ph1l feat. Sugoi Kimono - together - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни ph1l feat. Sugoi Kimono - together

Od kedy sme friends všetko dáva význam
Since we became friends, everything has been making sense
Hodiny online - voláme facetime
Hours online - calling on FaceTime
Spoznal som teba, žijeme to isté
I met you, we live the same life
Prišli sme z ničoho; došli sme nikde
We came from nothing; we ended up nowhere
Bežal som za tým; ono to nepríde
I ran after it; it won't come
Smejeme sa a aj plačeme spolu
We laugh and cry together
Nahrávam glitchcore a jebem na školu
I record glitchcore and I don't care about school
Nikto neviem veci čo vravím tebe
Nobody knows the things I tell you
Pomôžem tebe než pomôžem sebe
I'll help you before I help myself
Čokoľvek spravím tak s tebou znie lepšie
Whatever I do sounds better with you
Discord do rána, nahrávame verše
Discord until morning, we record verses
Nerozdelí nás nič
Nothing will separate us anymore
Makáme na tom aj keď to nik nechce
We work on it even if nobody wants it
Spomienky čo máme my
The memories we have
Počul som tvoj hlas 12 hodín denne
I heard your voice 12 hours a day
Nezabudnem na to nikdy
I'll never forget it
Spolu sa učíme; ničíme beaty
Together we learn; we destroy beats
Spoločný preset a spoločné klipy
Common preset and common clips
Spoločný začiatok, spoločné chyby
Common beginning, common mistakes
Či riešime holky a či hráme hry
Whether we talk about girls or play games
Všetko je ľahšie keď stojíš tam ty
Everything is easier when you're there
Vstávame večer a zaspíme v noci
We get up in the evening and fall asleep at night
Ešte jedno kolo, ešte tieto schody
One more round, these stairs again
A keď nie tak jebať, bolo pre čo žiť
And if not, fuck it, it was worth living for
Sme silní spolu lebo chceme to isté
We are strong together because we want the same thing
Ak mám vyhrať bez teba tak ani nechcem
If I have to win without you, I don't even want to
Obaja mali sme sen
We both had a dream
Plníme si ho z malej detskej izby
We live it up from a small children's room
Vďaka tebe viem čo chcem
Thanks to you, I know what I want
Minulé leto predpovedá výhry (bwah!)
Last summer predicts victories (bwah!)
Od začiatku vlastný sound
Own sound from the beginning
Stále to isté no teraz je lepší
Still the same but now it's better
Bolo tu ticho a prišli sme my
It was quiet here and we arrived
Emo rapperi z nás chytajú schýzy
Emo rappers are having fits from us
Bolo sme prví čo to začali
We were the first to start it
Makali sme spolu každý deň v týždni
We worked together every day of the week
Bez teba by som fakt nebol že nič
Without you, I would really be nothing
Začínam byť niekym, sa to blíži
I'm starting to become someone, it's getting close
Ďakujem že si dal Lieu-a na story
Thank you for putting Lieu on the story
Keby nenapíšem tak neviem čo robím
If I hadn't written I don't know what I'd be doing
Keby neujebeš čajke jej private
If you hadn't stolen the seagull's private message
Tak stratím približne asi tisíce hodín a-
I'd lose about a thousand hours and-
Aj keď som heartbroken bol si tu pri mne
Even when I was heartbroken, you were there for me
Si tu so mnou aj keď ďaleko inde
You're here with me even if you're far away
Spolu ideme a spolu aj zmizneme
Together we go and together we disappear
Keď robím track sám tak sa cítim divne
When I make a track alone, I feel strange
Neviem či dokážem nič
I don't know if I can do anything
Hneď som si istý keď stojíš tu ty
I'm sure as soon as you're here
Navždy budeme sa kryť
We'll always cover for each other
Spolu od začiatku do konca bitch
Together from beginning to end bitch
Budeš tu so mnou a budeš tu pre mňa
You'll be here with me and you'll be here for me
Nikdy sa nezmením budem tu pre teba
I'll never change, I'll be here for you
Together, všade mám svojho anjela
Together, I have my angel everywhere
Spojil nás osud; úplná náhoda
Fate brought us together; a complete coincidence
Baby buďme spolu addicts
Baby, let's be addicts together
Štucne na sebe no ja cítim sa jak bad bitch
She pricks herself, but I feel like a bad bitch
Hello Kitty tats bitch, mám iba real friends bitch
Hello Kitty tattoos, bitch, I only have real friends, bitch
Čajky s Only Fans, ja ostávam only friends bitch
Seagulls with Only Fans, I only stay friends, bitch
Každý by si mal nájsť svojho Kimona kámo
Everyone should find their own Kimono dude

Авторы: Andrej švec

ph1l feat. Sugoi Kimono - crushed
дата релиза

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