pinocchioP - ゲームスペクター2 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни pinocchioP - ゲームスペクター2

Game Specter 2
子供の頃だけ 遊んだ君の
As a child, your funeral
葬式あと 残る線香のにおい
Incense remains after the funeral
これからも 続く毎日の
Continuing into the future every day
あてどなさに 目を閉じる
Your aimlessness closes my eyes
アパートその日暮らし 午前二時
2 AM in an apartment living day to day
枕元 死んだ君が 化けて出て
My deceased lover from beside my pillow
Says: "I have no intention of cursing or haunting you."
Transparent, grinning
"That game we used to play
That game you borrowed without returning."
“Because I haven't cleared it yet."
“I can't go to the other side.”
だから おばけの君と ゲームをピコピコ
So I play the game with you as a ghost
相変わらず ヘタクソだね
You're still as bad at it as ever.
いつも どうして うまくいかないのかな
Why can't you ever clear it?
どうして あっさり 死んじゃうのかな
Why did you die so easily?
君が透けて浮いてる コントローラー
Your controller floats transparently
一応 もてなした ポテトとコーラ
I did my best to host you, chips and coke
そいつを 横目に来月の
As I look at it, I think about
Next month's rent
Neither of us worked hard in school
And we lent and borrowed games
返すつもりは あったのに
I always intended to return it
But we suddenly became distant
だから おまけの日々を遊ぼう ガチャガチャ
So let's play the rest of our lives
協力プレイ 懐かしいね
Nostalgic co-op play
いつも どうして そこで突っ込むのかなあ
Why did you always bulldoze ahead?
どうして ぼくだけ 生きてるのかな
Why am I the only one who is still alive?
通りすがりの 浮遊霊がぼくらを
Ghosts passing by point at us
指差して クスクス笑ってるんだ
And chuckle
ワンパターンなギミックに ワンパターンに殺されて
In the monotonous game, we meet our monotonous ends
だんだんパターンを掴み やっとラスボス前って所で
As I gradually learn the pattern we finally reach the final boss
ゲームクリアのその先に 望んでる続きはないって
But after the game clears the sequel I desire doesn't exist
生きてきたセーブデータも いつか上書きされるって
The save data I have lived also shall be overwritten
だけど おばけの君と ゲームをピコピコ
So I play games with you as a ghost
悲しくても やらなくちゃね
I have to even though it makes me sad
ボロボロで辿りついた エンドロールに
Exhausted, I reach the end credits
Full of unknown names
そして 二人はハイタッチ すり抜けゲラゲラ
And the two of us high five, giggling as we pass through them
窓の外は もう朝だね
Outside the window, It's already morning
“Even though they were full of failures, they were fun as well.
マヌケ面で君は 姿を消した
With that silly smile, you disappeared
ぼんやり徹夜明け 痺れた頭と
In the hazy post-all nighter numbness
ほんとにしょうもない 思い出のにおい
And with nothing more than the smell of truly meaningless memories
実はゲーム機に とり憑いた
Actually you possessed
君にまだ 気づかないまま
The game without me knowing
アダプタは 暖かいまま
And the adapter is still warm

Авторы: Pinocchiop

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