b.u.g. mafia - Un 2 si trei de 0 (feat. ViLLy) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни b.u.g. mafia - Un 2 si trei de 0 (feat. ViLLy)

Un 2 si trei de 0 (feat. ViLLy)
One, Two, Three Zeros (feat. ViLLy)
Caddy ma numesc din SE Bucuresti
Caddy's calling me from Southeast Bucharest
Vin s-atac primul loc in top sa-mi iau banu'
Coming to attack the top spot, gotta get my money
E anu' 2000, tarfele sa dea din fese
It's the year 2000, bitches shake those asses
Baietii care stiu shampanie sa verse
Boys who know, let the champagne flow
Cineva ma-ntreba daca-mi place viata mea
Someone asked me if I like my life
I-am raspuns ca vine a doua, dupa mama.
I answered that the second one is coming, after Mom's.
Fraierii se-agita prea mult timp
Suckers fuss for too long
Direct din cartier m-am intors cu un hit
Straight from the hood, I came back with a hit
Umblu-ncet si sigur ca un Caddillac
I move slow and steady like a Cadillac
O ratusca sta pe lac, o impusc in cap:
A duck sits on the lake, I shoot it in the head:
"Vino la mine ca vin la tine ca e caldura mare
"Come to me, I'll come to you, it's hot weather"
Vino la soare, vino la mare, sa ti-o trag intre picioare"
"Come to the sun, come to the sea, let me fuck you between the legs"
Intelegi, astea le aud zi de zi
You understand, I hear these things every day
Dar Caddy este aici sa te scape daca stii
But Caddy is here to save you if you know
E 2000 iti reamintesc, dau pentru mileniul III
It's 2000, I remind you, I give for the third millennium
Vino mai in fata sa producem niste lei.
Come closer, let's make some money.
Nu e nimic pe lumea asta la fel
There's nothing in this world like
Ca viata pe care-o am in cartier
The life I have in the hood
Strazile mi-arata tot ce trebuie sa stiu
The streets show me everything I need to know
Am 2000 de motive ca sa fiu cum vrea sa fiu.
I have 2000 reasons to be who I want to be.
Stai asa, pun microfonu-n felul meu
Hold on, I'm setting the mic my way
Da, frate, tobele cumva ca sa zic si eu mai greu
Yeah, bro, the drums somehow, so I can spit heavier
Acelasi tempo, alt ritm sa-ti faca varza boxele
Same tempo, different rhythm to blow your speakers
Intotdeauna pentru totdeauna este numele
Forever and always is the name
Runda a saptea stii si tu, mancatorii se tin de
The seventh round, you know, the eaters hold on to
Veteranii inteleg mai bine versul lu' Tataee
Veterans understand Tataee's verse better
Baietii de miezul noptii aresteaza microfonul
The midnight boys arrest the microphone
Si tarfele pe tocuri dau intotdeauna tonul
And the bitches in heels always set the tone
Stii ca nimic nu e la fel ca un joint prea plin
You know nothing's like an overstuffed joint
Doar B. U. G. Mafia in fata ta
Just B. U. G. Mafia in front of you
Tin sa precizez ce conteaza pentru mine
I want to point out what matters to me
Familia, tovarasii, fanii, banii si cu anii
Family, comrades, fans, money and with the years
Vreau tot sau nimic la fel ca fenta lui Dobrin
I want all or nothing like Dobrin's feint
Acum intrec adversarul cu V8-ul si ii spun
Now I'm overtaking the opponent with the V8 and I tell him
Fa niste poze cu Mafia, poate asa
Take some pictures with the Mafia, maybe that way
O sa te femeia ta cum face campioana mea
Your woman will do you like my champion does
Nu uita, cand eu zic 1-2 baietii sar
Don't forget, when I say 1-2, the boys jump
Si tu te-ntrebi de ce ai doar hartii cu 3 de 0-n buzunar.
And you wonder why you only have papers with 3 zeros in your pocket.
Nu e nimic pe lumea asta la fel
There's nothing in this world like
Ca viata pe care-o am in cartier
The life I have in the hood
Strazile mi-arata tot ce trebuie sa stiu
The streets show me everything I need to know
Am 2000 de motive ca sa fiu cum vrea sa fiu.
I have 2000 reasons to be who I want to be.
Fac versuri nu doar rime, sa-ti intre-n cap bine
I make lyrics, not just rhymes, to get into your head right
Intamplarile noastre in cuvinte pentru tine
Our stories in words for you
E anu' 2000, cartieru' meu e tot aici
It's the year 2000, my hood is still here
Poti sa intri dar ai grija ce zici
You can come in, but be careful what you say
Foarte important de stiut:
Very important to know:
Nimeni nu te-asculta daca n-ai nimic de spus
Nobody listens to you if you have nothing to say
Mai important e ca: in 2000 s-a intors Mafia
More importantly: in 2000, Mafia returned
Microfonul se imbiba de talent
The microphone is soaked with talent
T. H. C, TBC si supradoza sentiment
T. H. C, TBC and overdose of feeling
Nu trebuie sa ceri, iti dau exact ce vrei
You don't have to ask, I give you exactly what you want
Io, Tataee, Caddy, toti baietii mei
Me, Tataee, Caddy, all my boys
Multumesc Dumnezeului meu, care-o fi
Thank my God, whoever he may be
Si multumesc Dumnezeului meu, Easy-E
And thank my God, Easy-E
Am inceput sa pun pe foaie tot ce simt, tot ce fac
I started putting on paper everything I feel, everything I do
Romania a-nceput sa dea din cap pe hip-hop.
Romania started nodding to hip-hop.
Nu e nimic pe lumea asta la fel
There's nothing in this world like
Ca viata pe care-o am in cartier
The life I have in the hood
Strazile mi-arata tot ce trebuie sa stiu
The streets show me everything I need to know
Am 2000 de motive ca sa fiu cum vrea sa fiu.
I have 2000 reasons to be who I want to be.

Авторы: vlad irimia

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