school food punishment - after laughter - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни school food punishment - after laughter

after laughter
after laughter
そっと手を叩いてみたら 全ての謎が解けてる そんな夢を見た
I claped gently and then the mystery was over. I had that kind of a dream.
現実はうまくいかない わかりすぎるほどわかってる 世界中が知ってる
Reality acts up. I understand more than enough. The whole world knows about it.
風の朝に 思い切って身を任せた
On a windy morning, I recklessly threw myself upon the world,
君が それでいいと笑っていた 呼吸は羽になった
You were laughing as if it was all OK. My breath became wings.
明日は来ると 雨のち晴れだと
Tomorrow will come. It's sunny after the rain.
簡単に信じられないって 睫を伏せて 雨雲を増やしていた それでも
It's hard to buy it so easily. As I cast down my eyelashes, I was increasing the rain clouds, but still
明日を呼ぼうと 晴れのち晴れだと
I tried to call out to tomorrow. It's sunny after sunny.
簡単に雲 払ってしまう 君の横顔 みとれるほど 眩しい未来
You dispel the clouds so easily. Your profile is so dazzling that I'm captivated by it—such a dazzling future.
あぁ 世界は変わる
Oh, the world is changing.
ずっと目を凝らしていた 君が見ている世界がどんな色か知りたくて
I'd been concentrating hard. I wanted to know about the world you see. What color was it?
今なら信じられる 君が信じてくれた自分のこと 暗い夜でも
Now I can believe it. You believed the things about me that I believed. Even on dark nights.
君を追う日々に 終わりが来ても 見えない手 繋いでいられるように
Even if the day comes when I have to stop following you, I'll hold onto the invisible hand.
君の光 宿して 新しい朝が来る 今日も世界は続く
New mornings will come when we make your light our shelter. The world will continue on even today.
明日の向こう 二人で覗いた 気付けば笑顔 似てきてる
The two of us peered into the world that is beyond tomorrow. As I noticed it, our smiles were starting to resemble each other.
街のどこかで奇跡が起きてる 隣でただ笑っている 君の横顔
Somewhere in the city, a miracle is happening. Next to me, you're just laughing. Your profile.
魔法よりも確かな手を 繋いだなら
Once we join hands, that will be something that's more certain than magic.
明日は来ると 雨のち晴れだと
Tomorrow will come, sunny after the rain.
簡単に信じられないって 睫を伏せて 雨雲を増やしていた もう さよなら
I can't buy it so easily. As I cast down my eyelashes and was increasing the rain clouds, It's goodbye now.
明日を呼ぼうと 晴れのち晴れだと
I tried to call out to tomorrow. It's sunny after sunny.
簡単に雲 払ってしまう 君の横顔 みとれるほど 眩しい未来
You dispel the clouds so easily. Your profile is so dazzling that I'm captivated by it—such a dazzling future.
あぁ 世界は変わる きっと変われる
Oh, the world is changing. Surely it can.

Авторы: 内村 友美, 内村 友美

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