pinocchioP - 閻魔さまのいうとおり - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни pinocchioP - 閻魔さまのいうとおり

As the King of Hell Says
Tomorrow, a girl will be sacrificed so that everyone will not die
優しい母さんの家に 拷問部屋があったり
A kind mother has a torture chamber in her home
ラップトップサイズに 収まったトーキー
A laptop-sized talkie
バックパックに 突っ込んだ武器
A weapon tucked away in a backpack
君が好き ファンタスティック
I love you, it's fantastic
My mind is like a junkie's
ニヒリストを謳って A5和牛ばっか食べてうめえ
I sing about nihilism while eating only A5 wagyu beef, delicious
キリストを騙って ペテンの名言放って
I pretend to be Christ, spouting deceptive quotes
純粋なカモが泣いて イマジネーションがやばい
Dupe so pure that you cry, your imagination is out of control
Out of control...
Your imagination is out of control
Peekaboo won't make it disappear
A barrage of inequality missiles
逢魔ヶ時に会い 手をつなぎ二人
We meet at the witching hour, holding hands
Escaping the rain of bombs
行くあてなどない 失敗作の二人
We have nowhere to go, we are both failures
We hug each other so tightly that our bodies tear apart
閻魔さまのいうとおり 閻魔さまのいうとおり
As the King of Hell says, as the King of Hell says
ワンテイクな センテンスも 閻魔さまのいうとおり
Even my one-take sentences are as the King of Hell says
閻魔さまのいうとおり 閻魔さまのいうとおり
As the King of Hell says, as the King of Hell says
Is it as the King of Hell says?
地下室で あの子は鬼と
In the basement, she's playing a game with a demon
ゲームをやってた ゲームをやってた
Playing a game, playing a game
Her own news as background music
ジュースを飲んでた ジュースを飲んでた
Drinking juice, drinking juice
教科書通り学んで 頭良い子になって すげえ
Studying diligently by the book, becoming a good student, amazing
校舎の窓を割って 盗んだバイクに乗って
Breaking the school windows, riding a stolen motorcycle
みんなで火を放って イルミネーションが怖い
We all set fires, the illuminations are scary
The illuminations are scary
長い 長い夜が明けない
The long, long night will not end
不幸 望んだAI
Unfortunate AI wish
桃源境を疑い 現実を笑い
Doubting the utopia, laughing at reality
Sharing a twisted joy
学生みたいな恋 欠陥品の二人
Student-like love, we are both defective
We melted together in the twilight sea
閻魔さまのいうとおり 閻魔さまのいうとおり
As the King of Hell says, as the King of Hell says
ナンセンスな ベンジェンスも 閻魔さまのいうとおり
My revenge is nonsense, as the King of Hell says
閻魔さまのいうとおり 閻魔さまのいうとおり
As the King of Hell says, as the King of Hell says
Is it as the King of Hell says?
無罪 有罪 二元論の限界
Innocent or guilty, the limits of duality
痛い 痛いけど外傷はない
It hurts, but there is no external wound
無罪 有罪 断罪して冤罪
Innocent or guilty, condemning and unjust
実際問題 感情さえも支配
In reality, even emotions are controlled
昨日 君と映画を見た
Yesterday, I watched a movie with you
ピカレスクロマン B級の純愛
A picaresque romance, a B-movie pure love
The world of one ends
A movie where a peaceful world continues
もし 君がいなかったら
If you were not here
もし 出会ってなかったら
If we had never met
無知のまま 野垂れ死んでたかなぁ
Perhaps I would have died in ignorance
手の平を伝う つかの間の甘い夢
A short-lived sweet dream flows through my palm
選択を迫る いつかくる平等なジエンド
To be forced to choose, the inevitable equal end
逢魔ヶ時に会い 手をつなぎ二人
We meet at the witching hour, holding hands
Hoping that we will still be alive tomorrow
行くあてなどない 失敗作の二人
We have nowhere to go, we are both failures
We hug each other so tightly that our bodies tear apart
閻魔さまのいうとおり 閻魔さまのいうとおり
As the King of Hell says, as the King of Hell says
ワンテイクな センテンスも 閻魔さまのいうとおり
Even my one-take sentences are as the King of Hell says
閻魔さまのいうとおり 閻魔さまのいうとおり
As the King of Hell says, as the King of Hell says
ナンセンスな ベンジェンスも 閻魔さまのいうとおり
My revenge is nonsense, as the King of Hell says
閻魔さまのいうとおり 閻魔さまのいうとおりなの?
As the King of Hell says, as the King of Hell says, is it?
As the King of Hell says
Let's run away before the ending comes

Авторы: ピノキオピー

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