doa - 白の呪文 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни doa - 白の呪文

White Spell
夢にうなされ気がつけば 汗まみれのシャツが僕をぐっしょり包み
Awakened from a nightmare, drenched in sweat, my shirt clings to me
君は君の道を行き 僕は僕でまたあてもなく彷徨い始める
You walk your own path, while I start wandering again, aimlessly
人の群れかきわけて あの橋まで行っても
Pushing through the crowd, even reaching that bridge
なんにも 見つからない
I find nothing
ちょいと先行く人 どうか教えておくれ
Hey, person walking ahead, please tell me
Wait up! Wait up! Please tell me how...
Wait up! Wait up! Please tell me how...
※「ワスレロ ワスレロ 全部ワスレロ」
"Forget it, forget it, forget it all"
The old me is no longer needed
ああ 白の呪文を※
Ah, the white spell
走れ走れ 走れ僕の魂
Run, run, run my soul
Carrying dreams, forevermore
ああ 始まりは そう
Ah, the beginning is, yes
From now on
ほらほら後悔の海に とっぷり浸かってる暇があるんなら泳ぎ出せ
Hey, hey, if you have time to be completely submerged in the sea of regret, swim out of it
涙こらえる僕より 素直に泣ける君の方がずっと 強いんだね
You who can cry honestly are much stronger than me, holding back tears
あの帽子も捨てて この屈辱も捨てて
Throw away that hat, throw away this humiliation
なんにも なくなって
With nothing left
だからこそ今飛び込む まだ見ぬ新しい世界
That's why I dive into a new, unseen world
Wake up! Wake up! Don′t be afraid!
Wake up! Wake up! Don′t be afraid!
「ワスレロ ワスレロ 全部ワスレロ」
"Forget it, forget it, forget it all"
All the acts of comforting each other
ああ 白の呪文を
Ah, the white spell
叩け叩け 叩け弱い魂
Beat, beat, beat the weak soul
Say it out loud, again and again, strongly
ああ 始まりは そう
Ah, the beginning is, yes
From now on
走れ走れ 走れ僕の魂
Run, run, run my soul
Carrying dreams, forevermore
もう 大丈夫さ
It's alright now
気が付け 気が付け そろそろ気が付け
Wake up, wake up, it's time to wake up
Everything is already near
ああ 始まりは そう
Ah, the beginning is, yes
From now on

Авторы: 徳永 暁人, 徳永 暁人

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