lecca - 働く♀の子 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни lecca - 働く♀の子

Working Woman
私は働く女の子 男社会の中めげないの、って
I'm a working girl, tough in a man's world
決めたあの日からはや何年 気分は今でも秘境探検
I decided that many years ago, and I still feel like I'm exploring a new world.
何件まわるの、今日一日 たくましくなってくの日に日に
How many clients will I see today? I'm getting stronger every day.
本音はいつだってもうギリギリ まとまった休みが欲しい
Truthfully, I'm always on the brink of exhaustion. I wish I had more free time.
けど仕事は待ってくれやしない 顧客が待ってるの新商品
But my job won't wait for me, clients and new products need me.
楽しみな顔思い浮かべて 大好きな人ひとり待たせて
I imagine the happy faces when they see the new product, making me wait for my loved one.
何をムキになってるんだろう、私 そういや趣味の時間もない暮らし
Why am I so worked up? I've barely had any time for myself lately.
せめて雑誌の旅レポート 眺めて妄想のエアポート
I read travel magazines and dream of faraway places.
I want to have fun, I really do.
But I can't slack off, I can't.
出来上がるまで どこにも行かないで
I won't go anywhere until I'm finished.
I want to let loose, I really do.
But I can't afford to, I can't.
納得できるまで かじりついて
I'll keep at it until I'm satisfied.
涙なくして語れない 女の自覚とかまるでナイ
I can't talk about women's self-awareness without shedding a tear.
エステの前に筋トレ たまには自分も写真に撮れ
I workout before my beauty treatments, and I take pictures of myself sometimes.
The cosmetics counter closes at 9 pm, so I can't buy anything since I'm always working.
I give up and buy similar products like cleansing oil.
うちの冷蔵庫にはRedbull たまには満たしたい野菜室
I have Redbull in my fridge, but my vegetable drawer is empty.
作った味噌汁 ちょっと濃すぎる 反省を胸にまた明日TRY
My miso soup is too salty, but I'll try again tomorrow.
お風呂の中でも自分磨き マネができるか?! 男の子たち
I even do self-care in the bath, but I'm a girl, so I can't do it like a boy.
May fortune smile upon the girl who isn't a perfect combination of her mother and father.
I want to have fun, I really do.
But I can't slack off, I can't.
出来上がるまで どこにも行かないで
I won't go anywhere until I'm finished.
I want to let loose, I really do.
But I can't afford to, I can't.
納得できるまで かじりついて
I'll keep at it until I'm satisfied.
女の子には 休みなんてナイ
Girls don't get days off.
やるコトなら 掃いて捨てるほどある
There's always something to do.
ここでしか 吐き出さないから
I can only let it out here,
聞いてくれる? あたしすごく
So listen to me, I really
遊びに行きたいの! Yeah, yeah
Want to go out and have some fun! Yeah, yeah
めっちゃはじけたいの! Yeah, yeah
Want to let loose! Yeah, yeah
ボーっとしていたいの! Yeah, yeah
Want to relax and do nothing! Yeah, yeah
ひとりにもなりたいの! Yeah, yeah
Want to be alone! Yeah, yeah
友だちに会いたいの! Yeah, yeah
Want to see my friends! Yeah, yeah
家族にも会いたいの! Yeah, yeah
Want to see my family! Yeah, yeah
カレシにも会いたいの! Yeah, yeah
Want to see my boyfriend! Yeah, yeah
あ~ スッキリした、切り替えて!
Ah~ I feel better, let's switch gears!
I want to have fun, I really do.
But I can't slack off, I can't.
出来上がるまで どこにも行かないで
I won't go anywhere until I'm finished.
I want to let loose, I really do.
But I can't afford to, I can't.
納得できるまで かじりついて
I'll keep at it until I'm satisfied.
思えば自分で決めた道 たまに人知れず泣いたりしても
When I think about it, I chose this path myself. I may cry sometimes, but
みせる女のど根性を 知っててくれる? そこんとこ
Do you see my tenacity as a woman? Do you understand that?
あたしがやらず誰がやる? それくらいの気持ちがここにある
If I don't do it, who will? I need to have that kind of attitude.
私の、私による、私の未来 だからこそ人任せにはしない
My future is my own, and I won't leave it to others.
働きにゆくのです、今日もまた 雨の日風の日女の子の日でも
I will continue to work, even on rainy days, windy days, and even on my period.
ありがたいことじゃないか、仕事できる これで今月も支払いできる
It's a blessing to be able to work, because it means I can pay my bills this month.
少々のことで顔曇らせない 交渉次第で変わるぜ未来
I won't let little things get me down, I can change the future through negotiation.
やんなってないでほら笑って 女の子の強みいま使って
Don't give up, smile, and use your strengths as a woman.
帰れない、帰れない まだ
I can't go home, I can't go home yet.
I can't finish, I can't finish yet.
完成するまで どこにも逃げないで
I won't run away until it's done.
働く、働く まだ
I'll keep working, I'll keep working yet.
I can do it, I can do it because
OKが出るまで 集中して
I'll focus until I get the OK.

Авторы: Lecca, Kon"mpc"ken, lecca, kon”mpc”ken

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