陳昇 - 牯嶺街那年 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 陳昇 - 牯嶺街那年

Guling Street That Year
故事都還沒有結束 你留下一屋子的人在暗黑裡無助的思索
The story is not over yet You left a house full of people in the dark hopelessly wondering
恐怖份子依稀是吸了毒. 在那個沒有顏色的年代走在牯嶺街的人只有你自己最清楚
The terrorists are vaguely drugged. In those colorless years, only you knew the people walking Guling Street
跌宕在紅燈的汀州路稻草人的歌 道盡了早熟天才的孤獨
Ups and downs in the red light on Tingzhou Road The scarecrow's song tells the loneliness of a precocious genius
南機場外蓋了新村你說去他媽的 阻礙了野鴿子的黃昏
New villages have been built outside Nanchang Airport you said to hell with them Blocking the wild pigeons from the sunset
那些年的牯嶺街. 有些訕笑有些淚光
Some sneer, some tears on Guling Street in those years
Who will engrave an immortal epitaph for you to prove you were alive
我們都是活錯了時代的信天翁 依賴著幽暗的星光 飛向夢中的次大陸
We are albatrosses who lived in the wrong era Relying on the dim starlight To fly to the subcontinent in our dreams
我不知道風要往哪一個方向吹 只有感覺到孤獨的滋味 在呼喚著你
I don't know which way the wind is blowing I only feel the taste of loneliness Calling you
就把你的生命愛戀都一一的消滅 於是我們只有感嘆那如花雨一樣的歲月
So kill all your love and desires So we can only lament the years that are like flowers
憂傷的女人在海灘上坐了一天 把每個人的天空都感染地很無言
A sad woman sat on the beach all day Infecting everyone's sky with silence
如果有一天能在電影散場的時候遇見你 即便過了許多年你必須要為我解開心中的苦
If one day I can meet you when the movie is over Even after many years you must unravel the bitterness in my heart for me
竹籬笆外的晴天 那永遠不老的情歌 是寄予怎樣的容顏和枯腸的愛戀
The sunny day outside the bamboo fence That love song that never gets old Is it for what kind of face and withered love
憂傷的女主角老了 但是記憶沒有你不是好導演. 總是給人留下一屋子的困惑
The sad heroine is old But the memory is not you You are not a good director. Always leaving a house full of perplexity
那天風起的時候 我們是崖上縱身一躍的信天遊
That day when the wind blows We are the letter of faith that leaps from the cliff
也許人們曾聽說過 我們的故事
Maybe people have heard of Our story
也許人們不會在乎也許會在雲門之外 相逢在夢中的亞特蘭提斯
Maybe people won't care maybe they will meet outside Yunmen In the dream of Atlantis
我不知道風要往哪一個方向吹 行者也不覺得在花雨中闔上了眼睛
I don't know which way the wind is blowing The walker doesn't feel his eyes close in the flower rain
如花是斑斕的生命 又如雨一樣的悲淒
Like a flower is a colorful life And like rain is a tragic
So we can only sigh for the years you can squander freely

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