san mattia feat. Blarney & O'Samp - zitig - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский san mattia feat. Blarney & O'Samp - zitig

I füehle mi bad weg der Zitig
I feel bad because of the newspaper
Und i bi no nid emau ganz i der Mitti
And I'm not even halfway through it
Und ds amne Friti, i bi ja scho ganz zittrig
And it's Friday, I'm already shaking
I schlücke iz e Xanny, ds isch ize scho di dritti
I'm swallowing a Xanax, this is already the third one
Aus passiert so schnäu, yeah, aus passiert so schnäu
It happens so fast, yeah, it happens so fast
Aus passiert so schnäu, yeah, aus passiert so schnäu
It happens so fast, yeah, it happens so fast
Aus passiert so schnäu
It happens so fast
Aus passiert so schnäu, yeah, aus passiert so schnäu
It happens so fast, yeah, it happens so fast
I füehle mi mies (Mies), und du füeusch di mies (Ohh)
I feel lousy (Lousy), and you feel lousy (Ohh)
Aues isch so fies! S isch haut nidso dis (Nidso dis)
Everything is so nasty! It's not like this today (Not like this)
Aui wette glücklech si i dere Generation
Everyone wants to be happy in this generation
Und drum lidet jedi Seele iz unger Depression
And that's why every soul now suffers from depression
Aui wei e Biss vo der fiktive Avocado ha
Everyone wants a bite of the fictional avocado
So wi aui Models, Sportler, Schouspiler uf Instagram
Like all the models, athletes, actors on Instagram
Villi säge zwar di Avocado isch gar nid so fein
Many say the avocado is not even that tasty
Doch probiere geit über studiere, bruh, versteisch?
But trying is more important than studying, bruh, you know?
I bi nid so hübsch wi und die het viu meh Gäud
I'm not as pretty as him and she has much more money
Si wohne i Villene und ig im Vergliich im Zäut
They live in villas and I, in comparison, in a tent
De dert het vom rappe Cars u het nimau Talent
That guy over there has cars from rapping and has no talent
U de hett no viu meh Gäud und isch dank dem Präsident (Bruh)
And that one has even more money and is president because of it (Bruh)
Uuuh, Klimawandu wettis aui töte
Uuuh, climate change wants to kill us all
Uuuh, Terroriste wei üs aui höchneh (Pummm)
Uuuh, terrorists want to blow us all up (Pummm)
5G figgt is d Hirni und nach 6g hett me Chräbs (Brr)
5G is messing with our brains and after 6g you get cancer (Brr)
Eigentlech es Wunder ds i überhoupt no läb (Häää?)
It's actually a miracle that I'm still alive (Häää?)
I füehle mi bad weg der Zitig
I feel bad because of the newspaper
Und i bi no nid emau ganz i der Mitti
And I'm not even halfway through it
Und ds amne Friti, i bi ja scho ganz zittrig
And it's Friday, I'm already shaking
I schlücke iz e Xanny, ds isch ize scho di dritti
I'm swallowing a Xanax, this is already the third one
I füehle mi bad wäg der Zitig, hoffe Bonie bringt ds ganze ine viu besseri Richtig
I feel bad because of the newspaper, hope Bonie puts it all in a much better direction
I füehle mi bad wäg der Zitig und i lise nimau Zitig, nei i finde ds ni wichtig
I feel bad because of the newspaper and I never read the newspaper, no I don't find it important
Wöu i flexes haut uf Watson damit ig öppis z talke ha
Because I flex today on Watson so I have something to talk about
Wöu wenni ni cha talke füehli mi alone, bruh
Because when I can't talk I feel alone, bruh
Kämpfe für d Umwäut u due aui andre flame
Fight for the environment and flame everyone else
Ner geits uf Zalando, bsteue Shit und dues zrügsende
Go to Zalando, order shit and send it back
Schribe mini Texte uf franz doch niemer versteit se
Writing my texts in French but nobody understands them
Au mini Kollege so: "Chasch ds please übersetze?"
Even my friends are like, "Can you please translate that?"
Sit 7 Jahre heimer Franz u dir chöit gliich nur "Oui"
We've had French for 7 years and all you can say is "Oui"
Dir heit es fetts Problem oder ligts ar Frou Fläschli?
You have a big problem or is it the lady's bottle?
I füehle mi bad weg der Zitig
I feel bad because of the newspaper
Und i bi no nid emau ganz i der Mitti
And I'm not even halfway through it
Und ds amne Friti, i bi ja scho ganz zittrig
And it's Friday, I'm already shaking
I schlücke iz e Xanny, ds isch ize scho di dritti (Oder scho di vierti?)
I'm swallowing a Xanax, this is already the third one (Or is it the fourth?)
Wenni öppis gseh im Internet de gloubis instant
When I see something on the Internet, I instantly believe it
Verzeue ner di Stories mit Spice wi Nudle vom Inder
I consume the stories with spice like noodles from the Indian
Mini Ufgab ischs z Verbreite vo sicher richtige News
My job is to spread definitely correct news
Au di Theorie mache mini Sichtwiis difus
Even the theories make my view diffuse
Flexe uf Instagram mit mim OG Gucci Bag
Flex on Instagram with my OG Gucci Bag
Ja de Tag i Biuder si denke s isch fake u s macht mi mad
Yeah, in the pictures they think it's fake and it makes me mad
I ha meh Wärt wöu mini Markechleider tüürer si
I have more value because my branded clothes are more expensive
Di Wärtschetzig vo de Lüt und Likes stüre mi
The people's valuation and likes bother me
D Erlüchtig hani gha nach dene Videos
I had the enlightenment after these videos
Zersch skeptisch u ner cheggis! Was isch nur mit dere Schibe los?
At first skeptical and now I'm checking it out! What's up with that disc?
D Erde isch flacher aus mini Witze, i muess los
The earth is flatter than my jokes, gotta go
Nenn mi Wisseschaftler, mi IQ isch so gross
Call me a scientist, my IQ is so high
I füehle mi bad weg der Zitig
I feel bad because of the newspaper
Und i bi no nid emau ganz i der Mitti
And I'm not even halfway through it
Und ds amne Friti, i bi ja scho ganz zittrig
And it's Friday, I'm already shaking
I schlücke iz e Xanny, ds isch... Ke Ahnig di wiviuti, bruh!
I'm swallowing a Xanax, this is... No idea what number, bruh!
I füehle mi bad weg der Zitig
I feel bad because of the newspaper
Und i bi no nid emau ganz i der Mitti
And I'm not even halfway through it
Und ds amne Friti, i bi ja scho ganz zittrig
And it's Friday, I'm already shaking
I schlücke iz e Xanny, ds isch ize sch... (Erbrech)
I'm swallowing a Xanax, this is a... (vomits)

Авторы: Dan Mueri

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