nobodyknows+ - 宿なし - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни nobodyknows+ - 宿なし

The Homeless
宿なし 金なし 行き先なし シートに足投げ出し
Homeless, penniless, nowhere to go, legs hanging out the seat
車でパッて行こうぜ 歌っていこうぜ 鼻歌交じりでもよし ok
Let's go for a ride, let's sing along, even if it's just a humming tune, ok
俺たち気晴らし 問題なし 今だけは自分らしく
We're just blowing off steam, no problems, just being ourselves for now
勢いさ 1.2.3 すべて忘れて ever ever free
On the count of 1.2.3, let's forget everything, ever ever free
遅く起きた昼過ぎ 突然の集合メール 前日呑みすぎて不調ですって「何?」
Woke up late in the afternoon, a sudden group email, "I'm feeling sick from drinking too much the night before, what?"
相手は後に今日のボス やたらテンション高けぇ 電話越し voice
The sender is today's boss, strangely high-spirited, voice over the phone
ポッと空いた休みだ 明日まで(あっそっか) 「準備しとけ行くぞ 集まれ」
A day off popped up out of nowhere, "Get ready, let's go, gather up" (oh, right)
「ちょっとドコー?」そんな質問は野暮 何かありそうではじまった休日の午後
"What, where do we go?" Such questions are rude, something seems to be up, the afternoon of a holiday has begun
「ちょっとドコー?」じゃねえぜ 寝床から出て 早よ 持ち物はペットボトルだけで(hello!!)
"What, where do we go?" Don't be silly, get out of bed now, quick, just bring your water bottle (hello!!)
やる気満々の一番乗り きっちり段取りさせてもらうぜ everybody come on
I'm the first one here, raring to go, I'll take care of everything, everybody come on
変になるかもってぐらいに 仕事毎日ばっか また辛いに
I'm about to lose it, all I do is work every day, it's getting tough
たまの休みさ みんな身勝手に行こう GO うさばらすだけさ 屁理屈はNO
It's a rare day off so let's all do whatever we want, GO, let's just mess around, no excuses
宿なし 金なし 行き先なし シートに足投げ出し
Homeless, penniless, nowhere to go, legs hanging out the seat
車でパッて行こうぜ 歌っていこうぜ 鼻歌交じりでもよし ok
Let's go for a ride, let's sing along, even if it's just a humming tune, ok
俺たち気晴らし 問題なし 今だけは自分らしく
We're just blowing off steam, no problems, just being ourselves for now
勢いさ 1.2.3 すべて忘れて ever ever free
On the count of 1.2.3, let's forget everything, ever ever free
飛び乗った すでに伸びきったその羽根 押し込んだ 浮かれきったその車で
Hopped in, those feathers are already spread wide, pushed down, in that high-spirited car
(エアコンはねぇよ) 窓全開じゃねぇと 風を浴びて 汗も掻いて play on
(No AC) The windows have to be open, let the wind blow, sweat it out, play on
無鉄砲ぐらいがちょうどいいでしょ(結構) 些細なトラブルも 笑えるテンション
A little recklessness is just right (that's enough), small troubles just make us laugh
なんせ思いつき 風に聞いてくれ カッチョイイ どこにだって付いてくぜ
Just go with the flow, ask the wind, that's cool, I'll follow you anywhere
少数精鋭 2, 3人がbest 道中連携 みだれ方 No Basic
A small elite group of 2, 3 is best, working together along the way, no basic b*tches
軽いフットワークが何よりウリ グッドマーク 飛んで山に海
Light on our feet is our best asset, north, south, good marks, flying over mountains and seas
目映り激しい右左 空振り 味しめりゃ 楽しめる結束 yo
The glaring right and left, the misses, once you get a taste, you can enjoy the solidarity
行き先々も結局こう 郷に入りても郷に従わず 乗りでGO!!
In the end, we're like this wherever we go, we don't conform, we just ride along!!
おニューのTシャツ 首提げたジーザス 街歩くあの子は新手のvinous
A brand new T-shirt, a cross around his neck, a guy walking down the street with a new kind of wine
