iamSHUM - アンマー - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни iamSHUM - アンマー

初夏の晴れた昼下がり 私は生まれたと聞きました
In the sunny afternoon of early summer, I heard I was born
I heard my mother was very happy
Wished I would walk the path of true faith
悩み抜いたすえに この名を私に付けたと聞きました
And after much deliberation, I heard she gave me this name
我が家はあの頃からやはり 裕福な方ではなく
My family was not wealthy, even back then
I could only envy my friends' toys and bicycles
With a slightly troubled look on her face
"I'm sorry," my mother would repeat
I remember crying beside her for a long, long time
アンマーよ アナタは私の全てを許し
Mother, you forgave me everything
You believed everything and embraced everything
惜しみもせずに 何もかもを私の上に注ぎ続けてきたのに
You poured everything you had into me without hesitation
アンマーよ 私はそれでも気付かずに
But Mother, I still didn't realize
I lived recklessly
「強さ」の意味をはき違えて ケンカや悪さばかりをくり返し
I misunderstood the meaning of "strength" and kept fighting and getting into trouble
勝手気ままに遊びまわる 本当にロクでもない私が
I was so selfish and reckless
真夜中の静けさの中 忍び足で家に帰ったときも
Even when I came home in the dead of night
狭い食卓の上には 茶碗が並べられていました
There were always bowls of rice on the small dining table
自分の弱さに目を背け 言い訳やゴタクを並べ
I ignored my own weakness, made excuses, and rambled on
I did nothing and just wasted every day
浴びる程に飲んだ私が 明け方眠りに落ちる頃
After I drank until I was numb and fell asleep at dawn
まだ薄暗い朝の街へ 母は出て行くのでした
My mother would go out into the dim morning light
アンマーよ 私はアナタに言ってはいけない
Mother, I shouldn't have said those things to you
I should never have spoken those words
I trampled on your heart without mercy
アンマーよ アナタはそれでも変わることなく
Yet you never changed, Mother
You continued to love me
木漏れ日のようなぬくもりで 深い海の様な優しさで
With the warmth of sunlight and the gentleness of a deep sea
全部 全部 私の全てを包み込んだ
You embraced all of me, all of me
アナタの背中に負われながら 眺めた八重瀬岳の夕陽は
The sunset over Mount Yaese that I saw on your back
今日も変わらず 茜色に街を染める yeah
Still dyes the town crimson today, yeah
度が過ぎるほどの頑固さも わがままも卑怯な嘘もすべて
Even your stubbornness, your selfishness, and your cowardly lies
There was a love that embraced it all
アナタのもとに生れ落ちたことは こんなにも幸せだった
I am so lucky to have been born to you
今頃ようやく気付きました こんな馬鹿な私だから
Now, finally, I realize
On a gentle spring morning, a new life was born
A lovely baby girl who smiles just like you
Hoping she would become a "person who is both kind and strong"
アナタの一番好きな 花の名前を付けました
I gave her the name of your favorite flower

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