traian - MIT - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни traian - MIT

Nu umblu cu groupie, ci destepte, MIT
I don't hang out with groupies, just smart girls, MIT
Am cele mai multe killuri din satra sunt MVP
I have the most kills in the game, I'm the MVP
Ingeri langa mine, ii vad fara DMT
Angels are around me, I see them without DMT
Sunt deja ce vreau tu inca esti un wanna be
I'm already what I want to be, you're still a wannabe
Nu umblu cu groupie, ci destepte, MIT
I don't hang out with groupies, just smart girls, MIT
Am cele mai multe killuri din satra sunt MVP
I have the most kills in the game, I'm the MVP
Ingeri langa mine, ii vad fara DMT
Angels are around me, I see them without DMT
Sunt deja ce vreau tu inca esti un wanna be
I'm already what I want to be, you're still a wannabe
Nu ma ating de nicio fata fara doctorat
I don't touch any girl without a doctorate
Nu vorbesc daca nu ai IQ de invidiat
I don't talk if you don't have an IQ to envy
Cambdrige Stanford Oxford Harvard
Cambridge, Stanford, Oxford, Harvard
Imi place sa pun boba-n Wockhardt
I like to put boba in Wockhardt
Se uita ca la TV, spune-mi HBO
She watches like TV, call me HBO
Asta deja s-a udat ii zic H2O
This one is already wet, I call her H2O
Nu-s fratele tau, taci, nu ma lua cu bro
I'm not your brother, shut up, don't call me bro
Ma amuza inferiorii, LMAO
My inferiors amuse me, LMAO
Mereu fac albume cand psihiatrul e în concediu
I always make albums when the psychiatrist is on vacation
M-am abtinut si n-am taiat pe nimeni, da-mi un premiu
I held back and didn't cut anyone, give me an award
De ce esti anxios, vad ca ai schimbat subiectul
Why are you anxious, I see you changed the subject
Nu te apropria de mine, ca-si face efectul
Don't get close to me, it's taking effect
Tot ce fac e sa ascult de vocea din cap
All I do is listen to the voice in my head
Aia e, s-a intamplat, nu pot sa scap
That's it, it happened, I can't escape
Daca vrei sa fii cu mine, ia, fi si tu asa
If you want to be with me, take it, be like me
M-am nascut nebun, de-aia sunt genial
I was born crazy, that's why I'm brilliant
Nu umblu cu groupie, ci destepte, MIT
I don't hang out with groupies, just smart girls, MIT
Am cele mai multe killuri din satra sunt MVP
I have the most kills in the game, I'm the MVP
Ingeri langa mine, ii vad fara DMT
Angels are around me, I see them without DMT
Sunt deja ce vreau tu inca esti un wanna be
I'm already what I want to be, you're still a wannabe
Nu umblu cu groupie, ci destepte, MIT
I don't hang out with groupies, just smart girls, MIT
Am cele mai multe killuri din satra sunt MVP
I have the most kills in the game, I'm the MVP
Ingeri langa mine, ii vad fara DMT
Angels are around me, I see them without DMT
Sunt deja ce vreau tu inca esti un wanna be
I'm already what I want to be, you're still a wannabe

Авторы: Xraian Talent

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