pyaniX - Sumpah Sial - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни pyaniX - Sumpah Sial

Sumpah Sial
Cursed Pledge
Kau sumpah sial
You made a cursed pledge
Sangsi dengan aku, takyah rebut
You doubted me, don't bother arguing
Sembang tak betul, nampak sangat kecut
Your words are untrue, you seem very disheartened
Kau sumpah sial
You made a cursed pledge
Sedap, cuma bila tengah kemut
It's nice, but only in the heat of the moment
Cakap lepas dah serupa kentut
What you say afterwards is just like a fart
Kau sumpah sial
You made a cursed pledge
Sangsi dengan aku, takyah rebut
You doubted me, don't bother arguing
Sembang tak betul, nampak sangat kecut
Your words are untrue, you seem very disheartened
Kau sumpah sial
You made a cursed pledge
Sedap, cuma bila tengah kemut
It's nice, but only in the heat of the moment
Cakap lepas dah serupa kentut
What you say afterwards is just like a fart
Kau sumpah sial
You made a cursed pledge
Ye, betul la tu, aku tak pernah deny
Yes, that's true, I never denied it
Negeri mana pergi pun, kau still takde nilai
No matter which country I go to, you're still worthless
Better takyah open, kalau asyik tutup tirai
Better not to open up, if you're always closing the curtains
Rapper acah bruce lee, ayat semua nak kena kitai
Rappers pretending to be Bruce Lee, every line is meant to hit us
Semua benda nak tibai, dah bingai, kau tak boleh fikir?
You want to fight everything, are you deaf, can't you think?
Kumat kamit, kau sekarang dah kena sihir
Muttering, you've been bewitched
Try kalahkan aku, tapi still macam haprak
Try to beat me, but you're still a loser
Aku panas heat press, muka kau kena lanyak
I'm a hot heat press, your face will be flattened
Supa hot faiya, telinga kau terus hangit
Super hot fire, your ears will burn
Takyah nak salam aku, bila aku tengah bangkit
Don't try to greet me, when I'm on the rise
Ma legs still moving, takde teman pengganti
My legs are still moving, no one can replace me
Nak legend macam ramli, bagi aku nyanyi serambi
If you want to be a legend like Ramli, let me sing in the porch
Selagi, aku bernafas, takkan biar aku putus
As long as, I'm breathing, I won't let myself break
Bagi semua takut aku, macam hukum hudud
Make everyone fear me, like the law of hudud
Hunus ayat setajam pisau, even sekarang aku kurus
Unsheathe my words as sharp as a knife, even though I'm thin now
Gemukkan diri, makan mc, sampai semua pupus
Gain weight, eat MCs, until they're all gone
Kau sumpah sial
You made a cursed pledge
Sangsi dengan aku, takyah rebut
You doubted me, don't bother arguing
Sembang tak betul, nampak sangat kecut
Your words are untrue, you seem very disheartened
Kau sumpah sial
You made a cursed pledge
Sedap, cuma bila tengah kemut
It's nice, but only in the heat of the moment
Cakap lepas dah serupa kentut
What you say afterwards is just like a fart
Kau sumpah sial
You made a cursed pledge
Sangsi dengan aku, takyah rebut
You doubted me, don't bother arguing
Sembang tak betul, nampak sangat kecut
Your words are untrue, you seem very disheartened
Kau sumpah sial
You made a cursed pledge
Sedap, cuma bila tengah kemut
It's nice, but only in the heat of the moment
Cakap lepas dah serupa kentut
What you say afterwards is just like a fart
Kau sumpah sial
You made a cursed pledge
Nak tangga kejayaan, kau senang kena pijak
To reach success, you're easy to step on
Kau tak cerdik, apa lagi lah nak bijak
You're not smart, what else could you be but stupid
Takde cekap, cergas, tolong celik,
No skill, no energy, please open your eyes,
Kau semua benda nak malas
You're lazy in everything
Nak senang kena suap, semua benda nak kena alas
You want to be bribed, you need to be padded in everything
Harap maaf, alasan kau, dah takleh nak terima
I hope you're sorry, I can't accept your excuses anymore
Nikmat dah kena tarik, takkan baru nak beriye
The blessings have been taken away, why are you only giving them now?
Nak gembira, tapi kau takleh nak tengok orang happy
You want to be happy, but you can't stand to see others happy
Kalau scene ni moba, mesti aku yang kena carry
If this scene were moba, I'd be the one to carry
Yang memandai-mandai, sah lah lagi bodoh
Those who act smart, are indeed more stupid
Konon kata serasi, fakta takde jodoh
You say you're compatible, but the truth is not
Lyrical cantik, tapi nampak hodoh
Beautiful lyrics, but you look ugly
Ni level mythic, even bukan soloz
This is mythic level, even when not soloed
Slash dalam lagu, panggil abang hanzo
Slash in the song, call me Hanzo
Lagu addict macam drug even bukan pablo
Addictive song like a drug, even when not Pablo
Poser otak weng weng, mesti kuat kanjo
Posers with brains like weewoos, must be strong Kanjo
Crush orang dalam lagu, ini confirm hanco
Crushing on someone in the song, this is definitely Hanco
Biar benar, biar betik,
Let it be true, let it be papaya,
Engkau semak, kena jentik
You're overgrown, you need a flick
Cakap kemain besar, kote kau pun senarnya kecik
You talk big, but your little boat is small
Spit laju sumpah merecik, word aku sumpah hawau
Spitting fast, you're chaotic, my word is fierce
Aku memang melayu tulen, siapa kacau kena santau
I'm a true Malay, whoever messes with me will be cursed
Kau sumpah sial
You made a cursed pledge
Sangsi dengan aku, takyah rebut
You doubted me, don't bother arguing
Sembang tak betul, nampak sangat kecut
Your words are untrue, you seem very disheartened
Kau sumpah sial
You made a cursed pledge
Sedap, cuma bila tengah kemut
It's nice, but only in the heat of the moment
Cakap lepas dah serupa kentut
What you say afterwards is just like a fart
Kau sumpah sial
You made a cursed pledge
Sangsi dengan aku, takyah rebut
You doubted me, don't bother arguing
Sembang tak betul, nampak sangat kecut
Your words are untrue, you seem very disheartened
Kau sumpah sial
You made a cursed pledge
Sedap, cuma bila tengah kemut
It's nice, but only in the heat of the moment
Cakap lepas dah serupa kentut
What you say afterwards is just like a fart
Kau sumpah sial
You made a cursed pledge

Авторы: Ahmad Sufyan

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