lecca - F.A.F - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни lecca - F.A.F

F.A.F (English)
久しぶりに二人きり夜ご飯 食べようって前からの約束
Tonight we had plans to finally have dinner, just the two of us, like we promised
してたTonight たまたま耳にした 君のお酒の席でのある振る舞い
But coincidentally, I heard about a certain way you behave when you're drinking
知ったからには見逃せません 急遽今宵はサミット開いて
Now that I know, I can't just ignore it, so tonight we're holding an emergency summit
言いたいことがあるならどうぞ 心ゆくまで聞こうじゃないか
If you have something to say, go ahead, I'll listen to your heart's content
あぁ できるなら 今日は私だって
Ah, if only I could
眉間にしわ 寄らせてないで 酒の相手していたいけど
Avoid furrowing my brows and just keep you company while you drink
どちらかといえば 私のほうが
But to be honest, I'm the one who
何だこのやろう こんな夜に、って思うのもわかるでしょう
Feels like, "What the heck is this, on a night like this?" You understand, right?
店内には楽しげなラブソング 隣の席じゃ見つめあう二人が
The restaurant is filled with cheerful love songs, and at the table next to us, a couple gazes into each other's eyes
同情のまなざし 時折こちらに向けて
They occasionally glance our way with sympathetic looks
ごめんね、と頭下げられても もうしない、と約束されても
Even if you apologize and promise not to do it again
引くに引けない 私をどうか許して
I can't back down now, please forgive me
When I fuss & fight with you, oh boy
When I fuss & fight with you, oh boy
これ以上ないくらい イヤな気持ちになるのにまたFuss & fight with you
I feel the worst I could possibly feel, yet I fuss & fight with you again
空気中のすべて 凍りつかせて
Freezing everything in the air
Fuss & fight with you, oh boy
Fuss & fight with you, oh boy
愛する君を憎んでしまうほど 終わらないこのFuss & fight with you
This endless fuss & fight with you makes me hate the one I love
心の奥まで 凍りつかせて
Freezing even the depths of my heart
いつもはじまりは小さなこと 何気ない会話の一部分
It always starts with something small, a fragment of a casual conversation
悪気なくても 前の彼女と行った場所なんか教えて欲しくはないよ
Even if you didn't mean anything by it, I don't want to hear about places you went with your ex-girlfriend
あぁ 本当は いつもありがとうって
Ah, the truth is, I always wanted to say
伝えるはずだったのに なんでこんな事になるの?
Thank you, so why does it turn out like this?
店内には楽しげなラブソング 隣の席じゃ見つめあう二人が
The restaurant is filled with cheerful love songs, and at the table next to us, a couple gazes into each other's eyes
同情のまなざし 時折こちらに向けて
They occasionally glance our way with sympathetic looks
ごめんね、と頭下げられても もうしない、と約束されても
Even if you apologize and promise not to do it again
引くに引けない 私をどうか許して
I can't back down now, please forgive me
When I fuss & fight with you, oh boy
When I fuss & fight with you, oh boy
これ以上ないくらい イヤな気持ちになるのにまたFuss & fight with you
I feel the worst I could possibly feel, yet I fuss & fight with you again
空気中のすべて 凍りつかせて
Freezing everything in the air
Fuss & fight with you, oh boy
Fuss & fight with you, oh boy
愛する君を憎んでしまうほど 終わらないこのFuss & fight with you
This endless fuss & fight with you makes me hate the one I love
心の奥まで 凍りつかせて
Freezing even the depths of my heart
言えば言うほど ドツボにはまり
The more I speak, the deeper I sink
聞けば聞くほど 耳を疑い
The more I listen, the more I doubt my ears
目の前の顔はいつのまにか 見知らぬ他人のように様変わり
The face before me has transformed into a stranger
Should I just give up and say, "That's enough"?
I can't do that because I want to keep holding your hand
Forever and ever
こんな思いしても 君じゃなきゃいやだから
Even with all these feelings, I don't want anyone but you
どうしても素直になれないときは 君のしてくれたことを思い出すの
When I can't be honest, I remember all the things you've done for me
それと君がくれた宝物 思い浮かべて
And the treasures you gave me
わたし用の歯ブラシにマグカップ 悲しいとき笑うためのDVD
My own toothbrush, a mug, DVDs to make me laugh when I'm sad
それと私の友達に会ってくれたときの 慣れない愛想笑いを
And that awkward, forced smile you put on when you met my friends
When I fuss & fight with you, oh boy
When I fuss & fight with you, oh boy
これ以上ないくらい イヤな気持ちになるのにまたFuss & fight with you
I feel the worst I could possibly feel, yet I fuss & fight with you again
空気中のすべて 凍りつかせて
Freezing everything in the air
Fuss & fight with you, oh boy
Fuss & fight with you, oh boy
愛する君を憎んでしまうほど 終わらないこのFuss & fight with you
This endless fuss & fight with you makes me hate the one I love
心の奥まで 凍りつかせて
Freezing even the depths of my heart

Авторы: lecca

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