pinocchioP - こどものしくみ - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни pinocchioP - こどものしくみ

The Mechanics of Being a Child
I know that sugar tastes sweet when I lick it
But I don't know what airplane clouds taste like
I know that this summer vacation will eventually end
だけどぼくらが んだらどうなるかはピンとこないまま
But I can't quite grasp what will happen to us after we d i e
最高の 最高の 思い出たちは
The best, the best memories
成長の 成長の 痛みとともに
Along with the growing, the growing pains
気持ち悪い虫でも手掴みで 気持ちが良いと頬を赤らめて
Even though the bugs are gross, I pick them up with my bare hands and blush with delight
最低なおとぎ話 だけどまだ居場所はそこにあった
It's the worst kind of fairy tale, but it's still where I belong
こどものしくみ 教えてよ ねぇ
Teach me the mechanics of being a child, please
大人の先入観は しょうもないの ねぇ
The prejudices of adults are ridiculous, aren't they?
低い身長を 武器にしながら
I use my short stature as a weapon
感情のしくみを 分解して ねぇ
Dissecting the mechanics of emotion, please
すべてを見透かし やんなっても ねぇ
See through everything and get fed up, please
夏の夜 ドキドキしたかった 君と
On that summer night, I wanted to get my heart racing, with you
I play the toy whistle given to me by an adult
だから やましい気持ちで白 のふりを続けてる
That's why I keep acting like an i d i o t, out of guilt
It's like running through a minefield of dusk
影が伸びてく 祭囃子は遠のく
Shadows stretch, the festival囃子 fades away
想像の 想像の ちっちゃな花火は
The tiny fireworks of imagination are
愛憎を 愛憎を 飲み込むように
Swallowing the love and hate
くじらの背中で溺れるたびに 絵日記に修正入るたびに
Every time I drown on the back of a whale, every time I correct my diary
調子づいた現実が ついに秘密基地をぶっ した
Reality got cocky and finally d e s t r o y e d the secret base
こどものしくみ 教えてよ ねぇ
Teach me the mechanics of being a child, please
センパイの倫理観は 問題ないの ねぇ
The ethics of upperclassmen are fine, aren't they?
古い七不思議 真に受けながら
Taking old urban legends seriously
醜い心を 後悔して ねぇ
Regretting the ugliness within, please
笑顔の写真 破らないで ねぇ
Don't tear up the smiling photograph, please
蝉時雨 ワクワクしたかった ずっと
I wanted to get excited by the sound of cicadas, forever
蚊帳(かや)の中で眠っていた 昔のぼく
The old me sleeping under a mosquito net
平和そうな 寝顔
Such a peaceful sleeping face
こどものしくみ 教えてよ ねぇ
Teach me the mechanics of being a child, please
大人の先入観は しょうもないの ねぇ
The prejudices of adults are ridiculous, aren't they?
低い身長を 武器にしながら
I use my short stature as a weapon
感情のしくみを 分解して ねぇ
Dissecting the mechanics of emotion, please
すべてを見透かし やんなっても ねぇ
See through everything and get fed up, please
瓶のラムネを こぼしながら また
I spill the marbles once again
醜い心を 後悔して ねぇ
Regretting the ugliness within, please
表現の自由 奪わないで ねぇ
Don't take away my freedom of expression, please
夏の夜 ドキドキしたかった 君と
On that summer night, I wanted to get my heart racing, with you
I believed I could do anything
With these small palms

Авторы: Pinokiop, ピノキオp

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