legallyrxx & Jazz - PERDIDA TOTAL - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни legallyrxx & Jazz - PERDIDA TOTAL

Eres como un mecánico queriéndome arreglar
You're like a mechanic trying to fix me
Pero ya estoy roto
But I'm already broken
(Yeeeeh yeeeeeh yeeh)
(Yeeeeh yeeeeeh yeeh)
Eres como un mecánico queriéndome arreglar
You're like a mechanic trying to fix me
Pero ya estoy roto mami perdida total
But I'm already broken, baby, a total loss
Mándame la soli que no te la voy a aceptar
Send me the request, I won't accept it
Y yo te olvide se ya no estás
And I forgot you, you're not here anymore
Ya no quiero estar con mi ex
I don't want to be with my ex anymore
Recuerdo la ves que regrese
I remember the time I came back
Solo quiero tener con otras sex
I just want to have sex with others
Pero ella me llama pa repetirlo otra vez
But she calls me to do it again
Ya no quiero estar con mi ex
I don't want to be with my ex anymore
Recuerdo la ves que regrese
I remember the time I came back
Solo quiero tener con otras sex
I just want to have sex with others
Pero ella me llama pa repetirlo otra vez
But she calls me to do it again
Esa cintura como Kyle
That waist like Kyle
Y me la clavaba como kairy
And she stuck it in me like Kairy
Yo tenía piquete,producía como tainy
I had the sting, I produced like Tainy
No se como hacía pa′ vestirte como barbie
I don't know how you did it to dress like Barbie
Y dentro suyo no trae panty
And you don't wear panties inside
Recuerdo que de ti yo me fiaba
I remember I trusted you
Pero solo me endeudaba
But I only went into debt
Era fraude como retro 0
It was a fraud like Retro 0
Mami por ti no soy sincero
Baby, I'm not sincere for you
Ahora me acuesto más tranquilo que antes
Now I sleep more peacefully than before
Sin un mensaje de alguien pa reprocharme
Without a message from someone to reproach me
Ya no te extraño extrañas mirarme
I don't miss you anymore, you miss looking at me
Estar con otros se te hace constante
Being with others is constant for you
Pero se que le da play a mis canciones
But I know you play my songs
Mami no te hagas tienes Tuz razones
Baby, don't pretend, you have your reasons
Si fuera tu novio te diera atenciones
If I were your boyfriend, I'd give you attention
Pero ni el me llega a los talones
But you don't even reach my heels
Ya no quiero estar con mi ex
I don't want to be with my ex anymore
Recuerdo la ves que regrese
I remember the time I came back
Solo quiero tener con otras sex
I just want to have sex with others
Pero ella me llama pa repetirlo otra vez
But she calls me to do it again
Ya no quiero estar con mi ex
I don't want to be with my ex anymore
Recuerdo la ves que regrese
I remember the time I came back
Solo quiero tener con otras sex
I just want to have sex with others
Pero ella me llama pa repetirlo otra vez
But she calls me to do it again
No es viernes y ya quiero ahorcarte
It's not Friday and I already want to strangle you
No estoy ready para rosar darte
I'm not ready to touch you, give you
A tu name yo le di delete Y tu ID ya no está mi cel
I deleted your name and your ID is no longer on my phone
No se qué pasa por mi cabeza
I don't know what's going through my head
Te juro que pienso y no es en ti
I swear I think and it's not about you
Ahora que te la pasas en fiesta
Now that you spend your time partying
Ten por seguro mi música estará ahí
Rest assured, my music will be there
Ella me dijo que no encuentro como ella
She told me I wouldn't find anyone like her
Quería pero esa es la idea
She wanted to, but that's the idea
Me llamo pa decir que me amaba
She called me to say she loved me
Mami quien te crea
Baby, who believes you
Parece cianuro por lo tóxic
It seems like cyanide because of how toxic
Le compré cartera Chanel
I bought her a Chanel bag
Me pidió Cartiel yo le di mi fósil
She asked for Cartier, I gave her my Fossil
Me dijo que estará con el
She told me she'll be with him
Ahora que me va bien
Now that I'm doing well
Ya no quiero estar con mi ex
I don't want to be with my ex anymore
Recuerdo la ves que regrese
I remember the time I came back
Solo quiero tener con otras sex
I just want to have sex with others
Pero ella me llama pa repetirlo otra vez
But she calls me to do it again
Ya no quiero estar con mi ex
I don't want to be with my ex anymore
Recuerdo la ves que regrese
I remember the time I came back
Solo quiero tener con otras sex
I just want to have sex with others
Pero ella me llama pa repetirlo otra vez
But she calls me to do it again
(Yeeh yeeeh)
(Yeeh yeeeh)
(Ohhh na naaa)
(Ohhh na naaa)
El nene que se produce solo
The kid who produces himself
(Yeeeeh yeh)
(Yeeeeh yeh)
Es Basura necesaria
It's Necessary Trash
21 08
21 08
Ya tu sabe
You already know

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