f(x) - Ending Page - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни f(x) - Ending Page

Ending Page
Ending Page
Eh We Oh- Eh We Oh-
Eh We Oh- Eh We Oh-
Eh We Oh- Eh We Oh-
Eh We Oh- Eh We Oh-
(Eh) Eh We Oh- (Eh) Eh We Oh-
(Eh) Eh We Oh- (Eh) Eh We Oh-
(Eh) Eh We Oh- (Eh) Eh We Oh-
(Eh) Eh We Oh- (Eh) Eh We Oh-
바로 옆인데 시무룩해
You're right next to me, but you're so gloomy.
노력해봐도 비슷해
No matter how hard I try, it's still the same.
튕겨 나온 조간 퍼즐 같아
Like a puzzle piece that's been pushed out,
솔직히 lonely 기막힌 irony
Honestly, lonely, a perfect irony.
너의 그늘진 자리에 시드는
A flower withering in the shadow of your presence,
그렇게 차츰 굳어가
I'm gradually hardening like that.
사랑에 묶여진 눈가림 풀려
The blindfold tied to love is coming undone,
서먹해져 가는지
Are we growing awkward?
입술은 닫고
My lips are closed,
미소는 멎고
My smile has stopped,
I've become quiet.
서로 다른 바라보는
Our eyes looking at different places,
나만 그런 건지
Is it just me?
그런 없니 외로울
Have you never felt lonelier?
그런 없니 눈물이
Have you never felt like crying?
우리 소설의 ending page
The ending page of our story,
함께 넘기면 무슨 얘길까
What would we talk about if we turned it together?
가봤니 먼저 모습 어때
Have you ever looked at me from the outside?
가봤니 먼저 눈을
Have you ever seen me when I open my eyes first?
수없이 썼다가 지워진 위에
On top of everything that's been written and erased countless times,
우리 사랑이 남길 기대해
I hope our love will leave its mark.
(Eh) Eh We Oh- (Eh) Eh We Oh-
(Eh) Eh We Oh- (Eh) Eh We Oh-
(Eh) Eh We Oh- (Eh) Eh We Oh-
(Eh) Eh We Oh- (Eh) Eh We Oh-
닫혀진 door 뒤편에
Behind the closed door,
너의 공간에 나를 인도해
Lead me to your space.
달리 써나간 언어를 읽어야
I need to read the words you wrote differently.
틀어진 생각 어긋나가 시선
Twisted thoughts, misaligned glances,
시계태엽처럼 돌려
Wind me up like a clockwork,
행복했던 때로 돌려
Turn me back to when I was happy.
표정을 가장 설렜던
The purest moments when I was most excited to see your expression,
순수함을 찾아줘
Find it for me.
의심의 함정
The trap of doubt,
마움의 과정
The process of the heart,
Even if it's confusing,
지나가보면 아름다운
It's beautiful when you look back,
네가 들려주길
Tell me that.
그런 없니 외로울
Have you never felt lonelier?
그런 없니 눈물이
Have you never felt like crying?
우리 소설의 ending page
The ending page of our story,
함께 넘기면 무슨 얘길까
What would we talk about if we turned it together?
가봤니 먼저 모습 어때
Have you ever looked at me from the outside?
가봤니 먼저 눈을
Have you ever seen me when I open my eyes first?
수없이 썼다가 지워진 위에
On top of everything that's been written and erased countless times,
우리 사랑이 남길 기대해
I hope our love will leave its mark.
Good thing gone bad 누군가의 심술놀이야
Good thing gone bad, someone's mischievous game.
가야해 다시 곁에
I have to go back to you.
깊은 눈물을 건너 바람 부는
Across the deep tears, the wind blows,
사막 같은 외로움을
A desert of loneliness,
지나는 나의 발걸음 끝에 있어줘
Be there at the end of my journey.
그런 있니 외롭지 않게
Can you do that, make me not lonely?
그런 있니 눈물이 멎게
Can you do that, make my tears stop?
우리 소설의 ending page
The ending page of our story,
함께 넘기면 무슨 얘길까
What would we talk about if we turned it together?
가봤니 먼저 모습 어때
Have you ever looked at me from the outside?
가봤니 먼저 눈을
Have you ever seen me when I open my eyes first?
수없이 썼다가 지워진 위에
On top of everything that's been written and erased countless times,
우리 사랑이 남길 기대해
I hope our love will leave its mark.
(Eh) Eh We Oh- (Eh) Eh We Oh-
(Eh) Eh We Oh- (Eh) Eh We Oh-
(Eh) Eh We Oh- (Eh) Eh We Oh-
(Eh) Eh We Oh- (Eh) Eh We Oh-
Eh Eh Eh Eh Eh Eh Oh-
Eh Eh Eh Eh Eh Eh Oh-
(Eh) Eh We Oh- (Eh) Eh We Oh-
(Eh) Eh We Oh- (Eh) Eh We Oh-
(Eh) Eh We Oh- (Eh) Eh We Oh-
(Eh) Eh We Oh- (Eh) Eh We Oh-
Eh Eh Eh Eh Eh Eh Oh-
Eh Eh Eh Eh Eh Eh Oh-

Авторы: Ji-yu Hong, Glen Myung Choi, Fingazz, Brodie Stewart

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