady lay 回憶是黑色的地毯
Stay lay lady lay Memories are a black carpet
You walk on it so melancholy
說起來都為了自由 算不上辜負了什麼
It's all for freedom you say
Love has tears to be delicious
從你的懷抱走開 在另一個醒來
Walk away from your embrace and wake up in another
Say goodbye to you in the dream
窗外是一樣的藍天 我們想去流浪
The sky outside is the same blue, we want to wander
Will you be waiting for me on the other side of the clouds?
決定要賣了青春 換一杯苦苦的酒 跟失去的自己說再見
Decided to sell my youth for a bitter drink, say goodbye to my lost self
不要悲傷 今天要把自己還給你
Don't be sad, today I have to give myself back to you
Night owls should not have excuses
Stay lay lady lay 昨天是一道長長的影子
Stay lay lady lay yesterday was a long shadow
You walk on it so melancholy
說可以有些灑脫 算不上留下了什麼
You can be carefree, nothing left behind
青春是春藥 如此激情
Youth is an aphrodisiac, so passionate
從一個驛站走開 在矇矓中醒來
Walk away from a station, wake up in a trance
Say goodbye to your gone self
推開了彼此的承諾 我們都去流浪
Push away each other's promises, we both wander
Will you be waiting for me on the other side of the clouds?
決定就賣了浮生 換一杯苦苦的酒
Decided to sell my life for a bitter drink
Toast to the departed yesterday

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