cosMo@暴走P - 家出少年と迷子少女 feat.GUMI - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни cosMo@暴走P - 家出少年と迷子少女 feat.GUMI

家出少年と迷子少女 feat.GUMI
Runaway Boy and Lost Girl feat.GUMI
There are things I want to forget...
ここであったこと ここで見たこと
What happened here, and what I saw here
Where you went
There are things I want to erase...
Being left alone in the dark
ある朝 キミは突然姿消した
One morning you suddenly disappeared
少し変わり者のキミの 奇行 (ビョーキ)は たまに理解し難い
Your quirks, slightly odd, your eccentricities sometimes hard to understand
Oh, I wonder if you've done something again
周りの不快な声に 堪らえきれず外飛び出した
Unable to bear the unpleasant voices around me, I rushed outside
嫌いになっちゃうぞって ちょっと拗ねてみた
I tried acting a little bit sulky, saying, "I'm going to start hating you."
勝手にいなくなるなんて そんなの許さない
Disappearing on your own like that, I won't forgive you
キミを探して歩く高架橋の下 落書き秩序は最悪
I search for you under the overpass, the graffiti a mess of scribbles
見つけたら頬を叩いて 「心配したんだからねバカ」とか
If I find you, I'll slap your cheek and say, "I was worried sick, you idiot!"
I might even shed a few tears
ぺたぺた歩く キミを探しに知らない街の中を
Plodding along, searching for you in an unfamiliar city
まるで迷子の子供のように 泣きそうな顔かっこ悪いなぁ
Like a lost child, my face about to cry, how pathetic
ぽろぽろ想い 張りつめてた感情の糸を切らす
My flimsy emotions breaking down into tears
キミが手を引いてくれないと 困るんだから
If you don't take my hand, I'll be in trouble
I want to see you soon
一日の終わり 影が伸びる ワタシのだけ
At the end of the day, the shadows grow, only mine
キミがいない日なんて 忘れたい 忘れました
Days without you, I want to forget, I've forgotten
記憶は捏造? キミは家出したんだよね?
Are my memories fabricated? You ran away, didn't you?
とても大切なことだけど 思い出しちゃいけない気がするんだ
It's something very important, but I feel like I shouldn't remember
The city was overprotective, obedient to her wish
Whether it would bring happiness was uncertain
Picking up the scattered fragments of my erased memories
一度目を背けた真実 思い出したいと願う
The truth I once turned away from, I wish to remember
くるくる廻る キミを探すビルの隙間迷子旅
Going around in circles, searching for you in the gaps between buildings
散歩の終点見えてきた ホントはもうキミは・・・・・・
The end of my search is in sight, but you're really...
Searching for you at the railroad crossing, I remember everything about you
昇るキミの煙に カラの手振り見送った
I waved goodbye as your smoke rose
From that day on, I searched for you, who was no longer there, and became lost
“I want to go to you.”
Click-clack, I stand once more at the place where I last saw you
もう戻れないのだけれども これでいいと決めたんだ
I can't go back, but I've decided that this is fine
Wandering around, searching for you, lost and pathetic
二つの点滅 照らされた 涙はきっと安堵から
Two blinking lights illuminate my tears, surely from relief
“The world without you is wrong.”
“You're wrong.”
I've finally made it back here
キミも きっと 見つかるし ハッピーエンドだよね
You'll be found too, and it'll have a happy ending, right?

Авторы: Cosmo@暴走p

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