B.U.G. Mafia feat. Queen Bee - Hai Cu Mine - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни B.U.G. Mafia feat. Queen Bee - Hai Cu Mine

Hai Cu Mine
Come With Me
E amăgitoare ca o cadână
She's as beguiling as a concubine
E tulburătoare ca o păgână
As disturbing as a pagan
E impunătoare ca o stăpână
As imposing as a mistress
Domnişoară, te rog, pune frână
Miss, please, put on the brakes
Zâmbeşte şi comandă un Martel
Smile and order a Martel
Carduri în portofel, miroase a Channel
Cards in her wallet, she smells of Chanel
Diamant pe inel, vorbeşte de un SL
Diamond on her finger, talks about an SL
Gesticulând mai graţios decât un top-model
Gesturing more gracefully than a top model
Gusturi cizelate-n ţări străine
Tastes refined in foreign lands
Fusta înroşeşte şi obraji de libertine
Her skirt reddens and cheeks of libertines
Am eu în cap doar idei meschine
Do I have only petty ideas in my head
Sau sânii ei se uită prin tricou direct la mine?
Or are her breasts looking through her shirt directly at me?
Când dansează tremur până la os
When she dances, I tremble to the bone
Parcă are înăuntru un cutremur miraculos
It's like she has a miraculous earthquake inside
Fabulos se învârte, se lasă-n jos
Fabulous she spins, lets herself down
Simt noaptea se va termina grandios
I feel the night will end grandly
(Hai, hai) Amândoi o ştim
(Come on, come on) We both know it
(Hai, hai) Cât ne mai privim?
(Come on, come on) How long do we keep looking at each other?
(Hai, hai) Cât mai vorbim?
(Come on, come on) How much longer should we talk?
(Hai, hai) Cât ne-amăgim?
(Come on, come on) How long should we fool ourselves?
(Dacă plec, hai, vii cu mine?) Unde vrei!
(If I leave, come on, will you come with me?) Wherever you want!
(Dacă plec, hai, vii cu mine?) Unde vrei!
(If I leave, come on, will you come with me?) Wherever you want!
(Dacă plec, hai, vii cu mine?) Unde vrei!
(If I leave, come on, will you come with me?) Wherever you want!
(Vreau fiu cu tine, vreau îţi dau ce vrei)
(I want to be with you, I want to give you what you want)
Dacă plec, hai, vii cu mine? (Unde vrei!)
If I leave, come on, will you come with me? (Wherever you want!)
Dacă plec, hai, vii cu mine? (Unde vrei!)
If I leave, come on, will you come with me? (Wherever you want!)
Dacă plec, hai, vii cu mine? (Unde vrei!)
If I leave, come on, will you come with me? (Wherever you want!)
Vreau fiu cu tine, vreau îţi dau ce vrei
I want to be with you, I want to give you what you want
Îi place cel mai mult atunci când e la bară
She likes it most when she's at the bar
o vadă toată lumea, are şcoală
For everyone to see her, she's got skills
bagă-n boală, e-aproape goală
She's making me sick, she's almost naked
Vrea facă panaramă
She wants to make a scene
Ce (păr), ce (ochi), ce (buze)
What (hair), what (eyes), what (lips)
Ce (gât), ce (ţâţe), ce (cur), ce are...
What (neck), what (tits), what (ass), what she has...
Ce bine arăţi, ce bună eşti, cât poţi fii de tare
How good you look, how good you are, how awesome you can be
Da' cine te-a făcut a ştiut ce face oare? (cred ca nu)
But whoever made you knew what he was doing, right? (I think not)
Bagă mare, îmi place când te freci
Go big, I like it when you rub
Sunt puţin matol, sper mă-nţelegi
I'm a little drunk, I hope you understand
te-aş iubi, m-am îndrăgostit de la-nceput
That I would love you, I fell in love from the beginning
De când te-am văzut numai la tine uit
Since I saw you, I only look at you
Uite, uită eşti în club
Look, forget that you're in the club
Hai cu mine-n separeu
Come with me to the booth
Tu dansezi, eu te f...
