lecca - Gambling - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни lecca - Gambling

声そろえて叫び始める 現代社会の常識は
We start shouting in unison, modern society's common sense
Wisdom of seeking security over passion and dreams in life
X-day's Lehman shock has shown capitalism to be an obsolete concept
夢を見るのもいつしか忘れ ツワモノどもは雲隠れ
We have forgotten to dream and hotshots have gone into hiding
求める幸せはso so 計算して憂える老後
The happiness we seek is mediocre, we calculate and worry about our old age
Should we be cutting back more and saving while we can?
We're all gambling そう、イチかバチか
We're all gambling, yes, go for broke
We're all gambling 為すか為さぬか
We're all gambling, to act or not to act
We're the gamblers 賭けるのは
We're the gamblers, our bet is
Our own insignificant lives
Gamb-gambling, let's stand in 試しに行こう
Gamb-gambling, let's stand in, let's give it a go
どんな場所にも絶対はない なら思うようにいこう
There's no certainty anywhere, so let's just do as we please
Gamb-gambling, let's start up 使い切って行こう
Gamb-gambling, let's start up, let's spend it all
賭けないなら負けと同じ don't wanna be a loser
If you don't bet, it's the same as losing, don't wanna be a loser
O oh, oh, oh 一思いに
O oh, oh, oh go for it!
O oh, oh, oh かけちゃえばいい
O oh, oh, oh just bet on it
O oh, oh, oh 今しかない 今しか選べないGambling way
O oh, oh, oh there's no time like the present, there's no choice but to choose the Gambling way
エコだかエゴだか分からない その場しのぎは終わらない
Whether it's for the environment or for ourselves, this muddling through won't end
こんなに止めてちゃまわらない よりよい人生への渇望
If we keep holding back like this, we'll miss out on a better life
無駄を省いて小さく生きる 先が見えなきゃさっさと切る
Cut out the waste and live modestly, if we can't see a future, then let's cut our losses quickly
こんな時代をチャンスと見る 私ならもっと
I'd see these times as an opportunity and do even more
無駄でもなんでもでっかく動く けちにならずにバカになる
Even if it's wasteful or whatever, make big moves, don't be stingy but be foolish
好きな男は即座に口説く どうして生きる、まわりくどく
If I like a guy, I'll ask him out right away, why live life being roundabout
Who told us to "do nothing rather than do something and live comfortably in a warm room"?
そんな時代に誰がした? って疑問と焦りならゆるぎない
Those doubts and anxieties about such times are unwavering
We're all gambling そう、イチかバチか
We're all gambling, yes, go for broke
We're all gambling 為すか為さぬか
We're all gambling, to act or not to act
We're the gamblers 賭けるのは
We're the gamblers, our bet is
Our own insignificant lives
Gamb-gambling, let's stand in 試しに行こう
Gamb-gambling, let's stand in, let's give it a go
どんな場所にも絶対はない なら思うようにいこう
There's no certainty anywhere, so let's just do as we please
Gamb-gambling, let's start up 使い切って行こう
Gamb-gambling, let's start up, let's spend it all
賭けないなら負けと同じ don't wanna be a loser
If you don't bet, it's the same as losing, don't wanna be a loser
時代は2010 なんだって選べるの世界中
The era is 2010, my love, it's a world where you can choose anything
若いのにチャンスものがす そこにはただよう加齢臭
The young have the time to take chances, the air is thick with the smell of old age
うのみにするアリとキリギリス ほんとは生き方なんてピンキリ
Believing in the ant and the grasshopper fable, but in reality, life is as varied as can be
ギリギリはどちらの方かな まさか歌は忘れない
Which is the riskier path, I wonder, but one thing I'll never forget is to sing
Bet my life... 勝てば手に入る
Bet my life... Success is in my grasp
Bet my life... 他にない成功
Bet my life... There's no other path to success
Bet my life... 負けは認めない
Bet my life... I won't admit defeat
Bet my life, so get your life
Bet my life, so get your life
Gamb-gambling, let's stand in 試しに行こう
Gamb-gambling, let's stand in, let's give it a go
どんな場所にも絶対はない なら思うようにいこう
There's no certainty anywhere, so let's just do as we please
Gamb-gambling, let's start up 使い切って行こう
Gamb-gambling, let's start up, let's spend it all
賭けないなら負けと同じ don't wanna be a loser
If you don't bet, it's the same as losing, don't wanna be a loser
O oh, oh, oh 一思いに
O oh, oh, oh go for it!
O oh, oh, oh かけちゃえばいい
O oh, oh, oh just bet on it
O oh, oh, oh 今しかない 今しか選べないGambling way
O oh, oh, oh there's no time like the present, there's no choice but to choose the Gambling way

Авторы: Lecca, lecca

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