tophamhatkyo - Princess♂ - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни tophamhatkyo - Princess♂

Ah shit 好きな時に好きな事を好きなだけしたい
Ah, shit, I like to do what I want, when I want, as much as I want.
This momentary energy won't be indigestion.
二度とない Emotion 気取ってえばって猛勝負
Emotion that you'll never have again. A show-off, hot-blooded, intense battle.
VS Myself アイディア直火焙煎
VS Myself: An idea roasted over a direct flame.
奔放と言うべきか 自由気まま それもそうだ
Should I call it unruliness or free-spiritedness? That's right.
自分勝手 正にそうで 首輪なんて食い千切って
Selfish, exactly. I'll bite the leash and tear it to pieces.
だらだら涎たらし マイクしゃぶり Shout it out! Loud out!
Drooling saliva, I'll grab the mic and shout it out! Yell it out!
あ~楽しい 迸れば待ったなし
Ah, it's fun. Once it starts, there's no stopping it.
それ故に周りはあたふた お転婆少女エキスペロリしたみたいな
That's why everyone around me is in a tizzy, like a naughty little girl who's messed around too much.
Tough Busta Just a adjust アーイ
A tough Busta. Just adjust. Aye!
これが俺 It's me 踊れ With beat そんじょそこらで止まれないさかい
This is me. It's me. Dance with the beat. I can't stop here.
Underground mental hoe
An underground mental hoe.
Tickle your heart, Fish up いと上手
Tickle your heart. I'm quite good at fishing you up.
Tease, I gotta dip
Tease, I gotta dip.
八方美人のお姫様 コミュニティの輪を乱す
An eight-faced, beautiful princess, disturbing the harmony of the community.
人畜無害な面したサイコパス It's me
A psychopath with a harmless face. It's me.
あぁし 関わったクルーほとんど息してないあがら
Aa shi, most of the crews I've been involved with are barely breathing.
挙句の果てトラブル 魔性のブランド
In the end, trouble. A devilish brand.
噂と悲鳴止まない 周り衝突させがち まるでオタサーの姫
The rumors and screams won't stop. I tend to make people clash with each other, just like the princess of an otaku group.
直接の要因が俺になくても その素養があるに変わりない
Even if I'm not the direct cause, I have the potential for it.
才能をエサに釣る悪童 予測不能のアクションでかき乱しちゃう
A wicked child who uses talent as bait, unsettling everyone with unpredictable actions.
上辺の愛に飽いた コントロールしようとしないで
I'm tired of superficial love. Don't try to control me.
操り人形じゃねえぞ 天使と悪魔の羽根を持つ
I'm not a puppet. I have the wings of an angel and a devil.
I can fly 高く舞い足掻く毎時毎秒
I can fly. I soar high and struggle every second of every minute.
My life is strange 暴れる Groovy train
My life is strange. A wild, groovy train.
Underground mental hoe
An underground mental hoe.
Tickle your heart, Fish up いと上手
Tickle your heart. I'm quite good at fishing you up.
Tease, I gotta dip
Tease, I gotta dip.
八方美人のお姫様 コミュニティの輪を乱す
An eight-faced, beautiful princess, disturbing the harmony of the community.
人畜無害な面したサイコパス It's me
A psychopath with a harmless face. It's me.
A princess without a secret is a fake.
Tearing apart groups is the height of stupidity.
A drooling, insatiable idol.
ぐぅぐぅ眠ってる魔性がまた Growl
My devilish nature is still growling inside me.
君の目と耳誘うヒップの質 息かかる距離まで惹きつけるデビル嬢
I'm a devilish girl who enchants your eyes and ears with my hip movements. I'll draw you in close enough to feel my breath.
なぁ一発やらせろよ 誰よりもやべー世界観で快感生んであっかんべー
Come on, let me do it. I'll create a world of extreme pleasure, crazier than anyone else's.
Mr.mischief 脳内 Illmatic shit 鳴り止まずやりまくる
Mr. Mischief. Illmatic shit in my brain, constantly going off, making me do it over and over again.
The number of songs I've traced from my delusions is outrageous and vicious.
感覚が爆発 侃侃諤諤 はふはふはふ 熱は冷まさず
My senses are exploding. I'm getting all heated up, panting, and I'm not cooling down.
ホットな内に入り込むテクニック あどけなくも大人びた手口
I use my techniques to get inside you when it's hot. I'm both innocent and mature.
隙あらば隙みせて好きにさせる It's me 偽りのPrincess
I'll show you my weakness and let you do what you want. It's me, the fake princess.

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