かわいい子 気ぃつけて旅させろじゃなく かわいい子見つけてアニョハセヨだなんて
Cute girl, be careful when you travel, instead of "be careful," I'll say "Hello" to a cute girl
今日限定 馬鹿ノリの変な感じ ウィンドウ越し 顔付け 「今何時?」(笑って)
Today only, a funny feeling of foolishness, a face in the window, "What time is it?" (lol)
旅の恥なら 書き捨てです best 道中は長いぜ 結果なら別です
If the journey is a shame, write it off as a loss, the journey is long, but the result is different
宿なし 金なし 行き先なし シートに足投げ出し
Homeless, penniless, nowhere to go, legs hanging out the seat
車でパッて行こうぜ 歌っていこうぜ 鼻歌交じりでもよし ok
Let's go for a ride, let's sing along, even if it's just a humming tune, ok
俺たち気晴らし 問題なし 今だけは自分らしく
We're just blowing off steam, no problems, just being ourselves for now
勢いさ 1.2.3 すべて忘れて ever ever free
On the count of 1.2.3, let's forget everything, ever ever free
Heyたまにゃ 気の向くままに Hey 行き先も宛ても無し
Hey, sometimes on a whim, Hey, with no destination or purpose
風任せ 羽伸ばせ 何もかも忘れて you take a rest
Let the wind take you, spread your wings, forget about everything, you take a rest
Hey たまにゃ 気の向くままに Hey Hey 行き先も宛ても無し
Hey, sometimes on a whim, Hey Hey, with no destination or purpose
羽伸ばせ 何もかも 今だけは忘れて you take a rest
Spread your wings, forget about everything, for now, you take a rest
次は何処? アクセルは no stop (on) 環状抜け 山道超え ここは何処? rook on
Where next? The accelerator is non-stop (on), out of the ring road, over the mountain pass, where is this? rook on
旅の末は 道の終着点 ノープランもいいとこ 大海原にgoal
The journey ends at the road's end, no plans are good plans, the destination is the open sea
いいもんだぜ こうしてのんびり 気の合う仲間ともち陽気に
This is good, just relaxing like this, with good friends and good vibes
気の向くまま 思い付くままにgo 空っぽになるにゃ これぐらいじゃないと
On a whim, on the spur of the moment, to go empty, this is what it takes
あーそう 本当イイ感じ! ところでここ何処で今何時?
Yeah, it feels so good! Where are we and what time is it?
「朝の9時だって?」 「見てみやー 富士だって!!」
("9am?" "Look! It's Mt. Fuji!!")
このままじゃ仕事無理 やっべ‾ 名古屋に到着が12時やでとにかく急がな here we, here we go
At this rate, I won't make it to work, oh no, I'll arrive in Nagoya at 12, I have to hurry, here we, here we go
「ちょっとどうする?」 「オレのせいじゃねえよ‾」
"What do we do?" "It's not my fault‾"
The car is drenched in cold sweat
宿なし 金なし 行き先なし シートに足投げ出し
Homeless, penniless, nowhere to go, legs hanging out the seat
車でパッて行こうぜ 歌っていこうぜ 鼻歌交じりでもよし ok
Let's go for a ride, let's sing along, even if it's just a humming tune, ok
俺たち気晴らし 問題なし 今だけは自分らしく
We're just blowing off steam, no problems, just being ourselves for now
勢いさ 1.2.3 すべて忘れて ever ever free
On the count of 1.2.3, let's forget everything, ever ever free
宿なし 金なし 行き先なし シートに足投げ出し
Homeless, penniless, nowhere to go, legs hanging out the seat
車でパッて行こうぜ 歌っていこうぜ 鼻歌交じりでもよし ok
Let's go for a ride, let's sing along, even if it's just a humming tune, ok
俺たち気晴らし 問題なし 今だけは自分らしく
We're just blowing off steam, no problems, just being ourselves for now
勢いさ 1.2.3 すべて忘れて ever ever free
On the count of 1.2.3, let's forget everything, ever ever free

Авторы: Dj Mitsu, Yasuyi Fan ?, dj mitsu, ヤス一番?

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