day day - All Day Every Day - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни day day - All Day Every Day

All Day Every Day
All Day Every Day
외롭게 집에 혼자 있을
When you're home alone feeling lonely
그날따라 연락할 사람들이 없을 때도
And there's no one to call upon that day
그땐 나를 불러 불러 불러
Then you can call me, call me, call me
그땐 나를 불러 불러 불러
Then you can call me, call me, call me
그땐 나를 불러 불러 불러도
Then you can call me, call me, call me anytime
Hey girl 지금 집에 있지마
Hey girl, what are you doing right now? Don't stay home
아직 이불 밖엔 안전해 시간
It's still safe to be out of bed at this hour
너도 solo이니까 party에 빠지면 되지
You're solo too, so don't miss out on the party
What? Just like 찌찌범
What? Just like Jijjibeom
Ay 챙길 몸매뿐
Ay, all I care about is that body
Dress code 자유니까 와도 대충
Dress code is free, so you can come as you are
오늘은 너의 날이야 너의 날이야
Today is your day, it's your day
다시 떠오를 거야
It'll rise again
It′s your Dayday-javu
It′s your Dayday-javu
You're so bad and 부지런해
You're so bad and hard-working
한주 너무 열심히 보냈으니
You've worked too hard this week
한잔 일단 적시러 가자
Let's go have a drink for now
혼자 있기엔 너무 아깝잖아 holla at me
It's such a waste to be alone, holla at me
Livin good feel hella great
Livin good, feel hella great
오늘 Celeb처럼 Celebrate
Celebrate like a Celeb tonight
바쁘다던 친구들 부럽게
Envy your friends who said they were busy
Ceremony에 빠져 Tell em GRAY
Ceremony, get into it, Tell em GRAY
외롭게 집에 혼자 있을
When you're home alone feeling lonely
그날따라 연락할 사람들이 없을 때도
And there's no one to call upon that day
그땐 나를 불러 불러 불러
Then you can call me, call me, call me
그땐 나를 불러 불러 불러
Then you can call me, call me, call me
그땐 나를 불러 불러 불러도
Then you can call me, call me, call me anytime
I′ll be your personal hotline
I′ll be your personal hotline
털어봐 what's on your mind
Tell me everything, what's on your mind
No I ain't a baller
No, I ain't a baller
허나 공들일 준비가 됐으니까
But I'm ready to put in the work
모셔 VI보단 MVP로
I'll take you from being a VI to an MVP
냅두고 너의 스트레스와 피로
Forget about everything, your stress and fatigue
필요 없이 흑기사는 기본
Also, there's no need to go to the hospital, a knight in black armor is a given
그때 되면 불러 대신 같이 질러
When that time comes, call me and let's fire together
그때 나를 불러
Call me then
새벽쯤이면 I′m up in the club
Around dawn, I′m up in the club
그래도 달려갈게 어디든지
But I'll run anywhere
Ready for love
Ready for love
So hit me on my line hit me on my line
So, hit me on my line hit me on my line
핸드폰이 빛이 계속 빛이 나도
My phone keeps lighting up, it keeps lighting up
메세지만 확인하지
But I only check for your messages
바쁘더라도 오늘 밤이
Even if I'm busy tonight
우리의 날이 있게끔
So that this night can be our night
시간을 비워놓지
I've already cleared my schedule
느낌이 바로 오지
The feeling doesn't come right away
For you the one and only
For you, the one and only
알코올이 나를 돕지 yeah
Alcohol helps me, yeah
I′m feelin good feelin hella great
I′m feelin good feelin hella great
Always on my grind I do this shh like everyday
Always on my grind, I do this shh like everyday
I'm your Big Sean you Jhene Aiko
I'm your Big Sean, you Jhene Aiko
우린 날라가는 새처럼 언제나 자유로워
We're free like flying birds
외롭게 집에 혼자 있을
When you're home alone feeling lonely
그날따라 연락할 사람들이 없을 때도
And there's no one to call upon that day
그땐 나를 불러 불러 불러
Then you can call me, call me, call me
그땐 나를 불러 불러 불러
Then you can call me, call me, call me
그땐 나를 불러 불러 불러도
Then you can call me, call me, call me anytime
별그램 아이디처럼 call me
Call me like my Instagram ID
전화해서 나를 불러 when you want me
Call me when you want me
When you need me
When you need me
Whenever you call me I′ll be there oh
Whenever you call me I′ll be there oh
고민하지 망설일 것도
Don't worry anymore, don't hesitate
없으니까 맡겨봐 몸과 마음도
Because you can trust me with your body and mind
아름다운 밤은 너를 닮아가지고
A beautiful night resembles you
다음 날이 오지 않길 바라 빨리 불러
Call me quickly, I wish tomorrow would never come
외롭게 집에 혼자 있을
When you're home alone feeling lonely
그날따라 연락할 사람들이 없을 때도
And there's no one to call upon that day
그땐 나를 불러 불러 불러
Then you can call me, call me, call me
그땐 나를 불러 불러 불러
Then you can call me, call me, call me
그땐 나를 불러 불러 불러도
Then you can call me, call me, call me anytime
Yo 아무 때나 불러도
Yo, you can call me anytime
아무 때나 불러도
Just call me anytime
Cuz tonight we gon celebrate
Cuz tonight we gon celebrate
I said 아무 때나 불러도
I said you can call me anytime
Call me any time or day
Call me any time or day
아무 때나 불러줘 Bae
Call me anytime, Bae

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