back number - Reunion - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни back number - Reunion

気が付けば夏は また終わっていて
I realize that summer is ending again
もしもあの時僕が なんて
If only back then, I could have been like
踏み出す勇気も ないこの弱さを
I don't have the courage to move forward, this weakness of mine
遮るようにドアが 閉まる
The door closes, as if to block it out
思ってたより 努力って出来なくて
It turns out that I can't put in as much effort as I thought I could
自分を知る度に 自分を諦めて
Every time I learn more about myself, I give up on myself
君は今頃 どうしてるだろう
I wonder how you're doing now
流れてく景色の中 変わらないものを探した
Amongst the flowing scenery, I searched for something that wouldn't change
決意が正解で 迷いは間違いで
Determination is the right answer, and hesitation is wrong
背中を押す 誰かが いてくれたらな
If only there was someone to give me a push
夢は夢のまま その方がいいの
A dream is just a dream, it's better that way
知りたいのはいつも 知らなくていいこと
All I ever want to know are things I don't need to know
ほとんどがきっと 掴めずにこぼれる
We probably won't be able to catch most things that fall
それでも 目一杯にこの手を 伸ばした
Even so, I stretched out my hands as wide as I could
君の街まで 繋がってるんだ
Your city is connected to mine
Thinking about this
I'm swaying in the opposite direction
色付き始めた 眩い風が
The dazzling wind has started to pick up color
その頬にも そろそろ 触れてる頃かな
Is it about to touch your cheeks too?
I follow my memories and go meet you
Even if I could do that
今のままじゃ 同じ答えしか 出せないね
If I stay the same, I won't be able to give you any different answer
君のとこまで 届けばいいな
I hope I can reach you
流れてく景色の中 変わらない想い溢れた
Unchanging feelings overflowed in the flowing scenery
木漏れ日で咲いた 優しい花が
The gentle flowers that bloom in the dappled sunlight
この街にも 本当は たくさんあること
Things like these truly do exist in this city too
Until the day we meet again
ここでまだ 頑張ってみるから
I'll keep on trying here

Авторы: Motohiro Hata, Iyori Shimizu

back number - Reunion - Single
Reunion - Single
дата релиза

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