cosMo@暴走P - 転生少女と転生少年 feat.鏡音リン・レン - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни cosMo@暴走P - 転生少女と転生少年 feat.鏡音リン・レン

転生少女と転生少年 feat.鏡音リン・レン
Reincarnated Girl and Reincarnated Boy feat. Kagamine Rin & Len
仲睦まじい男女ふたりを遠くから 女の子が眺めていました
From afar, a girl watched a pair of close friends, a boy and a girl.
That was me.
透明な存在感 尋常じゃない片思い
A transparent presence, an extraordinary one-sided love.
邪よこしまな婬情 せり上がる独占欲
Evil, perverse desires, a rising possessiveness.
仄ほの暗い感情なら いくらでもありました
I had an abundance of these dim emotions.
摂理を外れた背徳とか あの男を殺してやりたいとか
Immoral thoughts beyond reason, like wanting to kill that boy.
And a deep hatred for myself.
♀ほら その あの 女の子同士だし・・・♀
♀Hey, but... they're both girls...♀
堂々巡る感情は日々 心の底に汚泥のように溜まり
These swirling emotions accumulated daily like sludge at the bottom of my heart.
腐水の中で もがきながら 幸せな未来を 水面に仰ぎ見る
Struggling in the putrid water, I looked up at the surface, yearning for a happy future.
重ねる恋慕れんぼは 賽さいの川原の石積みの如ごとく果てなく
My repeated attempts at love were as endless as stacking stones on the riverbank of Sai.
ただただ苦しいだけの ワタシはどうして生きているのでしょう
I, who only suffered, wondered why I was even alive.
春が来て 夏が来て 秋が来て 冬が来て また春が来て
Spring came, summer came, autumn came, winter came, and spring came again.
終わらない 終わらせたくない 一方通行な恋煩いを
This never-ending, one-sided lovesickness I didn't want to end.
行き過ぎた妄想の 後ろめたさなんて
The guilt of excessive delusions,
吹き溜まる劣情に とっくに呑まれ消えました
had long since been swallowed and erased by the accumulating inferior emotions.
How wonderful it would be if it were "me" and "you" standing there.
The "city" scattered a prescription drug called escapism for despair.
---Secretly replaced "♀me" with "♂me"---
とてもありきたりな そう ごくごく普通の 仲睦まじい男女ふたりがいました
There were two very ordinary, very normal close friends, a boy and a girl.
That was us.
Boring but happy days,
Flat and monotonous, like a pop song you've grown tired of hearing.
平坦に単調に聞き飽き ポップスのように
Flat and monotonous, like a pop song you've grown tired of hearing.
坦に単調 聞き飽きた ップスのように
Flat and monotonous, like a pop song you've grown tired of hearing.
平坦 単調に き飽きたポ プスのよ
Flat and monotonous, like a pop song you've grown tired of hearing.
平坦に単調 聞き飽きたポップスのように
Flat and monotonous, like a pop song you've grown tired of hearing.
平坦 単調に聞き飽きたポップスのように
Flat and monotonous, like a pop song you've grown tired of hearing.
平坦に単調 聞き飽きたポップ のように
Flat and monotonous, like a pop song you've grown tired of hearing.
に単調に き飽 ップスのように
Flat and monotonous, like a pop song you've grown tired of hearing.
平坦に単調に聞 飽き ポッ スのように
Flat and monotonous, like a pop song you've grown tired of hearing.
それはダラダラと ただ ダラダラと すべてを溶かし
It dragged on and on, melting everything away,
舞台の裏側の鉄骨を むき出しにするくらいに それはもう
To the point where the steel frame behind the stage was exposed. It was just that...
Happy. "Hey, did you know? On top of that clock tower..." "Let's go there together sometime."
"The railroad crossing divides the world..."
"Do you have anyone you like?" "Hey, let's take a picture together."
"Nice to meet you, my name is..."
"That was fun, really."
"Huh? Who's this person next to me in the photo?"
れど... 「ふーん、ウチの学校と同じ制服だけど...」
"Hmm, they're wearing the same uniform as my school..."
"Who is this...?"
いろいろ忘れてた『ボク』に 世界の綻ほころびが囁く
The world's unraveling whispered to 'me' who had forgotten many things.
積み重なった違和感が 恋人ごっこに終焉を
The accumulated sense of incongruity brought an end to this pretend relationship.
That's right, 'I' was actually 'me'.
""Why did this happen?""
"I don't know."
"I don't know."
Should I drown in the illusion of you?
Should I wish for the happiness of the real you?
"What will become of 'me'?"
"What will become of 'me'?"
"This will make her in this world sad."
"Does it matter? This world will vanish like a dream anyway."
"At times like this..."
"What should we do..."
""Don't just stay silent, answer us!!""
思考の中の 迷宮ラビリンスでうずくまる もう前に進めないと 考えるのをやめそうになt・・・
Crouching in the labyrinth of my thoughts, I thought I couldn't move forward anymore and was about to give up thinking...
Your smile crossed my mind.
It reached "me" too.
It reached 'me' too.
It properly reached us.
張りぼての世界観 突き破って
Breaking through the flimsy worldview,
本当に大切にしたかったものが 心象風景スクリーンに映る
The things I truly wanted to cherish were reflected on the screen of my mindscape.
今いるキミは ボクの生んだ絵空事が 馭ぎょする悲しき人形
The you who is here now is a sad doll controlled by the illusion I created.
そんな キミを愛し続けても
Even if I continue to love such a you,
いつか必ず 後悔すると思うんだ だから・・・・・・
I think I will definitely regret it someday. That's why...
I don't need this false paradise anymore!
Goodbye, my loved one.
線路越しに 別れ告げ 背を向ける
I turn my back, saying goodbye across the tracks.
歪んだ世界を元に戻す 二度と会えなくなるわけじゃない
Returning the distorted world to its original state, it's not like we can never meet again.
Goodbye, false self.
I'm just going to face reality for a bit.
Goodbye, the world I loved.
It's not that I have no regrets, but...
The crossing gates descend upon the world where the two of us exist.
キミが何か叫ぶのが サイレンに溶ける
Your shouts are drowned out by the siren.
Without even the chance to see your expression,
A mass of steel blocked my view.
This time, for real...
I swung the sickle down on the sweet illusion.
本当の キミの 幸せを 願って
Wishing for the happiness of the real you.
Suddenly, I realize I'm watching you again.
仲のよい 友達として・・・・・
As close friends...
I think this is how it should be.
Wishing for someone's happiness is surely like this.
これが「不幸」だなんて これが「絶望」だなんて
I will never again think that this is "misfortune" or "despair".
もう決して思わない 二人の幸せを素直に願えることが...
The fact that I can sincerely wish for your happiness...
It feels warm now.
...A critical error has occurred in the Stella System. Please repair immediately.
...A critical error has occurred in the Stella System. Please repair immediately.
...A critical error has occurred in the Stella System. Please repair immediately.
...A critical error has occurred in the Stella System. Please...

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