You dance, I f... you
(Hai, hai) Amândoi o ştim
(Come on, come on) We both know it
(Hai, hai) Cât ne mai privim?
(Come on, come on) How long do we keep looking at each other?
(Hai, hai) Cât mai vorbim?
(Come on, come on) How much longer should we talk?
(Hai, hai) Cât ne-amăgim?
(Come on, come on) How long should we fool ourselves?
(Dacă plec, hai, vii cu mine?) Unde vrei!
(If I leave, come on, will you come with me?) Wherever you want!
(Dacă plec, hai, vii cu mine?) Unde vrei!
(If I leave, come on, will you come with me?) Wherever you want!
(Dacă plec, hai, vii cu mine?) Unde vrei!
(If I leave, come on, will you come with me?) Wherever you want!
(Vreau fiu cu tine, vreau îţi dau ce vrei)
(I want to be with you, I want to give you what you want)
Dacă plec, hai, vii cu mine? (Unde vrei!)
If I leave, come on, will you come with me? (Wherever you want!)
Dacă plec, hai, vii cu mine? (Unde vrei!)
If I leave, come on, will you come with me? (Wherever you want!)
Dacă plec, hai, vii cu mine? (Unde vrei!)
If I leave, come on, will you come with me? (Wherever you want!)
Vreau fiu cu tine, vreau îţi dau ce vrei
I want to be with you, I want to give you what you want
Sunt primit în club ca un V. I. P
I'm welcomed in the club like a V. I. P
Profit şi-mi aleg un loc de unde pot privi senzaţia
I take advantage and choose a place where I can watch the sensation
Adică fata care, în seara asta, a depăşit imaginaţia
That is, the girl who, tonight, surpassed imagination
A captat admiraţia c-o rochiţă pân' la fund
She captured admiration with a dress down to her bottom
Cerând, parcă, un studiu în amănunt
Seemingly asking for a detailed study
Plină de mister, genu' exotic
Full of mystery, exotic kind
Poetică dar şi vulgară, ca un show erotic
Poetic but also vulgar, like an erotic show
Şi face gândesc la sex
And it makes me think about sex
pare lipsită de orice complex
Because she seems devoid of any complex
Cheamă gaborii o aresteze e criminală
Call the cops to arrest her because she's a criminal
Simpla ei prezenţă poate fi fatală
Her mere presence can be fatal
Trăsături fine, forme pline
Fine features, full forms
Îndeajuns cât nu pot abţine
Enough that I can't help myself
Fiindcă e mai fierbinte decât vara
Because she's hotter than summer
Regina balului acaparează seara
The queen of the ball takes over the evening
(Hai, hai) Amândoi o ştim
(Come on, come on) We both know it
(Hai, hai) Cât ne mai privim?
(Come on, come on) How long do we keep looking at each other?
(Hai, hai) Cât mai vorbim?
(Come on, come on) How much longer should we talk?
(Hai, hai) Cât ne-amăgim?
(Come on, come on) How long should we fool ourselves?
(Dacă plec, hai, vii cu mine?) Unde vrei!
(If I leave, come on, will you come with me?) Wherever you want!
(Dacă plec, hai, vii cu mine?) Unde vrei!
(If I leave, come on, will you come with me?) Wherever you want!
(Dacă plec, hai, vii cu mine?) Unde vrei!
(If I leave, come on, will you come with me?) Wherever you want!
(Vreau fiu cu tine, vreau îţi dau ce vrei)
(I want to be with you, I want to give you what you want)
Dacă plec, hai, vii cu mine? (Unde vrei!)
If I leave, come on, will you come with me? (Wherever you want!)
Dacă plec, hai, vii cu mine? (Unde vrei!)
If I leave, come on, will you come with me? (Wherever you want!)
Dacă plec, hai, vii cu mine? (Unde vrei!)
If I leave, come on, will you come with me? (Wherever you want!)
Vreau fiu cu tine, vreau îţi dau ce vrei
I want to be with you, I want to give you what you want

B.U.G. Mafia feat. Queen Bee - Străzile
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