b.u.g. mafia - Anturaju' - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни b.u.g. mafia - Anturaju'

Your Crew
Viata ta, nu uita
Your life, don't forget
Anturajul este tot si asta nu se va schimba
Your crew is everything and that won't ever change
Au fost sau nu cu tine, ai fost sau nu cu ei
Whether they were with you or not, you were with them or not
Nu mai conteaza unde, cand si in ce fel.
It doesn't matter where, when, or how.
Viata ta, nu uita
Your life, don't forget
Anturajul este tot si asta nu se va schimba
Your crew is everything and that won't ever change
Au fost sau nu cu tine, ai fost sau nu cu ei
Whether they were with you or not, you were with them or not
Nu mai conteaza unde, cand si in ce fel.
It doesn't matter where, when, or how.
Exista in fiecare colt, in fiecare loc din lume
It exists in every corner, every place in the world
Include absolut tot, include fapte, nume
Includes absolutely everything, includes deeds, names
De cartier, de loc, de bloc, anturajul
Of the neighborhood, of the place, of the block, the crew
Poa′ sa fie partea buna, partea proasta dintr-o viata
It can be the good side, the bad side of a life
Imi amintesc atunci cand mama imi vorbea de anturaj
I remember when my mom used to talk to me about the crew
2, 4, 6, 8, 10 ani au trecut la alt nivel vorbesc
2, 4, 6, 8, 10 years have passed, I speak on another level
Un homar poate sa spuna
A homie can say
La puscarie ma duc, mama, sunt dependent de ha
I'm going to jail, mom, I'm addicted to the stuff
Anturajul, a fost doar un exemplu
The crew, it was just an example
Depinde de tovarasi, depinde de cine se e cu tine
It depends on your comrades, it depends on who's with you
Daca are bani la tine, daca ai bani la el
If he has money on you, if you have money on him
Din orice motiv si in orice fel
For any reason and in any way
Nu poti sa stai deoparte nu poti sa nu te bagi
You can't stay away, you can't not get involved
Si totul de la spate te impinge ca sa faci
And everything from behind pushes you to do
Sa faci, sa faci, sa faci, sa faci ce?
To do, to do, to do, to do what?
Pentru tot ce am sa fac am sa raspund dom' ofiter
For everything I do, I will answer, Mr. Officer
Viata ta, nu uita
Your life, don't forget
Anturajul este tot si asta nu se va schimba
Your crew is everything and that won't ever change
Au fost sau nu cu tine, ai fost sau nu cu ei
Whether they were with you or not, you were with them or not
Nu mai conteaza unde, cand si in ce fel.
It doesn't matter where, when, or how.
Viata ta, nu uita
Your life, don't forget
Anturajul este tot si asta nu se va schimba
Your crew is everything and that won't ever change
Au fost sau nu cu tine, ai fost sau nu cu ei
Whether they were with you or not, you were with them or not
Nu mai conteaza unde, cand si in ce fel.
It doesn't matter where, when, or how.
Cand o arzi cu o combinatie in portbagaj
When you're driving with something illegal in the trunk
Primul lucru pe care-l faci, suni la anturaj
The first thing you do, you call your crew
Dai de belea, el e primul care stie
You get in trouble, they're the first to know
Ii preferi pe 10 ai tai in loc de altii o mie
You prefer your 10 friends over a thousand others
De cand erai mic, toti au vrut sa spuna o vorba buna:
Since you were a kid, everyone wanted to say a good word:
Cine se-aseamana se-aduna
Birds of a feather flock together
Pentru tine au fost cativa, sunt cativa care vor fi
For you, there were a few, there are a few who will be
Aproape tot se iarta, nimic nu se uita
Almost everything is forgiven, nothing is forgotten
Esti legat de anturaj, frate, si el de tine
You're tied to your crew, brother, and they're tied to you
Daca tie iti merge treaba si pentru el e bine
If you're doing well, it's good for them too
Dar o sa iti dai seama intr-adevar daca e tovarasie
But you'll really find out if it's true friendship
Atunci cand o sa fie in buzunare, doar o mie
When there's only a thousand left in your pockets
La fel ca tine sunt si eu, am luat-o pe un drum
Just like you, I am too, I took a path
I-am preferat pe cei cu Nike, celor la costum
I preferred the ones with Nikes, to the ones in suits
De-aia am acum Mafia langa mine
That's why I have the Mafia next to me now
Care ma indruma, ma indreapta spre bine, tine la mine
Who guide me, steer me towards good, care about me
Viata ta, nu uita
Your life, don't forget
Anturajul este tot si asta nu se va schimba
Your crew is everything and that won't ever change
Au fost sau nu cu tine, ai fost sau nu cu ei
Whether they were with you or not, you were with them or not
Nu mai conteaza unde, cand si in ce fel.
It doesn't matter where, when, or how.
Viata ta, nu uita
Your life, don't forget
Anturajul este tot si asta nu se va schimba
Your crew is everything and that won't ever change
Au fost sau nu cu tine, ai fost sau nu cu ei
Whether they were with you or not, you were with them or not
Nu mai conteaza unde, cand si in ce fel.
It doesn't matter where, when, or how.
Anturaju′-nseamna viata ta dar nu uita-n ce fel
Your crew is your life, but don't forget how
A fost sau nu cu tine, ai fost sau nu cu el
He was or wasn't with you, you were or weren't with him
In cartier, in oras, esti prins in anturaj
In the neighborhood, in the city, you're caught in the crew
Mereu cate-o schimbare, cate-un nou personaj
Always a change, a new character
E viata ca atare si multi sunt langa tine
It's life as it is, and many are by your side
Dar asta nu inseamna ca totul este bine
But that doesn't mean everything is fine
Poate-poate fi oricum, poate fi ultimul drum
It can be anything, it can be the last road
Poate fi ceva mai rau, poate fi ceva mai bun
It can be something worse, it can be something better
Putin in fiecare zi incerci sa te schimbi
A little bit every day you try to change
Incepi sa elimini si incepi sa te prinzi
You start to eliminate and you start to understand
Ramai doar cu ai tai si nimic nu mai conteaza
You stay only with your own and nothing else matters
Faci tot cu ei, milioanele de lei
You do everything with them, the millions of lei
Bulangii si ci o sa fie intotdeauna
The hustlers and the snitches will always be there
Atata timp cat banii or sa conduca lumea
As long as money rules the world
Eu ii fac pe bani sa nu ma faca ei pe mine
I make the money, I don't let it make me
Pentru toti ai mei numai bine
For all my people, only good things
Viata ta, nu uita
Your life, don't forget
Anturajul este tot si asta nu se va schimba
Your crew is everything and that won't ever change
Au fost sau nu cu tine, ai fost sau nu cu ei
Whether they were with you or not, you were with them or not
Nu mai conteaza unde, cand si in ce fel.
It doesn't matter where, when, or how.
Viata ta, nu uita
Your life, don't forget
Anturajul este tot si asta nu se va schimba
Your crew is everything and that won't ever change
Au fost sau nu cu tine, ai fost sau nu cu ei
Whether they were with you or not, you were with them or not
Nu mai conteaza unde, cand si in ce fel.
It doesn't matter where, when, or how.

Авторы: Demeter Alin Adrian, Vlad Irimia, Vlad Neagu Dragos

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