poggioli - enamorat d'internet - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни poggioli - enamorat d'internet

enamorat d'internet
In Love with the Internet
Realment em vas agradar molt a París
I really liked you a lot in Paris
Però estem tots tan estèticament deprimits
But we're all so aesthetically depressed
Realment em vas agradar molt a París
I really liked you a lot in Paris
Però estem tots tan estèticament deprimits
But we're all so aesthetically depressed
Una casa a la costa costa tant
A house on the coast costs so much
No d'on treure el cash veient el plan
I don't know where to get the cash seeing the plan
Al meu cap he nascut per fer coses grans
In my head, I was born to do great things
Però em passo els dies mirant
But I spend my days watching
Entrevistes, pòdcasts, reaccions
Interviews, podcasts, reactions
De gent que admiro, gent que odio
Of people I admire, people I hate
I a tots els hi va millor que a mi
And they're all doing better than me
Però deixem que opinin
But let them give their opinions
I que pixin fora de test
And let them piss out of the pot
Quan et diguin que no em mereixes
When they tell you that you don't deserve me
I fem a, a, a, a, a, a, a
And we go, a, a, a, a, a, a, a
I fas a, a, a, a, a, a, a
And you go, a, a, a, a, a, a, a
Realment em vas agradar molt, molt a París
I really, really liked you a lot in Paris
Però estem tots tan, estèticament deprimits
But we're all so, aesthetically depressed
Realment em vas agradar molt a París
I really liked you a lot in Paris
Però estem tots tan estèticament deprimits
But we're all so aesthetically depressed
Realment em vas agradar molt a París
I really liked you a lot in Paris
Però estem tots tan estèticament deprimits
But we're all so aesthetically depressed
Realment em vas agradar molt a París
I really liked you a lot in Paris
Però estem tots tan estèticament deprimits
But we're all so aesthetically depressed
Realment em vas agradar molt a París
I really liked you a lot in Paris
Però estem tots tan estèticament deprimits
But we're all so aesthetically depressed
Tots els tkms, jo tambés i t'estimos amb u
All the "tkms", me too and I love you with a "u"
O altres maneres que tenies de dir-me
Or other ways you had of telling me
Jo no t'estimo a tu
I don't love you
Què vols demostrar?
What do you want to prove?
Em caic a trossos quan hi penso
I fall apart when I think about it
Vull viure sempre
I want to live forever
Aquesta és pels bons temps
This is for the good times
Aquesta és pels bons temps
This is for the good times
Pels que no es rendeixen
For those who don't give up
No si ho dius perquè ho creus
I don't know if you say it because you believe it
O perquè creus que ho has de dir
Or because you think you have to say it
No si ho creus perquè ho sents
I don't know if you believe it because you feel it
O perquè ho has sentit
Or because you've heard it
Ara no tinc mai FOMO
Now I never have FOMO
On estàs tu sempre és el millor plan
Wherever you are is always the best plan
M'hi estic deixant la pell
I'm putting my heart and soul into it
Només vull inspirar
I just want to inspire
M'hi estic deixant la pell
I'm putting my heart and soul into it
Només vull inspirar
I just want to inspire
El que vam viure no ens ho treu ningú
What we lived through, no one can take away from us
Tot està planejat, no et rendeixis mai
Everything is planned, never give up
Que cada dia fa menys mal
It hurts less every day
Plorant, rient, ho eres tot per mi
Crying, laughing, you were everything to me
Plorant, rient
Crying, laughing
Plorant, rient, ho eres tot per mi
Crying, laughing, you were everything to me
Plorant, rient ara soc per mi
Crying, laughing, now I'm for myself
Plorant, rient, ho eres tot per mi
Crying, laughing, you were everything to me
Plorant, rient
Crying, laughing
Em vas agradar molt
I liked you a lot

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