The feather emblem on his military cap glimmered all night in the freezing cold. By daybreak, he was already flying over his homeland at an altitude of 80,000 feet.
他給養的菊花澆了水 他給單車上了鍊
He watered the chrysanthemums he had been growing. He put a lock on his bicycle.
He closed the wooden door, his sobs echoing in the silence as he turned and walked away, never looking back.
忠義門上的黨徽之前從來沒有人後悔 天明時他已在母親的墳上八萬呎高空飛行
Before the party emblem on the Monument to Loyalty, no one had ever regretted their decision. By daybreak, he was already flying over his mother's grave, 80,000 feet in the sky.
他給孩子蓋了被 他聽見夫人的嗚咽. 黑潭裡有太多無名的鬼魂啊
He tucked his child into bed. He heard his wife's嗚咽. In the black pond, there were too many nameless ghosts.
I never try to make you understand
I never try to make you understand.
I gotta go there's nothing I can say
I gotta go there's nothing I can say.
I even forgot how to spell my name
I even forgot how to spell my name.
故鄉的月色如此冷漠. 誰也無法阻止黑潭將我的青春吞沒
My homeland's moonlight is so cold and indifferent. No one can stop the black pond from swallowing my youth.
I never try to make you understand
I never try to make you understand.
I gotta go there's nothing I can say
I gotta go there's nothing I can say.
I even forgot how to spell my name
I even forgot how to spell my name.
故鄉的山河甜甜睡去 天明時我會流著淚睡在你懷裡
The mountains and rivers of my homeland sleep so peacefully. By daybreak, I will be sleeping in your arms, tears streaming down my face.
他給儀器開了機 聽見耳機裡的喘息
He turned on the instruments and heard the panting in his headphones.
Another nameless ghost had come to the black pond.
孩子問他爸爸那一夜去了哪裡. 這個村子受了什麼詛咒. 孩子都沒有父親
The child asked his father where he had gone that night. What curse had befallen this village? The children were all without fathers.
他養的菊花早已枯萎. 他的單車早已腐鏽
The chrysanthemums he had been growing had long since withered. His bicycle had rusted away.
No one could have known that bats would appear in the darkness of the night.
I never try to make you understand
I never try to make you understand.
I gotta go there's nothing I can say
I gotta go there's nothing I can say.
I even forgot how to spell my name
I even forgot how to spell my name.
故鄉的月色如此冷漠 誰也無法阻止 黑潭將我的青春吞沒
My homeland's moonlight is so cold and indifferent. No one can stop the black pond from swallowing my youth.
I never try to make you understand
I never try to make you understand.
I gotta go there's nothing I can say
I gotta go there's nothing I can say.
I even forgot how to spell my name
I even forgot how to spell my name.
故鄉的月色如此冷漠 誰也無法阻止黑潭將我的青春吞沒
My homeland's moonlight is so cold and indifferent. No one can stop the black pond from swallowing my youth.
I never try to make you understand
I never try to make you understand.
I gotta go there's nothing I can say
I gotta go there's nothing I can say.
I even forgot how to spell my name
I even forgot how to spell my name.
故鄉的月色如此冷漠 誰也無法阻止黑潭將我的青春吞沒
My homeland's moonlight is so cold and indifferent. No one can stop the black pond from swallowing my youth.
I never try to make you understand
I never try to make you understand.
來不及問你甘心嗎 迎向你日日夜夜思念的故國
I never had the chance to ask you if you were happy to be flying towards the homeland you longed for day and night.
來不及問你甘心嗎 迎向你日日夜夜思念的
I never had the chance to ask you if you were happy to be flying towards the
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