tophamhatkyo - その後の心 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни tophamhatkyo - その後の心

After the Heart
突然のことで さぞ驚かれたでしょう
Your sudden departure must have been a shock.
電脳でのブレーカー落とし真っ暗 ひっくり返したオモテ裏
You'd pull the plug on the internet, leaving everyone in the dark, flipping the world upside down.
αからβetter へ以降した世界線の行方
From alpha to beta, the timeline shifted.
The familiar glow of your avatar has been gone for months now.
その後の心 変わりない元気 そんな目はねえな
My heart hasn't changed, still as strong as ever, but my eyes don't meet yours anymore.
ミーハーな好奇 ヘラヘラ声 勘ぐってるだけかな 嫌になっちゃう
The nosy curiosity, the giggling voices, the judgmental stares - I'm sick of it all.
透けてる思考 食い物にされそう それこそ大海のニモ
My thoughts are transparent, I feel like prey to these vultures.
But I appreciate the genuine concern from "Hashi" and "kokorobeats," two souls who deserve a toast.
忘れら去られた頃 黒ずんだアイオライト
As time passes, I'm like a forgotten, tarnished iolite.
空っぽの頭を Swing したところで何もないよ
My mind is empty, swinging through it won't change anything.
じっと窓辺に佇んで今日も 明くる日の自分へ渡すバトン
Standing still by the window, I watch the days go by, passing the baton to my future self.
A century, optimistically speaking.
人によっては短いだろうが 今の俺からすれば拷問さ
For some, that may seem short, but for me, it's torture.
くそだりぃ この先 一体何を目指して生きればいいの?
Fuck it all, what's the point of living anymore?
Oh, please tell me, my dear, I don't have the faith to pray to any higher power.
青い春の延長線上 答えの欠片もない
Trapped in an endless loop, with no answers in sight.
どこほっつき歩こうが 迷子の黒猫の後追おうが
No matter where I wander, following the lost black cat,
逃避行しようが 何をしようが
No matter how far I run, or what I do,
振り解こうとする程 絡み付く言葉はね
The more I try to break free, the tighter the words bind me.
They say it's a step towards the future,
So I'll embrace it with the grace of a mother.
お利口さんのふりして 大人しいままじゃ駄目
Playing the good boy, keeping quiet, won't cut it anymore.
遠慮控えめなんてのは BAD! BAD!
Hesitation and restraint are a big fat BAD!
父のような逞しさで抱きしめてあげよう その後の心
With the strength of a father, I'll hold you close, my dear heart.
もう音楽自体 好きじゃないかもって思い込んだ日々
For a while, I thought I had fallen out of love with music.
あったけど声をあげる度 ラップが好きなんだなって実感するんだ
But every time I open my mouth, I realize that rap is my passion.
I've trimmed the unnecessary rhymes, making my verses lean.
ドヤ顔ダジャレ Microphone よりメロディアスなバースにぞっこん
I'd rather have dope dad jokes than melodic bars that sound like a broken cassette.
I don't play any instruments, I've never had any formal training, but I can spin a melody with my own hands,
壮大なスケールの鼻歌を諳んじ 気付けばご覧に入れられるレベル
A grand symphony that I hum to myself, until I can share it with the world.
THH-K はたまた A to da O いくつも名前があるせいか
I've gone by many names, THH-K, A to da O, but somehow, I've lost track of who I really am.
The more I try to break free, the tighter the words bind me.
振り解こうとする程 絡み付く言葉はね
They say it's a step towards the future,
So I'll embrace it with the grace of a mother.
Playing the good boy, keeping quiet, won't cut it anymore.
お利口さんのふりして 大人しいままじゃ駄目
Hesitation and restraint are a big fat BAD!
遠慮控えめなんてのは BAD! BAD!
With the strength of a father, I'll hold you close, my dear heart.
父のような逞しさで抱きしめてあげよう その後の心
Get going, the fire next door, a dazzling inferno,
Get go 対岸の火事 ならぬ 眩い華事
Bound in a narrow world, an information overload,
雁字搦めの狭い界隈 情報渋滞
Artists in neighboring towns are balling, while I'm stuck here, still getting over.
距離感的に隣街の同業者は今日も Gettin' over
We set sail, changing course, with no clear destination,
境は面舵取舵 繰り返し 無地の帆をはためかせ
Hand in hand, we make money or die trying.
手繋いで Make money 出来なきゃ Die or 諂え
How long will it take you to see it? The meaningful glances, the hidden agendas.
いつまで 気付かねぇ どこかしこ意味深な目配せ
There's so much I don't want to know, but I have to.
知りたくない事があり過ぎる それでも知らなきゃいけない
My narrow mind can't handle it all, so I pretend to be gracious.
I'm a hypocrite, stuck in my old ways, refusing to grow.
図々しく居座って 誰にも気付かれず 脳死みたいな生命維持
Unnoticed, I cling to the present, my mind slipping away.
I'd rather hear honest criticism than empty praise,
Like a bittersweet message that sparks my thoughts.
I know that attachments are a burden, but I can't seem to let go.
だがこのまま朽ち逝くなど有り得ない だからまた掴んだ Microphone
I won't fade away, so I grab the microphone once more.
振り解こうとする程 絡み付く言葉はね
The more I try to break free, the tighter the words bind me.
They say it's a step towards the future,
So I'll embrace it with the grace of a mother.
お利口さんのふりして 大人しいままじゃ駄目
Playing the good boy, keeping quiet, won't cut it anymore.
遠慮控えめなんてのは BAD! BAD!
Hesitation and restraint are a big fat BAD!
父のような逞しさで抱きしめてあげよう その後の心
With the strength of a father, I'll hold you close, my dear heart.

Авторы: トップハムハット狂, トップハムハット狂

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